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Zool 312:Marine Biology Question Paper

Zool 312:Marine Biology 

Course:Bachelor Of Science

Institution: Egerton University question papers

Exam Year:Academic year 2015/2016

Answer all questions in Section A and any Two in Section B

Question One
Write explanatory notes on:-hydrothermal vent biota,ekman spiral effect and coral bleaching (9 Marks)

Question Two
Outline three major manifestations of geologic activity on ocean floor (6Marks)

Question Three
Describe the major factors influencing temperature variation in the ocean (6Marks)

Question Four
Distinguish between each of these:-(9 Marks)
a)Gravity waves and tides.
b)Continental and Oceanic crust
c)Dysphotic and aphotic zone

Question Five
Outline the importance of oceanic phytoplankton. (5Marks)

Question Six
Describe the major adaptations of sea ice biota. (5Marks)

Question Seven
Citing examples, describe the factors influencing life on the intertidal shores. (15 Marks)

Question Eight
Give a detailed account of the relevance of understanding ocean currents. (15 Marks)

Question Nine
Discuss the consequences of the sea water salinity anomaly on oceanic ecosystems. (15 Marks)

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