Philosophy Of Education Question Paper
Philosophy Of Education
Course:Bachelor Of Education
Institution: Kenyatta University question papers
Exam Year:2010
Answer question one and any other two
1. Explain why philosophy applies a variety of methods. [24marks]
2. In what ways does African indigenous education manifest the characteristics of both general and technical philosophy? [23marks]
3. What features are likely to be observed in an education system that emphasizes either: a) Rationalist theory of knowledge, or b) Empiricist theory of knowledge? [23marks]
4. How does the Kenyan education system impact the values of human co-existence and good citizenship among learners? [23marks]
5. Critically examine the role of education in Kenya in the realization of either:- a) Vision 2030, b) The Millennium Development goals. [23marks]
6. Explain how the Kenyan education system enhances: a) National unity b) Individual development c) International consciousness
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