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Catholic Schools Common Exam Std.5 Term One Opener 2013 English Question Paper

Catholic Schools Common Exam Std.5 Term One Opener 2013 English 


Institution: Kcpe question papers

Exam Year:2013

Choose the most suitable word to fill the blank spaces numbered 1-15 No pork was_1_eaten at my grandmother''s house_2_rarely was there meat of any kind. We occassionally ate fish, but only those that had scales. Baking powder was never_3_it was _4_to contain a chemical_5_to the body. For all _6_breakfast, lunch and supper we ate porridge and a mixture of mashed potatoes and vegetables.Grandmother put very litle salt_7_she claimed it was bad_8_the heart. I am sure you_9_guess that the food was tasteless_10_we ate it for we had no_11_. The food and her_12_discipline made life in my grandmother''s house miserable. You_13_not shout or even disagree with another person. She was deeply religious and wanted total harmony in her household. I did not disagree with what she_14_, but I felt like a prisoner, without any_15_to do what I wanted. A B C D 1.hardly never ever usually 2.and but for as 3.allowed known for used 4.said considered found felt 5.bad harmful offensive hostile 6.dishes meals foods menus 7.and which because so 8.for in to on 9.could should can will 10.moreover so furthermore nevertheless 11.alternative otherwise nothing other 12.serious strict severe harsh 13.will should shall could 14.stood for believe wanted required about freedom choice chance In questions 16-19, one of the words is a general term. Select that word in each case 16.A.lungs B.kidney C.organ D.liver 17.A.saw B.plane C.tool D.chisel

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