History Revision Questions-Gcse  Question Paper

History Revision Questions-Gcse  

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Gcse question papers

Exam Year:2009-2011

1.What was decided at the berlin conference of 1884-1885?

2.name two countries which were never colonized?

3.what problems faced palestine in 1945?

4.who divided palestine in two parts?

5.briefly explain the outcome of the division of palestine into parts?

6.how did nelson mandela and african national congress influence south''s africa history?

7.what name was given to the dutch european settlers in south africa?

8.which is the largest nations of southeast asia?

9.describe three basic hindu beliefs?

10.what was the iron curtain?

11.which countries were behind the iron curtain?

12.explain the term cold war?

13.After world war II the soviet union established puppet governments.what is a puppet government?

14.who was adolf hitler?

15.who attended the berlin conference and how did change the map of africa?

16. Define the following terms

a) brahman
b) sect
c) reincarnation
d) budhism
e) karma

17.name five countries that make up southeast asia?

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