Nrsg 111: Community Health Nursing I  Question Paper

Nrsg 111: Community Health Nursing I  


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2015




Answer all questions in the answer booklet provided.

PART A (MCQs 20 Marks)

Question One

Community health nursing

Focuses on nursing services to individuals and families
Focuses on nursing services to the population as a whole
Focuses on nursing services to groups and organizations
Focuses on nursing services to individual families and groups

Question Two

The major goal of the community health nurse is;

Provide health promotion and disease prevention
Provide health education and teaching services
Provide primary health care
Provide knowledge, skill and methods of public health services.

Question Three

When applying the nursing process to the environmental health, the nurse would:

Conduct an assessment focused on the client’s presenting problem
Coordinate interventions with the primary care provider of record
Examine criteria that are limited to the clients immediate response
Include outcome measures that involve mitigation and elimination of the contributing factors.

Question Four

An example of secondary prevention of infectious disease is:

Malaria chemoprophylaxis
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia chemoprophylaxis for people with AIDs
Restrant inspections

Question Five

The dynamic interactive elements contained within the epidemiological triangle are;

Climate, living conditions and economic level
Age, lifestyle habits and environment
Agent, host and environment
Person, environment, and lifestyle habits

Question Six

The health care activities that are representing primary prevention include;

Getting immunized and practicing safe sex
Quitting smoking
Avoiding alcohol and using drugs
Starting an exercise and height reduction program.

Question Seven

It is combined with the study of factors that influence the occurrence and distribution of diseases, defects, disability or death which occurs in groups or aggregations of individuals

Vital statistics
Health statistics

Question Eight

The micro-organism monitored in cases of contaminated water is;

Vibrio cholera
Escherichia coli
Entamoeba Histolytica
Coliform Test

Question Nine

The health status is greatly affected and determined by which of the following:

Behavioural factors
Socio-economical factors
Political factors
Psychological factors

Question Ten

Health education;

Helps people attain their health through the nurses role efforts
Should not be flexible
Is a fast and mushroom like process
Is a slow and continuous process

Question Eleven

Meeting basic goal of health promotion is;

No illness
Absence of diseases

Question Twelve

The habitual presence of a disease or infectious agent within a given geographical area is


Question Thirteen

Infectious diseases transmitted directly from one person to another is termed

A susceptible host
A communicable disease
A portal of entry to a host
A portal of exit from the reservoir

Question Fourteen

An absolute contraindication for pediatric immunization includes;

Anaphylactic reaction to previous immunization
Respiratory illness with low grade lever
Soreness, redness and itching at the previous injection site
A febrile seizure onemonth after the previous injection of vaccines

Question Fifteen

The following is a clinical manifestation, which is associated with the excitement state, or a client who has become infected with rabies

Running nose
Muscle spasms

Question Sixteen

Indicate whether the following statements are true or false about communicable diseases

Zoonotic diseases are diseases that humans acquire from ZOO animals
Soil can contain the spores that cause botulism, gas gangrene and tetanus
Influenza is an example of a contagious disease
Chlamydial genital infections and gonorrhea are common notifiable infectious STI disease
All infectious disease are also communicable diseases

Question Seventeen

Match the statements in Column A with the corresponding disease cluster in Column B.
Column A Column B
1. Diseases always present in a population a. communicable diseases
2. Diseases transmitted from person to person b. endemic diseases
3. Diseases that occur only occasionally in a c. Epidemic diseases

Particular to person
4. Because large numbers of cases of AIDs malaria d. Pandemic diseases

And tuberculosis are presently occurring in many

Different countries

5. Diseases with unusually high numbers of cases that e. Sporadic diseases
Often occur in one particular area. f. Zoonotic diseases

PART B: SAQ (40 marks)

Question One
Define the following (3 marks)

Community Health Nursing
Environmental health
Health education

Question Two
Differentiate between the following (6 marks)

Incidence rate and prevalence rate
Biological hazard and chemical hazard
Census and surveys

Question Three
State four determinants of community (4 marks)

Question Four
State four clinical features of tuberculosis (4 marks)

Question Five
Explain three preventive measures taken in Trematode infectious preventions. (6 marks)

Question Six
State three basic functions of public health (3 marks)

Question Seven
Explain four sources of air pollution. (4 marks)

Question Eight
Describe five principles of epidemiology. (5 marks)

Question Nine
State three reasons for the need of information about population by the community health worker. (3 marks)

Question Ten
State two principles that govern Community Health Nursing (CHN) (2 marks)

PART C (40 Marks)

Question One
The health of a population is defined by various groups of people and the demand for health is increasing. Discuss five factors that affect the health of a population. (20 marks)

Question Two

Describe various preventive measures to be put in place to curb the spread of the following communicable diseases.


(5 marks)


(5 marks)


(5 marks)


(5 marks)

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