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Csc 213: Research Methods Question Paper

Csc 213: Research Methods 

Course:Bachelor Of Education

Institution: Kibabii University question papers

Exam Year:2013

COURSE TITLE: Research Methods
DATE:26th August 2013
Instructions to Candidates
Answer question One in section A and any other Three questions in section B


Section A: Answer question one
QUESTION ONE (30 marks)
a) The research process in information Technology consists of number activities that overlap
continuously rather than following a strict prescribed sequence. Discuss (20marks)
b) b) What are the characteristics of a good research objective? (10marks)
Section B: Answer any two questions
QUESTION TWO (20 marks)
a) Outline the major areas in which Ethics in information technology research plays an
important role. (10marks)
b) What are the desirable qualities of a research problem? (10marks)
a) Discuss the importance of literature review in information technology research once you
have decided on your research problem (5 marks)
b) What are the distinctions between quantitative and qualitative research? (5 marks)
c) Describe four possible objectives of a research and illustrate each using a an example
(10 marks)
QUESTION FOUR (20 marks)
a) What are the major differences between primary data and secondary data? (5marks)
b) How do the major differences identified in (a) above relate to where and how you would find
them? (5marks)
c) What are the major ways in which data may be measured? (10 marks)
QUESTION FIVE (20 marks)
a) Explain the two basic types of sampling procedures (5 marks)
b) Identify any three research instruments and discuss how they may be used in information
technology research. (15marks)

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