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Ucu 104: Introduction To Entrepreneurship  Question Paper

Ucu 104: Introduction To Entrepreneurship  

Course:Bachelor Of Education Arts

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2016

INSRUCTIONS answer question 1 and any other two questions

(a) The government of kenya has been keen to promote entreprenuaship. Explain various reason behind this. (10 marks)
(b) Being an entrepreneur is not easy going and one must be ready to cope with many challenges.Discuss the draw backs encountered in the pursuit of a successful business(10marks)
(c) Highlight five characteristics of a business idea. (10 marks)

(a) Identify and explain five types of entrepreneurs citing key characteristics associated with each. (10marks)
(b) There are several factors that motivate an entrepreneur to take all the risks and launch a new business against all odds of failure. explain the internal motivation factors that drive both men and women into entrepreneurship.

(a) Discuss the various laws that a law abiding entrepreneur in kenya should comply with .(10marks)
(b) Describe the circumstances under which hire purchase is an ideal source of finance for an entrepreneur. (10marks)

The SWOT model is a good strategy for evaluating a business opportunity . Discuss how a potential entrepreneur would use this model to assess whether he is engaging in a viable business venture.

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