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Usal 120:Natural Plant Products And Processing Question Paper

Usal 120:Natural Plant Products And Processing 

Course:Utilization And Sustainability Of Arid Lands

Institution: Laikipia University question papers

Exam Year:2016

Answer all the questions in this section
1.a)List two invasive species found in ASALS in Kenya. (2 marks)
b)Explain three factors favouring the invasion of prosopis juliflora in Kenya. (3 marks)
c)Outline five products derived for Adansonia adigitata in Kenya.(5 marks)
2.a)Gibe the main Aloe vera extracts and explain the use of each (6 marks)
b)Describe the reproductive biology of Doum palm (4 marks)
3. Discuss the functional uses of Opuntia ficus-indica (Pricky pear cactus) (10marks)
Answer anyvtwo questions from this section
4.a)The Kenyan government has controlled the trade in the specimens of Aloe species,explain the guiding principles (12marks)
b)Discuss challenges affecting Gun Arabic and Resin development in Kenya.(8 marks)
5.a)Explain the economic importance of gum and resins in Kenya (10marks)
b)Describe Resin harvesting,yield and quality variation (10marks)
6. Discuss the products derived from Desert date tree-Balanites aegyptiacus (20 marks)

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