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History And Government Form 3 Term 1 Question Paper

History And Government Form 3 Term 1 

Course:History And Government

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2016

Term 1 2016
Form 3.
History and Government
Time: 2 ½ hours
Section A ( 25 marks)
Answer all questions in this section
1. Identify the aspect of history that focuses on leadership. (1 mark)
2. Identify two secondary sources of information on history and government. ( 2 marks)
3. State arms of the Kenyan government. ( 2 marks)
4. Identify main recommendation of the Lyttelton constitutional amendment of 1954. ( 1 mark)
5. Identify two religious leaders among the Luo who performed ritual functions in the community. ( 2 marks)
6. State two negative results of telecommunication. ( 2 marks)
7. Identify the main role of a government in a society. ( 1 mark)
8. State two conditions that may qualify on to be registered as a Kenyan. ( 2 marks)
9. State one importance of the constitution of Kenya. ( 1 mark)
10. Give one provision of the National accord of 2008 in Kenya. ( 1 mark)
11. Identify the method used to settle the 2007-2008 post election violence in Kenya. ( 1 mark)
12. Identify two communities belonging to the highland Nilotes in Kenya. ( 2 marks)
13. State two ways through which direct democracy is exercised in a society. ( 2 marks)
14. Give one function of Nairobi as a modern urban centre. ( 1 mark)
15. Identify two main methods used by the British to colonize Kenyans. ( 2 marks)
16. Identify the main reason for the coming of Christian missionaries in Kenya. ( 1 mark)
17. Who is the head of government in Kenya. ( 1 mark)
Section B ( 45 marks)
Answer any three questions in this section in the spaces provided
18. a) Identify three divisions of Nilotic speakers in Kenya. ( 3 marks)
b) Explain six effects of the migration and settlement of Kenyan people in the 19th Century.( 12 marks)

19. a) State five reasons why Kenyans were defeated by Europeans during the establishment of the colonial rule in Kenya. ( 5 marks)
b) Explain five reasons why Nandi resisted the British for so long. ( 10 marks)

20. a) State three duties of the chiefs during the colonial period in Kenya. ( 3 marks)
b) Describe the colonial hierarchy of administration in Kenya. ( 10 marks)

21. a) Identify three archaeological sites in Kenya. ( 3 marks)
b) Explain six remedies taken by the Kenyan government to solve the problem of food shortage in the country. ( 12 marks)

Section C ( 30 marks)
Answer any two questions from this section in the spaces provided
22. a) State five advantages of democracy ( 5 marks)
b) Explain five rights of arrested persons in Kenya ( 10 marks)

23. a) Identify three levels of conflict in a society. ( 3 marks)
b) Explain six factors that hinder national unity. ( 12 marks)

24. a) State three symbols of national unity. ( 3 marks)
b) Explain six key changes in the Kenyan constitution 2010. ( 10 marks)

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