Mis 401: Management Information Systems Question Paper

Mis 401: Management Information Systems 


Institution: The Presbyterian University Of East Africa question papers

Exam Year:2013

The Presbyterian University of East Africa (PUEA)

School: Computer Science
Program: Degree
Semester: January – April, 2013
Unit Code: MIS 401
Unit Title: Management Info Systems
Date: April 2013
Campus: Town

Read the instructions carefully:
i. Mobile phones ARE NOT allowed in the examination room
ii. Time allowed is 2 Hours
iii. Answer ALL your selected questions on the examination answer book provided
iv. No bags OR reference material of any kind should be in the examination room
v. Do not write on the question paper. Any rough work should be written at the back of the examination booklet and crossed through.
vi. Only registration numbers should appear on the booklets. Writing a name on the booklet will lead to cancellation of the Unit.
Instructions: Answer Question one and any other two

Question one (30 marks)
a) Define the following terms as used in management information systems: (6Marks)
i) Management information systems:
ii) Outsourcing
iii) Threat
b) Describe how Information systems are transforming modern business and industries. (6 marks)
c) Differentiate between the following terms with reference to information systems:
a. Decision support systems and Management information systems
b. Knowledge worker and Data worker
c. Data and Information (6 marks)
d) Identity the FIVE major components of an information System (10 marks)
e) State two qualities of information (2 marks)

Question Two (20 marks)
a) Discuss four competitive strategies and show how information systems can help a firm pursue each of these strategies. (8 marks)
b) Discuss any five management challenges involved in building, operating and maintaining information systems (5 marks)
c) List FOUR technological trends that raise ethical concerns [2 Marks]
Question Three (20 marks)
a) List and discuss main types of information systems serving different levels of organizational hierarchy in an organization. (10 Marks)
b) Discuss the competitive forces model as used in identifying opportunities for strategic systems. (4 marks)
c) Define strategic information systems (1 mark)
Question Four (20 marks)
a) Briefly describe any four roles of a manager in an organization according to the behavioral model (8 marks)
b) Explain how Information Systems can be used to promote Total Quality Management in organizations. (3 Marks)
c) Describe the basic components of a Decision support system (4 marks)
Question Five (20 marks)

a) Describe the main challenges posed by electronic commerce and electronic business (8 marks)
b) Differentiate between Decision Support Systems and Management Information Systems. (2 Marks)
c) Discuss the major goals of information security. [5 Marks]

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