Com 426: Simulation And Modeling Question Paper

Com 426: Simulation And Modeling 

Course:Continuous Assessment Test

Institution: University Of Eldoret question papers

Exam Year:2016

Continuous Assessment Test Answer ALL Questions
Question 1
a). Distinguish between the following types of simulation models giving relevant examples in each case:
i. Static vs Dynamics (4 marks)
ii. Deterministic vs Stochastic (4 marks)
iii. Continuous vs Discrete (4 marks)
b). Describe the structure of a discrete event simulation model. (5 marks)
c). Distinguish between the two time advance mechanism used in discrete event simulation models. (4 marks)

Question 2
Consider a single server single queue system with inter arrival and service times shown below
• Inter arrival time: 6, 5, 2, 3, 1, 5, 2, 3, 1, 2
• Service time: 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 4
a). Using the data above, simulate the queue system (6 marks)
b). Calculate:
i. The average time in system (2 marks)
ii. The percentage of time the server is idle(2 marks)
iii. The average queue length (2 marks)

Question 3
a). Generate 10 U(0,1) random numbers using the mid-square method with Z0=5673 (5 marks)
b). Generate 10 U(0,1) random numbers using the method of Liner Congruential Generators with m=32, a=19, c=11 and Z0=22 (5 marks)

Question 4
A waiter receives an order after every 6 minutes. He is able to serve 20 orders each hour. Determine:
a) The probability that an arriving customer must wait before service (3 marks)
b) The expected number of waiting customers (2 marks)
c) How many more customers will have to arrive per hour for the waiter to be continuously busy but able to serve all of them? (2 marks)

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