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Comp 101:Introduction To Computer Applications Question Paper

Comp 101:Introduction To Computer Applications 

Course:Introduction To Computer Applications

Institution: Egerton University question papers

Exam Year:2014

1.)What is meant by data processing
2.)Distinguish between the following terms
3.)Distinguish between a computer worm and a computer virus.
4.)Justify the following claims about a software.
a)System software is often installed first before the application software.
b)A computer can do without application software but not systems software.
5.)Give 2 limitations of the main memory and how they can be overcome.
6.) i)What is email?
ii)Name and briefly explain the purpose of each of the 5 main folders in a typical clientel software.
7.)Why do you think the computer is considered to be a very powerful tool?
8.)The internet offers several services to its visitors.Mention and explain 4 such services
9.) i) Briefly explain 4 functions of operating system
ii)Give 4 examples of common operating system.
10.)As a new employee to an audit firm,you notice all calculations are performed using a calculator and results entered on a ledger book.What reasons can you give to convince the management in the firm to use MS Excel instead?
11.)why would you rather switch off a computer using the shutdown command from the start menu than use the power switch to do so?
12.)Discuss 2 positive and 2 negative impacts that the widespread use of computers has had on society.
13.)Perform the following base conversions:
i)Convert 79 base 10 into binary
ii)Convert CODE base 16 into decimal
iii)Convert 285 base 10 into hexadecimal
iv)Convert 10111011 base 2 into decimal
v)Convert CODE base 16 into octal
14.)Define the term volatile as it applies to a computer.
15.)Give 4 advantages of computer networks.

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