Ect 305: Chemistry Subject Methods Question Paper

Ect 305: Chemistry Subject Methods 

Course:Alternative Dispute Resolution

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer question 1 and any other TWO.
Q1.a) (i) Saturated hydrocarbons react with halogens. What
product would you expect to form between methane and
chlorine? [4 marks]
(ii) A student asks “Sir/Madam straight
chain olefins have a general formula. Which is it? What would
you answer? [4 marks]
b) i) It is important that in teaching
chemistry we link the subject to what happens in the
environment. A student asks you, “Sir/Madam there is a lot of
corrosion on the metal roofs in Nairobi. What is the cause?”
What answer would you give the student? [4 marks]
ii) You want to demonstrate the presence of hydrogen chloride gas
qualitatively without exposing your students to inhaling it. Give
TWO tests you would carry out and the procedure you would
follow. [4 marks]
c) i) Safety in the laboratory is a key
responsibility of the teacher. What TWO precautions would you
take in the preparation of chlorine? [4 marks]
ii) Write out the
symbol reaction of the burning of sulphur in air as you would at
high school. [4 marks]
d) i) Ammonia and phosphine share
commonality in their spatial structures. What would you tell
your students is the most significant? Why is it significant? [3
ii) Draw the structure of phosphine and ammonia. [3
marks] [Total 30 marks]
Q2. a) The following is a chemistry
question you have set for your high school class. “Calculate
the weight in grams of 1.95 moles of sodium chlorate.”
Atomic weights; potassium = 23.00; chlorine = 35.45; oxygen =
(i) As you would at high school solve the problem. [5marks]
2 (ii) What would you say are the TWO most important steps in arriving at
the answer? [5 marks]
b) (i) Make out a marking scheme out
of a maximum of 10 marks and justify any THREE that you
have awarded highly. [5 marks]
(ii) Make out a multiple four-
choice question extracted out of this question. Which is the
right answer and what TWO difficulties would you envision in
arriving at it? [5 marks] [Total = 20 marks]
Q3. a) (i) As a teacher you are also a laboratory manager. Give FOUR
reagents you would purchase in small quantities. [5 marks]
(ii) For each of the four reagents above give one reason for your
action. [5 marks]
b) (i) As a teacher you are also a laboratory
manager. Give FOUR reagents you would purchase in small
quantities. [5 marks]
(ii) The chemistry of sulphur is taught in
high school. What would you tell your students are the
allotropes of sulphur? [5 marks] [Total 20 marks]
Q4. a) (i)Some chemicals are bought in small to very small quantities.
Give THREE reasons why. [5 marks]
(ii) What and how does project work in chemistry to promote TWO learning abilities? [5marks]
b) (i) Globalization and the teaching of chemistry are
related. With TWO chemistry related reasons briefly explain the
reluctance of USA to be a signatory to the Kyoto protocol. [5marks]
(ii) Rubber is an essential chemical compound for
industry world-wide. Vulcanization is critical for the success of
the rubber industry but it is also environmentally harmful.
Briefly discuss TWO aspects each of this assertion. [5 marks]
[Total 20 marks]
5. a) (i) Models will be used to teach
chemistry. What would you improvise in your class as a three-
dimension model of methane? [5 marks]
(ii) In making a
model of ammonia you have a choice of ball-and-spoke or
space filling. Which would you choose and why? [5 marks

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