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Nyeri County Standard Eight Cre Term Ii Mock Exam Question Paper

Nyeri County Standard Eight Cre Term Ii Mock Exam 


Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2016

Nyeri County Mock Exam
Standard Eight End of Term II 2016
1. God created the universe in 6 days. On which day did He create sea creatures and birds?
A. 2nd
B. 4th
C. 5th
D. 6th
2. “Never again shall I destroy my people with water” God made a covenant with Noah. The sign of covenant was?
A. Dove
B. Rainbow
C. Raven
D. Fire
3. Abraham separated with Lot due to?
A. Jealousy
B. Hatred
C. Enemity
D. Quarrel over grazing land
4. Who among the following people was the father of Moses?
A. Jochebed
B. Jethro
C. Ruel
D. Amram
5. What action made Moses run away from Egypt?
A. He killed an Egyptian
B. He committed adultery
C. He killed an Israelite
D. He cheated Pharaoh
6. Judges of Israel who ruled after the death of Joshua were
A. Legal judges
B. Lawyers
C. Scribes
D. Military in nature
7. What happened to King Saul after God rejected him?
A. He wept
B. He allowed the worshipping of idols
C. He killed David
D. He used to be attacked by an evil spirit
8. The prophet whose lips were touched with a burning coal and he started prophesying was
A. Jeremiah
B. Joel
C. Ezekiel
D. Isaiah
9. “I was a prophet of Israel, I ate the scroll and I said that it was as sweet as honey.” Who am i?
A. Micah
B. Amos
C. Ezekiel
D. Daniel
10. When Jesus was baptised in river Jordan
A. His face was dazzling white
B. The heaven opened
C. Two people appeared
D. There was an earth quake
11. Jesus Christ started His ministry in Cana of Galilee. When He was rejected in Nazareth He went to
A. Capernaum
B. Bethlehem
C. Jerusalem
D. Jericho
12. A miracle of Jesus that teach Christians that people should enjoy life and show God’s glory is
A. Raising of Lazarus
B. Calming of the storm
C. Healing at the pool
D. Changing water into wine
13. Which parable of Jesus teaches Christians about prayer?
A. The parable of good Samaritan
B. The foolish rich man
C. Tax collector and the Pharisee
D. The lost coin
14. Christians should not swear by heaven or earth, they should just say “Yes” or “No”. This is teaching of Jesus on
A. Charity
B. Vows
C. Anger
D. Divorce
15. In the process of capturing Jesus, one of the chief priest soldier’s ear was cut. The name of the soldier was
A. Malchus
B. Benedict
C. Centurion officer
D. Caiphus
16. After how many days did Jesus stay on earth after resurrection?
A. 10
B. 30
C. 50
D. 40
17. When Jesus was about to ascend to heaven, He told His disciples to wait for a helper in Jerusalem. Which two disciples prepared the upper room in Jerusalem?
A. James and John
B. John and Andrew
C. Peter and John
D. Mathew and Peter
18. One of the following values is both a fruit and a gift of the Holy Spirit. Which is it?
A. Joy
B. Love
C. Peace
D. Patience
19. In which place did Paul pray and baptised Lydiah who was from Thytira?
A. Troas
B. Joppa
C. Lydda
D. Phillipi
20. How many missionary journeys did Paul make while preaching to the Gentiles?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 3
D. 5
21. Who among the following people was not one of the seven deacons?
A. Timothy
B. Philip
C. Timon
D. Permenas
22. The Christians of the early church received the Holy Spirit through?
A. Baptism
B. Laying of hands
C. Praises
D. Preaching
23. The concept of God that is common to both Christianity and traditional African Religion is
A. Creator
B. Bread of life
C. The vine
D. Destroyer
24. In the traditional African customs, divorce as a rare case mainly because
A. There was wife inheritance
B. Marriage was arranged
C. The wife belonged to the clan
D. People were not adulterers
25. Which group of people in traditional African religion were political leaders and represented God’s rule on earth?
A. Diviners and mediums
B. Kings and queens
C. Prophets and seers
D. Rainmakers and priests

26. Why was the placenta (after birth) of women conserved after birth in some traditional African communities?
A. To prevent sorcery
B. To appease the spirits
C. To preserve the woman’s fertility
D. To avoid divorce
27. Four pupils were found making noise in class instead of doing their assignment. The teacher on duty punished them. What could have been the reason for the punishment?
A. Encourage the act
B. Correct the act
C. Take revenge
D. Ridicule the pupils

28. One of the following will not lead to a happy family life. Which is it?
A. Selfishness
B. Respect
C. Love
D. Impartiality

29. If you find your friend picking some money from the teacher’s bag, what should you do?
A. Call the police immediately
B. Ask him to share the money with you
C. Inform everybody that he is a thief
D. Advise him to return the money

30. Who was the 2nd missionary to arrive in Kenya in 1846?
A. Johanness Rebman
B. Ludwig Kraph
C. David Livingstone
D. Jacob Edhart

Marking Scheme/Answers

1. C
2. B
3. D
4. D
5. A
6. D
7. D
8. A
9. C
10. B
11. A
12. D
13. C
14. B
15. A
16. D
17. C
18. C
19. D
20. C
21. A
22. B
23. A
24. C
25. B
26. C
27. B
28. A
29. D
30. A

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