Age 1111: Introduction To Statistics And Cartography Question Paper

Age 1111: Introduction To Statistics And Cartography 

Course:Diploma In Education

Institution: The Presbyterian University Of East Africa question papers

Exam Year:2013

The Presbyterian University Of East Africa
School Of Education
Program: Diploma Education (regular)
Semester: 1 and 2
Course Code: AGE 111
Date: April 2013
Campus: NAKURU
Read the instructions carefully:
i. Mobile Phones ARE NOT allowed in the examination room
ii. Time allowed is 2 hours
iii. Answer question 1 and any other questions
iv. Answer ALL questions on the examination answer book provided
v. No bags OR reference material of any kind should be in the examination room
vi. Do not write on the question paper. Any rough work should be written at the back of the examination booklet and crossed through.
vii. Only registration numbers should appear on the booklet. Writing a name on the booklet will lead to cancellation of unit

Question 1.
(a) Provide the various meaning of statistics, giving relevant examples in each case.
(3 Mks)
(b) Explain why Cartography is considered both an Art and a Science. (3Mks)
(c) Contrast between descriptive and inferential statistics, giving appropriate examples.
(d) Use the data below to answer the questions that follow.
480 188 480 199
372 480 196 480
180 180 188 189
171 175 502 196
171 502 496 502
472 495 435 388
228 496 465 465
496 430 409 408
502 462 480 480
438 408 372 374
(i) Using class interval of 100, create a grouped frequency distribution for the above data. Indicate the classes, mid-points, frequencies and cumulative frequency. (5Mks)
(ii) Calculate the mean, median and mode of the grouped data in (i) above. (5 Mks)

Question 2.
(a) Explain the differences between small-scale and large-scale maps. (5 Mks)
(b) Describe the main types of maps and their uses. Provide relevant examples where applicable. (15 Mks)

Question 3.
Compare and contrast the following concepts as applied in statistics. Provide examples in each case. (i) Statistic and Parameter (5 Mks)
(ii) Population and sample (5 Mks)
(iii) Variable and Constant (5 Mks)
(iv) Discrete and continuous variables (5Mks)

Question 4.
There are various levels of measurement in statistics. Discuss, providing relevant examples in each case and highlight their strengths and limitations. (20 Mks)
Question 5.
Examine the various conservation strategies applied in arid and semi-arid lands. (20 Mks)

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