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Bit2305:Human Computer Interaction Question Paper

Bit2305:Human Computer Interaction 

Course:Bachelor Of Information Technology

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2010

a. Explain why relatively short but unpredictable delays create greater usability problems than longer delays those users can anticipate. (5 Marks) b. Task analysis bread user’s activities into a series of goals and sub-goals. In order to print a document, you must first select the “print” command. You must then select the printer, the number of copies and so on. Briefly describe the benefits that task analysis can offer to the design of interactive computers systems. (5 Marks) c. Briefly explain why “think aloud” techniques can be a cost-effective tool for formative evaluation. (3 Marks) d. Briefly explain why a designer’s model of a system will be different from the end-user. (3 Marks) e. Why do internet retrieval delays continue to be a problem even for those users who have highperformance computers and good network connections? (3 Marks)
f. Peter Bodor, public relations manager at Ericsson has stated that: “WAP” disappointment was caused by industry failure to manage expectations and the main problem was its slowness. This won’t be a problem with 3G. The 3G internet experience will be as good as surfing form home with the added benefit of location based services making the experience more personal”. What usability problems complicate surfing the web on a mobile telephone compared to desktop browsers. (5 Marks)
g. Describe three techniques that you would use to elicit users requirements for a new e-commerce site selling electrical appliances, such as fridges an televisions to the public. (3 Marks)
h. Many web content developers rely on logs that record the internet addresses of each machine that tries to access a website. These logs also tell you the addresses of those pages that each machine tries to access. Briefly explain how these logs might support the usability evaluation of the website. (6 Marks)
a. You have been asked to help in the development of a new computerized call centre. Customers from a national bank will ring up if they wish to change the details of their account. For instance, they might want to open a new account, close an old account, they might want to change the address of the person who owns the account and so on. Briefly explain how you might use two different requirements elicitation techniques to identify the potential usability problems that might arise for people working with this new system. Identify the principle strengths and weaknesses of each technique. (7 Marks)
b. You have been asked to help in the design of a new game that will be included with a new mobile telephone. Write a brief technical report on how you would consult users during the requirements elicitation for such an application. (7 Marks)
c. A number of HCI researchers have recently criticized task analysis. Task analysis, typically assumes error-free, expert performance. These critics argue that task analysis also fails to consider “contextual factors”. Users may be able to perform tasks and sub-tasks using an interface under ideal conditions. However, they may have great difficulty when they are faced with the “contextual” issues that characterize “real” working environments. For example a colleague may interrupt you while you are trying to print a document. Task analysis, typically, does not model the effects of these interruptions. Do you consider that these criticisms are significant problems for the design of interaction computer systems? (6 Marks)
a. You have been asked to help a software house help in the design of a new version of a computer name. The clients are worried that a significant numbers of people purchases the earlier version of the game but then quickly abandoned it. Write a brief technical not that explains the difficulties of conduction lab-based tests to explain this apparent problem. (7 Marks) b. The following screen-shot is taken from the Microsoft word help system.
Briefly describe any features of this or similar help systems that you think offer the greatest support to novice users. c. As computer systems have become more complex the interface has become increasingly important. Other than differentiation between users experts, describe four factors that should be taken into account when designing a good HCI and for each factor describe why it is important. (8 Marks)
a. The Dukentaxer Corporation Inc. has won a contract to develop online documentation for a new device that will play digital music in a range of formats such as MP3 and MWA. The device will be sent to customers with a minimal manual. If they want to learn how to exploit more advanced features of the device then they will have to access a web site. Briefly describe how you would plan the formative evaluation of this documentation. (7 Marks)
b. You have been asked to design an application for the next generation of mobile phones. The precise technology has yet to be decided upon. The aim of the system is to enable users to book tickets for sports events and for concerts using their phone. Briefly explain how you would go about designing the interface to this system and how you would conduct formative evaluation during the initial stages of development. (7 Marks)
c. The following screen-shot is taken from the Microsoft XP operating systems. As can be seen it helps users to manage the security settings for their computer.
Briefly describe the main features that you feel will support the user of the operating system. (6 Marks)
a. You have been asked to design the user interface to an e-commerce web site. The site will sell expensive, luxury cars to members of the public. Write a brief technical report describing how you would test the site to determine whether retrieval delays will create significant usability problems for the users of this site. (7 Marks) b. The following screen shot is taken from the Microsoft XP operating system. As can be seen, it helps users to search for files on their computer in this case the C hard drive.
Briefly describe the main features that you feel will support the user of this operating system. (6 Marks)
c. The human computer interaction HCI is an important part of ICT system. Describe four factors which should be taken into account when designing a good HCI. Explain why each factor is important. (7 Marks)

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