Abmi/2122 Question Paper
Course:Bachelor Of Business Information Technology
Institution: Technical University Of Kenya question papers
Exam Year:2015
1. a) Explain the basic approaches to organization behaviour.(8mks)
b)state four that may be indicators of organition effectiveness. (4mks)
c) Describe the schedules of reinforcement that may be used in behavior modification in an organization. (12mks)
d) change is a process. Discuss. (8mks)
2. a) highlight similarities between values and attitudes. (8mks).
b) explain the measures that an individual may take in order to improve on their perceptual accuracy. (12mks)
3. a) Distinguish between the mechanistic and the organization designs. (10mks)
b) Explain the ways in which a supervisor may help to minimize stress among their surbodinates.(10mks)
4 a) Outline the objectives of organization development.(10mks)
b) Individuals in organitions join groups for various reasons. Explain five of thos reasons. (10mks)
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