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Kcpe 2013 Christian Religious Education Question Paper

Kcpe 2013 Christian Religious Education 


Institution: Kcpe question papers

Exam Year:2013

1. Genesis chapter 1 and 2 human beings are the most important of all creation because they
A. Gave names to animals
B. Lived in the garden of Eden
C. Were created in God’s image
D. Were created on the sixth day
2. Who among the following people was the son of Abraham
A. Isaac
B. Jacob
C. Esau
D. Lot
3. Joseph was sold by his brothers to Egypt because they
A. Wanted food
B. Were jealous of him
C. Hoped to visit him
D. Wanted to become rich
4. The main reason why God called Moses was to
A. Lead the Israelites out of suffering
B. Perform miracles before Pharaoh
C. Tell the Israelites about their tradition
D. Assemble the elders of the Israelites
5. Which one of the following lessons do Christians learn from the story of Gideon?
A. Complain when given tasks
B. Hide from their enemies
C. Repent their sins
D. Be courageous
6. “You are coming against me with a sword, spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty” (1 Samuel 17:45). These words from David show that he
A. Was ready to defend the weak
B. Was very powerful
C. Had a lot of faith
D. Had a lot of strength
7. Which one of the following choice was made by Solomon when he became a King?
A. Wealth
B. Wisdom
C. A long life
D. Success in battles
8. Prophet Micah taught that Messiah would be
A. The King of kings
B. Rejected in Nazareth
C. An everlasting Father
D. Born in Bethlehem
9. Who among the following prophets foretold the making of a new covenant between God and Israel?
A. Jeremiah
B. Hosea
C. Isaiah
D. Amos
10. When the wise men visited baby Jesus they worshipped him by presenting to him
A. Clothes
B. Ornaments
C. Gold, frankincense and myrrh
D. Silver
11. Who among the following people were in the temple when baby Jesus was presented for dedication
A. Zechariah and Elizabeth
B. Simeon and Anna
C. Zechariah and Anna
D. Simeon and Elizabeth
12. “If you are God’s son, throw yourself down from here. For the scriptures says, God will order his angels to take good care of you.” (Lk 4:9-10).
Which one of the following is a response of Jesus to this temptation?
A. Worship the Lord your God and serve only Him.
B. An shall live by every word that God speaks.
C. As for you, get behind me satan!
D. Do not put the Lord your God to the test.
13. Which one of the following statements is a teaching of Jesus on the Lord’s prayer?
A. Forgive us the wrongs we have done
B. Happy are the pure in heart
C. Seek and you will find
D. Give to him who asks you
14. A lesson that Christians learn from the healing of ten lepers is that they should be
A. Tolerant
B. Thankful
C. Peaceful
D. Prayerful
15. The parable of the talents teaches Christians to
A. Keep their wealth in safe places
B. Reward those who don’t work
C. Use their abilities to create wealth
D. Share their wealth with others
16. “This is my body which is given for you.” (Lk 22:19)
Jesus said these words
A. During the trial before Pilate
B. During the crucifixion
C. During the last supper
D. During the ascension to heaven
17. Which one of the following events took place when Jesus resurrected?
A. There was darkness over the land
B. The curtain in the temple was torn
C. A voice was heard from heaven
D. There was an earthquake
18. Which one of the following New Testament books is a letter?
A. Mark
B. Luke
C. John
D. Timothy
19. Who among the following people was a deacon in the early church?
A. Stephen
B. Paul
C. Peter
D. James
20. Which one of the following is a gift of the Holy Spirit?
A. Gentleness
B. Healing
C. Patience
D. Humility
21. When Philip met the Ethiopian eunuch, the eunuch was reading about
A. The baptism of Jesus
B. The transfiguration of Jesus
C. The coming of the Holy Spirit
D. The suffering of the Messiah
22. A belief that is found in both Christianity and traditional African communities is that God
A. Raises the dead
B. Is three in one
C. Punishes wrong doers
D. Became man
23. In traditional African communities, people are expected to marry mainly to
A. Raise their status
B. Please the ancestors
C. Become leaders
D. Get children
24. In traditional African communities children are taught their duties mainly through
A. Telling them stories
B. Singing and dancing
C. Assigning them tasks
D. Playing games
25. On her way from school Beatrice a standard eight pupil meets an old lady carrying a heavy basket. Suddenly, the lady falls down. The correct action for Beatrice to take is to
A. Assist her to get up
B. Run away from the scene
C. Go back to school to get help
D. Tell her to raise up and go
26. James, a standard seven pupil bought an exercise book. On reaching home, he found out that the shopkeeper packed two books. As a Christian, he should
A. Give the extra book to a friend
B. Return the extra book to the shopkeeper
C. Donate the extra book to a needy pupil
D. Keep the extra book for future use
27. Which one of the following activities of leisure is common to both traditional African communities and Christianity?
A. Reading the scriptures
B. Attending beer parties
C. Visiting the needy
D. Watching films
28. Joan does not like to stay at home during weekends because she is given the duty of preparing lunch for the family. As a Christian you would advise her to
A. Request a friend to assist her in the work
B. Perform the duty and rest afterwards
C. Spend the weekends visiting friends
D. Spend the weekends doing her homework
29. John a standard seven pupil has been receiving gifts from an elderly rich woman who wants to have a relationship with him. As a Christian what is the correct action for him to take?
A. Accept the gifts and keep quiet
B. Transfer to another school
C. Inform other pupils about the woman
D. Report the matter to the head teacher
30. Your desk-mate Peter is suffering from HIV/AIDS and misses the school because other classmates laugh at him. As a Christian you should
A. Encourage him to concentrate on his studies
B. Encourage him to transfer to another school
C. Tell him to stay at home
D. Tell your parents about it

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