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Zool 330: Animal Physiology Question Paper

Zool 330: Animal Physiology 

Course:Bachelor Of Science

Institution: Egerton University question papers

Exam Year:2015

Answer all questions in section A and only One question in section B

Question One (10marks)
Describe the structure of the mammalian heart
Question Two(10 marks)
Discuss briefly the stages involved in digestion
Question Three
State the source and function of the following:-(10 marks)
insulin,oxytocin,growth hormone, epinephrine, thyroxine,testosterone, melatonin,calcitonin,oestrogen,prolactin
Question Four ( 6 marks)
Describe the mechanism of breathing
Question Five ( 4 marks)
List four functions of the skeletal system
Question Six
a)Draw a well labelled diagram of either the male or female reproductive system,(5 marks)
b)Explain how parturition occurs (5marks)

Question Seven
Describe the organization of a homeostatic control mechanism and explain the two feedback mechanisms(20 marks)
Question Eight
Describe the structure and functio. of the nephron (20 marks)

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