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Ics2403:Distributed Systems Question Paper

Ics2403:Distributed Systems 

Course:Bachelor Of Information Technology

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2014

a. Multimedia plays a number of important roles in day to day life in the modern life. In fact wherever go there is multimedia in one or the other. That is multimedia in its simplest form and multimedia in its most complex form: i. Define the term hypermedia (2 Marks) ii. With an appropriate example of a file type, describe the term lossy compression. (3 Marks) iii. Briefly describe two audio file types you are familiar with (2 Marks) iv. With an appropriate example of a file type, describe the term lossless compression. (3 Marks)
b. Coming up with a multimedia application requires a number of personnel with different skills. This will vary from one multimedia application to another. i. Highlight the roles of any two personnel that would be required in coming up with a multimedia application for training class six pupils a course on introduction to computers (4 Marks) ii. Briefly describe a multimedia authoring tool you would use in coming up with the above project. (6 Marks) iii. What role would animation play in the above project? (10 Marks)
a. There are a number of legal aspects that one has to bear in mind when producing and using a multimedia application. Describe four key multimedia legal issues and how you would go about handling these issues. Provide practical examples where appropriate. (10 Marks) b. Describe five main factors that you would take into consideration when coming up with a commercial multimedia application. (10 Marks)
a. Briefly describe one of the ways of distributing a multimedia product of your choice. (4 Marks) b. Briefly describe the use of concepts: c. Using visual basic as a card based multimedia authority tool, create a simple application that demonstrates use of multimedia features such as voice, animation, graphics and video. (8 Marks) i. Interface design (2 Marks) ii. Multimedia kiosks (2 Marks) iii. Icon base tools (2 Marks) iv. Animation (2 Marks)
Testing is a key activity when coming up with any multimedia application. Though so many multimedia system developers ignore its implications.
a. Define the term testing (2 Marks) b. Briefly describe how go would perform a thorough test to a multimedia application of your choice. (10 Marks) c. Using HTML illustrate how you would include the following features into your application. (6 Marks) i. Graphics ii. Sound d. What is the importance of documenting your test procedures? (2 Marks)
ABC Ltd is a company that specializes in the production of education materials. In the past the company has been producing education materials in paper based format. Due to high competition and many changes in the delivery of education materials, the company has made a decision to diversify in terms of the content delivery. One of the key areas the company is considering to venture into is multimedia. The management of the company has very little knowledge concerning this area and has approached for advice.
a. Describe the stages that are required to come up with a multimedia application advising the organization on what happens at each of the stages. (10 Marks) b. Describe the hardware and software tools that ABC will require to meet this key objective. (10 Marks)

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