Csc31e: Human Computer Interface Question Paper

Csc31e: Human Computer Interface 

Course:Human Computer Interface

Institution: University Of Eldoret question papers

Exam Year:2016

University of Eldoret
Department of Mathematics/Computer Science
Programme: Bsc. - Computer Science
Course Code: CSC31E Title: Human Computer Interface
Task: CAT 1
Date: April 21, 2016 Duration: 60 Minutes

Instructions: Please Attempt ALL the Questions

1. Natural language processing refers to the use and ability of computer systems to process sentences (automatically or semi automatically) in a natural language such as English, rather than in a specialized artificial computer language such as C++.
a). List any FOUR areas where NLP application i possible (2 Marks)
b). In any TWO of the areas cited in Q1b(i) above, describe briefly how NLP is applied. (4 marks)

2. There are three factors that should be considered for the design of a successful user interface: development factors, visibility factors and acceptance factors.
a). Discuss (9 marks)
b). Briefly discuss the benefits and shortcomings of Auditory interfaces (4 Marks)

3. Write some brief notes on the following interface design concepts:
a). Tactile perception (2 Marks)
b). Haptic perception (2 Marks)
c). Kinesthetic perception (2 Marks)

4. Task analysis is concerned with understanding what users'' goals are and what they do to achieve their goals.
a). Compare task analysis with user analysis (2 Marks)
b). Briefly explain why it is necessary to carry out user analysis (3 Marks)

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