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Bbm 205: Management Information Systems Question Paper

Bbm 205: Management Information Systems 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Kibabii University question papers

Exam Year:2013

DATE: 19th August 2013 TIME: 9.00am – Noon
Answer question one and any other two questions only.
Question one carries 30 marks and the other questions carry 20 marks each

Question One (30 Marks)
a) Define the following terms as used in Information Systems (4Marks)
i) Computer
ii) Computer Program
iii) Data
iv) Information
b) Compare and contrast the emerging digital firm with the traditional firm (5 Marks)
c) Using an appropriate diagram, outline the functions of an Information System
(6 Marks)
d) Outline the importance and role of Information Systems in today’s business environment
(4 marks)
i) Explain what exactly is an information system? (2 Marks)
ii) What do managers need to know about information systems? (4 Marks)
iii) Outline the major management challenges to building and using information systems
(5 Marks)
Question Two (20 Marks)
a) Data management is a fundamental component of an information system. Define each of
the following terms as used in data management; (4 Marks)
a. Database
b. Database management systems
c. Data Warehousing
d. Data Mining
b) Outline six advantages that implementation of a database in an organization will bring
forth (6 Marks)
c) Describe any four types of database models that can be implemented by an organization
to work with its Information System (6 Marks)
d) Highlight the three processing approaches that a business information system may adopt.
Cite a relevant example in each (4 Marks)

Question Three (20 Marks)
a) The study of Management information systems is a multidisciplinary field. Using an
appropriate illustration, describe the contemporary approaches towards the information
systems (9 Marks)
b) The basic IS model shows that an information system consists of five major resources.
Explain each of them (11 Marks)
Question Four (20 Marks)
a) As the newly hired general manager of Visioners Co. Ltd, you are tasked to revolutionize
the poorly performing organization. Even though the organization has fully embraced the
use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), it has been met by a myriad
of challenges that you are expected to overcome with time. In the first board of directors
meeting, you are expected to present a detailed report concerning the main challenges
that are facing Visioners especially with regard to Information Systems. Discuss some
fundamental reasons that you would present in your report (10 Marks)
a. Using an appropriate illustration, describe the various information systems
(6 Marks)
b. Clearly, explain the management level that each of the above stated information
systems operate (4 Marks)
Question Five (20 Marks)
a) Define each of the following terms as used in Business and Management Information
Systems (4 Marks)
i. Business functions
ii. Business processes
iii. Communications Technology
iv. Computer Literacy
b) Outline how information systems support the major business functions: sales and marketing,
manufacturing and production, finance and accounting, and human resources (6 Marks)
c) Highlight why managers should pay attention to business processes mainly executed by Information
Systems (5 Marks)
d) Outline the business benefits of using collaborative commerce, private industrial networks and
enterprise systems (5 Marks)

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