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Biology Question Paper



Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2015

1. What is an organism?

2. Explain how an oak tree may depend on a squirrel.

3. What is a niche?

4. Describe the niche of the earthworm.

5. How do fungi help the plants in a forest community?

6. What are nutrients?

7. What is a natural community?

8. Give three examples of an aquatic community.

9. Give three examples of a terrestrial community.

10. What are the three types of organisms that occur in every natural community?

11. What kind of organisms are producers?

12. How are producers different from the other two types?

13. How is energy stored by the producers?

14. What waste products do plants produce as they store the sun''s energy? Why is this important to animals?

15.What is a consumer?

16. What is another name for a primary consumer?

17. How do carnivores differ from primary consumers?

18. Explain why decomposers are necessary in every natural community?

19. Give three examples of a decomposer.

20. How do scavengers help soil bacteria with their job?

21. Explain how a dead tree can be useful in a forest community.

22. What is an adaptation?

23.Describe how an owl is adapted for its way of life.

24.How does the fluffy tail of a rabbit help it to survive?

25.How has the milkweed plant adapted to protect itself?

26. What is a food chain?

27. Give two examples of food chains that end with humans.

28. How does a food web differ from a food chain?

29. What type of organisms do all food chains begin with?

30. Why are predators necessary?

31. How do producers depend on consumers?

32. What is meant by "symbiosis"?

33. Give four examples of symbiosis.

34.Explain how cattle depend on the bacteria in their stomachs.

35. What is a parasite?

36. How are smaller birds such as sparrows helped by the osprey?

37. What is meant by "succession"?

38. Describe one example of succession.

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