Dicm 333 : Community Paper 2 Question Paper
Dicm 333 : Community Paper 2
Course:Clinical Medicine
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2015
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Question One
Community diagnoses are based on
Community assessment process
The intuition of the skilled clinical officer
Single method without bias
Court records.
Question Two
What is the role of media advocacy?
To apply pressure to legislators and other policy makers.
To keep community problems within the community.
To minimize legal problems.
To emphasize individual health behavior.
Question Three
In which of the following circumstances would prevalence rates useful
When allocating resources.
When determining a conditions date of asset.
When responding to a disaster
When extrapolating data from national statistics to apply locally.
Question Four
What strategic activity influence health policies
Disturbing facts
Staying independent of mass action
Ignoring elected officials aid bureaucracies
Question Five
Steps involved in environment risk assessment
Determine which exposures are currently experience or are anticipated
Characterize the risks of estimating the incidence of the adverse effect in a given population
Identify the hazard to determine if the agent causes the adverse effect
Assess the relationship between the dose and the incidence.
Question Six
Some cases of liver cancer can be associated with workers on the following materials:
Vinyl chloride
Question Seven
What factors among the following can influence food choice
Convenience foods
Lack of exercise
Distance from grocery store
Mortality statistics
Question Eight
What cognitive factor is important to patients’ health promoting behaviour?
Access to care
Question Nine
A barrier in health education theory:
Is what prevents a patient gum achieving a health-enhancing behaviour
A patient’s conviction of self-efficiency
Belief on the health workers part that a patient should do it right or not at all
Is a focus on disease prevention?
Question Ten
Infectious disease transmitted by intestinal discharge includes:
Yellow fever
Hepatitis C
Question Eleven
Involving abused drugs:
Cocaine is a stimulant
Opiates are not addictive
Hallucinogens are not abused
Some abused drugs can cause sedative behaviour
Question Twelve
In disaster triage
Primary triage occur in the field
The point of entry into medical facility is not important
Occurs in the specified area where the patient is taken
Occurs at the staging area.
Question Thirteen
Deficiency of vitamin A result in
Abnormal growth
Night blindness
Pernicious anaemia
Question Fourteen
Contra-indications of natural family planning include
Clients who have irregular menses
Partners who stay far apart
Patients with urinary tract infectious
Clients on regular menses
Question Fifteen
The following are some of the methods of water purification on a small scale:
Three pot system
Use of ultraviolent rays
Use of chlorine
Question Sixteen
Births in a year x 100 divided by
Total population of women aged 15-49 years in the year
The above measure is called?
Child-women ratio
Total fertility rate
Crude birth rate
Clement fertility rate.
Question Seventeen
Primary prevention of a disease may involve:
Antibiotic therapy to a patient with pneumonia
Long term therapy to patient with leprosy
Health education to persuade people with early signs of tuberculosis to come for examination
Observing personal and food hygiene.
Question Eighteen
For a chronic disease:
The prevalence of the disease in the population will increase relative to the incidence
The prevalence of the disease will decrease relative to the incidence
Prevalence of the disease remain constant
None of the above
Question Nineteen
Screening for a disease:
Is a method of secondary prevention
It deals with need rather than demand for health services
It prevents the onset of the disease
Is most effective for diseases which are treable.
Question Twenty
Age structure of the population is determined by:
Prevalence of contraceptive use
Crude birth rate
Crude death rate
Sex ratio at birth.
Question Twenty One
The term fertility may signify:
The crude birth rate
Reproductive potential of both males and females
The production potential of females only the actual production of the births
Question Twenty Two
Maternity is undertaken in case control studies so that:
The influence of variables matched may be studied
Confounding factors are taken care of
To reduce cost of the study
Hypothesis can be tested.
Question Twenty Three
Determinants of family size include:
Age at first marriage
Voluntary infecundity
Coital frequency
Pronatalist policies
Question Twenty Four
The following are probability sampling technique:
Convenience sampling
Sample random sampling
Equity sampling
Cluster sampling
Question Twenty Five
The following are measures of mortality:
Incidence density
Attack rate
Crude death rate
Five year survival rate.
Question Twenty Six
Methods of surveillance data collection include:
Enumeration of events
Physical examination
House surveys
Population census.
Question Twenty Seven
For a communicable disease
Reservoir is always a living thing
Escape level of the agent provides the most effective level to target preventive interventions
Virulence of the agent does not influence the outcome of the agent-host interaction
Indirect transmission can be through on intermediate host.
Question Twenty Eight
About population growth curves:
In stage III, birth rate and death rates are low
In stage fertility rate is still high
Stage II is also called incipient decline stage
In stage I and III there is equilibrium.
Question Twenty Nine
The predictive value of screening test is affected by changes in:
Sensitivity of the screening test
The specificity of the screening test
The frequency of the disease
None of the above.
Question Thirty
A good screening test should have the following characteristics except:
Is valid
Is simple
It gives quick results
Is cheap and acceptable.
Question Thirty One
The following are true about epidemic:
A disease that has low rate of occurrence but is consistently present in the community
On attach rate in excess of 10 per 1000 population
Annual case rate of 1000 per 100,000 population
There is continuous transmission of the disease in an area.
Question Thirty Two
In experimental study:
The study and control groups are always equal in size
The study is retrospective
The study and control groups are always comparable with respect to al other factors
The investigator determines who shall be expoled to the factor and who will not.
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