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Bota 233:Mycology Question Paper

Bota 233:Mycology 

Course:Bachelor Of Science

Institution: Egerton University question papers

Exam Year:2014

planogametic copulation
gemengial contact
gemetangial copulation

b)Using a diagram,explain fungal thallal organization

c)State the importance of sexual reproduction in fungi

d)Explain meiosis in details in fungi

e)Differentiate homothalism from heterothalism

f)Outline the importance of parasexuality in fungi

g)Using diagrams,explain the following fungal life cycles:-
asexual life cycle
haploid life cycle
haploif dikaryotic life cycle
dikaryotic life cycle
haploid diploid life cycle

h)List the stages of fungal respiration

I)Differentiate catabolic and anabolic processes

j)Explain why do fungi produce secondary metabolites

k)List factors reqiured for fungal growth

l)State the criteria used in fungal classification

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