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Esu 301 Question Paper

Esu 301 

Course:Bachelor Of Environmental Studies

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2016

(a)Explain the following concepts of Environmental Law and Policy:
.envirinmental law
.environmental policy
.soft law
.kyoto protoca
.precautionary principle (15mks)
(b)Using an illustrative example,explain the key features of a public policy.(4mks)
(c)Briefly explain why envirinmental degredation has continued in spite of an elaborate Environmental and policy framework in kenya.(6mks)
2.public participation is a key component of the environmental law and policy process in kenya.In view of this,explain:
(a)The need to engage the public in legislative and policy formulation process.(8mks)
(b)Constraints that can hamper effective public participation in legislative and policy formulation process.(7mks)
3.Enforcement of environmental policies is critical in inculcating a conservation culture in the society.In the light of this:
(a)Explain the criteria for choosing a policy implementation instrument (8mks)
(b)Explain the nuisance abatement procedure by a medical officer of health (7mks)
4(a)What grievances were expressed by the wildlife histing communities during the formulation of the wild life conservation policy in kenya? (8mks)
(b)Explain how the goals of the convention on international trade in endangered species (CITIES)can br realized fully in kenya. (7mks)
5"The provision of Article 69 of the Constitution of kenya (2010)represent a key milestone towards the achievement of national sustainable development".Discuss (15mks)

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