Cop: Multi Agent Systems (Theory And Technologies) Question Paper
Cop: Multi Agent Systems (Theory And Technologies)
Course:Computer Science
Institution: The Presbyterian University Of East Africa question papers
Exam Year:2013
The Presbyterian University of East Africa (PUEA)
School: Computer Science
Program: Degree
Semester: January – April, 2013
Unit Code: COP
Unit Title: Multi Agent Systems (theory and technologies)
Date: 24th April 2013
Campus: Kikuyu
Read the instructions carefully:
i. Mobile phones ARE NOT allowed in the examination room
ii. Time allowed is 2 Hours
iii. Answer ALL your selected questions on the examination answer book provided
iv. No bags OR reference material of any kind should be in the examination
v. Do not write on the question paper. Any rough work should be written at
the back of the examination booklet and crossed through.
vi. Only registration numbers should appear on the booklets. Writing a name
on the booklet will lead to cancellation of the Unit.
Instructions: Answer Question One and any other Two:
Question One [30 Marks]
a) Outline three properties that distinguish Objects from intelligent agents [3 Marks]
b) Define the following terms as used in Multi agent systems [5 Marks]
i. Nash Equilibrium
ii. Agent
iii. Multi agent System
iv. Utility
v. Strategy
c) Discuss three advantages of multi agent systems [6 Marks]
d) Define the term Agent architecture and discuss three Main types of Agent architectures
[8 Marks]
e) Explain four characteristics of intelligent agents [8 Marks]
Question Two [15 Marks]
a) Define the following terms as used in abstract architecture for the agents . Illustrate your answers using appropriate functions [3 Marks]
i. Run
ii. Action
iii. Utility over a run
b) Explain two circumstances under which practical reasoning agents will exhibit optimal behaviour during implementation [2 Marks]
c) Identify and explain two differences between objects and agents [2 Marks]
d) Outline the four main steps involved in an Agent control loop cycle [4 Marks]
e) Discuss the two main problems associated with symbolic reasoning agents [4 Marks]
Question Three [15 Marks]
a) Define the term perception and with aid of a diagram discuss the abstract architecture of agents with a state [6 Marks]
b) Distinguish between the following terms as used in Multi Agent systems [4 Marks]
i. Achievement tasks and maintenance tasks
ii. Mixed strategy and dominating strategy
c) Briefly explain the concept of deductive reasoning agents [5 Marks]
Question Four [15 Marks]
a) Compare and contrast Classification of environment properties according to (Russell and Norwich 1995) [8 Marks]
b) Explain two distinct functional components of the deliberate function [2 Marks]
c) Define the term agent synthesis and explain to characteristics of a synthesis algorithm
[5 Marks]
Question Five [15 Marks]
a) Explain two main activities involved in Human practical reasoning [4 Marks]
b) Outline four characteristics of multi agent systems that makes them intelligent agents [4 Marks]
c) Define game and discuss three commitment strategies used by rational agents during deliberation [7 Marks]
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