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Bit2210:Internet Programming Question Paper

Bit2210:Internet Programming 

Course:Bachelor Of Information Technology

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2014

a. Write the basic structure of html script. (2 Marks) b. Differentiate between the following infrastructures used in internet communication giving an example in each case. i. Search engine and URL (2 Marks) ii. Web browser and web server (2 Marks)
c. (4 Marks) d. Differentiate between POST and GET methods as used in web scripting. (2 Marks) e. Give any four differences between XHTML and HTML codes syntax. (4 Marks) f. Explain the role of the following scripting languages in web development giving two examples in each. i. Common gateway interface. (2 Marks) ii. Client-side interactive scripting language (2 Marks)
g. Write a PHP code to assign two numbers to variables, add the two numbers and display the result. (3 Marks) h. Design a JavaScript code to input a number then use a function to calculate the square of the number entered. (4 Marks) i. Describe the uses of XML in internet application programming. (3 Marks)
a. JavaScript identifies each object on a web page by naming them using a structured hierarchy called Document Object Model. Use a diagram to describe JavaScript DOM object hierarchy. (5 Marks) b. Design a HTML form to allow a user to enter a name of student, Maths, Kiswahili and English marks and a text box to display total marks (4 Marks)
c. Use a JavaScript code to calculate the total marks in the above form in question 2bi. (6 Marks)
d. Explain the importance of separating style from the content when designing a web page using HTML or XHTML. (5 Marks)
a. Write HTML statement to create a form having 2 textboxes, radio buttons, a checkbox and a reset button. On clicking the reset button, the entire form is reset (cleared). (5 Marks)
b. Write a JavaScript code to create form with 4 textboxes, then a JavaScript code should be used to verify that all textboxes have been filled. If a textbox has been left empty an alert should display the (5 Marks)
c. Differentiate between XHTML transition and XHTML strict. (4 Marks)
d. An organization would like to design a website that will display details of the organization. The organization would prefer to separate style and the content to be scripted in different documents that is rules.css and page.html. Design at least 2 CSS rules that will format the page headings, body and paragraph giving at least 3 properties in each element. (6 Marks)
a. An organization would like to design a website that will enable salesmen to enter details of their sales i. Design a HTML form with features to enter salesman number, product number, product name, quantity and price then display total price. Include a method to send the details to a PHP file called product.php. (5 Marks)
ii. Write a PHP code to receive the above details and calculate the total price and commission which is offered according to products sold. A commission of 20% is offered if the total sale is more than 100,000 otherwise a commission of 10% is offered. (6 Marks)
b. Outline the request/response process between a web browser and a web server when the browser request information from a server. (4 Marks)
c. When designing a website, planning is a key component in ensuring that a website meets the objective of an organization. Outline the process of planning in website design. (5 Marks)
a. When designing a web site CSS rules can be embedded within a HTML or XHTML document or can be stored in a different file. Compare the two methods of storing and presenting CSS giving recommendations on the best method between the two. (5 Marks)
b. A company requires a website where field managers can enter employee name, hours worked and rate per hour of an employee then calculate basic pay=hours worked multiplied with rate per hour. Tax is calculated on basic pay as follows:
Basic Pay Tax Over 50000 20% of total price Between 20000 and 50000 10% of total price Below 20000 No discount
Design a website that will enable field supervisors to enter the above details and calculate basic pay, tax and net pay at the client side. (6 Marks)
c. Before 1990 internet connection was expensive with only a few organizations in the developed countries connected to the internet. Today internet is one of the most popular means of communication and sharing information. Discuss the factors that have contributed to a widespread use of internet. (5 Marks)
d. Differentiate between echo and print commands used in PHP. (4 Marks)

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