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Ics2401:Transaction Processing System Question Paper

Ics2401:Transaction Processing System 

Course:Bachelor Of Information Technology

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2012

a. Discuss the following terms: (4 Marks) i. Polymorphism ii. Inheritance b. What is the key difference between a relation DBMS and an Object DBMS? (4 Marks) c. Briefly explain with some examples of the following: (4 Marks) i. Functional requirements ii. Risk analysis d. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of using a database management systems over developing an application using files. (4 Marks) e. Analyze the following scenario and answer the questions below:
A local bank intends to install a new automated teller machine (ATM) to allow users (i.e bank customers) to perform basic financial transactions. Each user can have only one account at the bank. ATM users should be able to view their account balances, withdraw cash (i.e take money out of an account) and deposit funds (place money into an account)
i. Briefly explain the user interface components of the ATM (4 Marks) ii. List down the functional requirements (3 Marks) iii. Identify the actors (2 Marks) iv. Identify the use cases (2 Marks) v. Draw the use case diagram (3 Marks)
Analyze the following scenario and answer the questions below
a. Analyze the following scenario and answer the questions below: The schedule of classes for each term is produced in advance of the pre-registration date according to a time table prepared by the records office. By a date contained in the timetable, each department in the university must submit a list of classes scheduled for the term in question. These lists are combined to form a printed class schedule. The schedule is distributed free for each department office and to each professor; students must buy theirs at the bookstore.
During the pre-registration period, students request the classes they would like to take, using a touch-tone telephone. ach class contains the students identifier and the identifier of the class for which the student wishes to register. If that class is not available, the student may try to enroll in a different section of the same course or in another class. After a student has registered for as many classes as possible (up to the maximum number of units permitted), a class list is printed for that student. It shows the class in which the student has been enrolled.
A class roster containing a list of the students names and identifier is printed for the professor teaching each class. he list is ordered alphabetically by the students last name.
a. What is the purpose of the system portrayed? (4 Marks) b. List down the functional requirements. (4 Marks) c. Identify the actors. (4 Marks) d. Draw the use case diagram. (4 Marks) e. Identify the classes (Class Notation) (4 Marks)
The unified process is organized into four phases, each making the use of nine core disciplines or activities
a. Outline the four phases explaining the functionality of each phase. (4 Marks) b. Explain how each phase makes use of these disciplines and how they interact within each phase. (6 Marks) c. In reference to software managements in general, discuss what is meant by direct measurements (hard data) and indirect measurement (soft data) (4 Marks)
a. Briefly explain the system development methodology. (4 Marks) b. Discuss waterfall model methodology indicating the deliverable at every phase. (8 Marks) c. Briefly explain the design principles. (4 Marks) d. riefly explain what is meant by “ayered rchitecture attern” (4 Marks)
Analyze the following situation and answer the questions that follow: Marc-J Hotel Management has been experiencing some problems in managing the hotel, which has about one hundred and one rooms and a restaurant that takes care of the residents customers only. hey have decided to come up with the system design to be implemented in Java or C++.
Through the normal procurement process, they have identified you as the system analyst to give a lasting solution for the said problem. They have decided to come up with the system design to be implemented in Java or C++.
To assist this organization you are required to come up with the following:
a. List down the functional requirements. (4 Marks) b. Identify the actors. (4 Marks) c. List the use cases or user stories (4 Marks) d. Draw a use case diagram. (4 Marks) e. Show the class diagrams. (4 Marks)

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