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Eax B301:Rural Sociology Question Paper

Eax B301:Rural Sociology 

Course:Bachelor Of Arts

Institution: Pwani University question papers

Exam Year:2016



Question One

a)State five reasons why rural sociology is studied. (5marks)

b)Explain five components of culture which are important in rural sociology. (5marks)

c)Describe five advantages of farm socialization of children. (5marks)

d)Discuss five ways in which your rural society attempts to control deviance among its members. (5marks)

e)Explain five ways which can be used to implement transactional leadership in a rural setting. (5marks)

Question Two

Discuss the reasons why people join groups and social networks in a society. (15marks)

Question Three

Describe how the school shapes socialization of children in society. (15marks)

Question Four

a)Describe the reasons that led to industrial revolution in Europe in the 19th century. (10marks)

b)Name any five sociological thinkers who shaped rural sociology as a field of study.(5marks)

Question Five

a)Explain the characteristics of charismatic leaders that enhance their leadership and power. (10marks)

b)Explain five functions of a family.(5marks)

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