Cim 211: Education Media And Resources  Question Paper

Cim 211: Education Media And Resources  

Course:Education Media And Resources

Institution: Karatina University question papers

Exam Year:2016


Instructions: Answer question ONE and any other three

1. a) Justify why teacher trainees must undertake a course in education media and resources (10 marks)

b)Discuss the factors that have influenced the use of education technology in instructions (5marks)

c) Evaluate the role pf a school learning resource center. (5marks)

d) Using examples explain the effective use of verbal and non verbal communication in the teaching process. (5 marks)

2. a) Explain why a teacher should encourage learners in selecting and creating instructional aids and resources. (5 marks)

b) Discuss five barriers to the classroom communications process and propose solutions (10 marks)

3 a) Explain the factors considered when selecting instructional materials (5 marks)

b) Examine the importance of community resources in teaching and learning (10 marks)

4. Evaluate the application of ASSURE model in teaching and learning process (15 marks)

5. a) With examples discuss the use of two and three dimensional pedagogical materials. ( 5 marks)

b) Discuss the role of the teacher in an educational radio broadcast lesson ( 10 marks)

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