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Ics 2200 Question Paper

Ics 2200 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science

Institution: Dedan Kimathi University Of Technology question papers

Exam Year:2011

Answer question one and any other two questions.
QUESTION ONE( 30marks)
a) (i)Name and explain two factors that affect resistance of a resistor. (4marks)
(ii)A circuit comprises of a 8µF capacitor in parallel with a 4 µF. A 16 µF capacitor is
in series with this group .Calculate the total energy stored by the system if it is
connected across 12V d.c. (3marks)
b) ( i)Name the two basic type of BJT transistors .Draw their symbols and label the
terminal. (2marks)
(ii) What is the main difference between the two types of transistors. (1marks)
c) Explain the following terms as used in electronics. (3marks)
i) p-type semi- conductor
ii) Q- factor
iii) depletion layer
d) Explain the term negative feedback and state the advantage of using it in a OP AMP.
(2 marks)
e) Describe the principal of operation of the following diodes, give their electric symbol
and the main application of each. (8marks)
i). Photo diode
ii). Laser diode
iii). Schotkydoide
iv). Tunnel diode
f) Describe the two effects responsible for junction breakdown under increase reverse
voltage. (4marks)
g) An 120µF capacitor is connected in series with a 60? resistor to an A.C. of 50Hz ,
calculate the impendence in the circuit . (3marks)
a) State three main properties of an OP-AMP. (3 marks)
b) Describe the OP-AMP as a integrator. (6 marks)
c) Design an inverting amplifier to have a voltage gain 60db, a closed loop band width of
6kHz and an input resistance of 12k? . ( 4marks)
d) Two signals V1= 60 sin(? t) and V2=120 cos(? t) are fed into one circuit .Determine
the representation of the superposed signal. (4marks).
e) A FM radio station is transmitted at 102.5 MHz Determine the wavelength of the FM
station. (3 marks) QUESTION THREE(20 marks)
a) Define the following terms as used in a.c . (2 marks)
i). velocity
ii). angular frequency
iii). cut off frequency
iv). refraction
b) An a.c is represented as V = 240 sin( 120pt). Determine
i). the peak value ( 1 mark)
ii). the frequency and the period of the current (3 marks)
iii). the value of the voltage at t= 2.5 seconds ( 2 marks)
c) A coil of resistance 50 ? and inductance 0.4 H is in series with a 120µF capacitor
connected to 50V variable frequency supply. Calculate
i). the circuit resonance frequency. (3 marks)
ii). the voltage across the capacitor. ( 3 marks)
iii). the Q- factor (2 marks)
d) Sketch and label a graph of current, resistance, capacitive reactance, inductive
reactance and impedance against frequency for an acceptor circuit at resonance.
(4 marks)
a) For a BJT transistor connected in the common emitter configuration, sketch the
typical transfer characteristic and explain the shape of the characteristics.
(8 marks)
b) A bipolar transistor has a common –emitter current d.c gain of 120 .If the transistor
operates with a collector current of 80 mA, determine
i). the base current (2marks)
ii). the emitter current (3marks)
c) A field effect transistor operates with a drain current of 80 milliamps and a gate source
bias of -1.5.The device has a value of 0.15.If the base voltage decreases to -0.5,
i). the change in drain current. (3 marks)
ii). the new value of the drain current. (2marks)
d) State two applications of a FET transistor. ( 2marks)
a) Draw and explain the forward bias and reverse bias junction characteristic of a p-n
junction. (6mks)
b) Explain how a Zener diode is used as a voltage regulator. (6mks)
c) Draw the four diode network rectifier circuit and describe the power rectification
process including input and o

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