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Form 4 Term 1 2015 English Exam Question Paper

Form 4 Term 1 2015 English Exam 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2015

Functional writing
Imagine you are the school captain of Uwezo Secondary school.You have noticed that some prefects are not taking their responsibilities seriously.Write a memo to all the prefects reminding them of their roles and responsibilities.(20 marks)
Cloze test
Fill each of the blank spaces in the passage below with the MOST appropriate word.(10 marks)
When I visited my mother last may,much of her sitting room........had been converted into what i half jokingly called...... Barrack Obama shrine.since Obama had declared his candidacy for president,my mother had diligently collected everything...... the man that she could get........hands on. Mangazines,newspapers articles,.....T-shirts formed the bulk of her collection,all of it in pristine condition and not to be handled.................with utmost care.His message of unity and transcendence,his unwillingness to be cowed.........''a chorus of cynics'',all of this inspired my mother a late life surge of confidence.It had.........led to her changing the way she answered her phone.Instead..........her usual"hello",she took to lifting the receiver and announcing,"this is.......moment".
Oral skills
i)Identify the pronunciation of /d/ and /t/ in the following end sounds
ii)The scent of roasting meat broke the hyena''s leg.
a)What is the social function of the proverb above?(1 mark)
b)Identify and comment on one imagery of the proverb stated above(2 marks)
c)On what occasion is this proverb most appropriate(1 mark)
d)Give another proverb with a similar meaning(in either English or kiswahili)(1 mark)
iii)Identify and explain the sound devices contained in the following proverb and idiomatic expressions(5 marks)
i)you can''t lick an empty hand
ii)He who goes a borrowing goes a sorrowing
iii)A friend in need is a friend indeed
iv)put two two together
v)out of bounds
Q3 Reading
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
During the last couple of decades,the developing world has made enormous economic progress.This can be seen most clearly in the rising trend of incomes and consumption:between 1965 and 1985 consumption per capita in the developing world went up by almost 70 percent.Broader measures of well-being confirm this picture-life expectancy,child mortality and educational attainment have all improved markedly.
Again that background of achievement,it is all the more staggering and all the more shameful-that more than one billion people in the developing world are living in poverty. Progress in raising average incomes however welcome,must not distract attention from this massive and continuing burden of poverty.
The same is true of the broader measures of well being.Life expectancy in the sub-saharan Africa is just 50 years.In Japan it is almost 80.More than 110 million children in the developing world lack access to primary education while in the developed world,anything less than the universal enrollment would rightly be regarded as unacceptable.The starkness of these contrasts attests to the continuity toll of human deprivation.
It should be noted that even in the developing world,poverty levels differ from region to region,country to country and even location to location within the same country.For example,nearly half of the world''s poor live in South Asia,a region that accounts for a smaller,but still,highly disproportionate share of global poverty.Within regions and countries,the poor are often concentrated in certain places:in rural areas with high population densities.Often,the problems of poverty,population,and the environment are inter-twinned;earlier patterns of development and pressure of rapidly expanding populations mean that many of the poor live in areas of acute environmental degradation.
It is also true that the weight of poverty falls heavily on certain groups.Women in general are disadvantaged.This is because in poor households,they often shoulder more of the workload than men,are less educated,and have less access to remunerative activities.children too suffer disproportionately,and the future quality of their lives is compromised by inadequate nutrition,health care,and education.This is especially true for girls,for their primary school enrollment rates are less than 50 percent in many African countries.
Obviously,reducing poverty is the fundamental objective of the economic development in any country.It is estimated that in 1985,more than one billion people in the developing world lived in absolute poverty.Clearly then,economic development has a long way to go. Knowledge about the poor is essential if governments are to adopt sound development strategies and more effective policies for attacking poverty.How many poor are there?Where do they live?What are their economic circumstances?Answering these questions is the first step toward understanding the impact of economic policies on the poor.
a)What evidence does the author give to show that incomes and consumption trends are rising in the developing world?(2 marks)

b)How does the author feel about the progress made so far by the developing world?(2 marks)

c)Why does the author mention Japan?(1 mark)

d)What is odd about the poverty situation in South Asia?(2 marks)

e)Explain the relationship between poverty and high population(3 marks)

f)Rewrite the following sentence in singular.
"They are also less educated and have less access to remunerative activities".(1 mark)

g)Why is a girl doubly disadvantaged in a poor country(3 marks)

h)In about 55 words,summarize the main argument of the author(4 marks)

i)Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage:(2 marks)
a)Fill each blank space using the correct form of the word in brackets
i)We........................(regular)visit our grandparents in the village.
ii)The company has been in.....................(exist)for twenty years.
iii)The man agreed to accompany her to the market after a lot of............................(persuade).
b)Complete each of the following sentences using the correct phrasal verb formed from the word given in brackets.
i)The around midnight(go)
ii)You have her what to do.(spell)
iii)Mwangi has.......................................the lights because he wants to sleep.(turn)
c)Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions.Do not change the meaning.
i)Everyone thought that the beggar was blind(Begin:The beggar.......)

ii)You always talk to me like a baby.I do not like it.(Rewrite as one sentence beginning:I wish..........)

iii)The two teams agreed to replay the match after a protracted negotiation(Begin:only.........)

iv)This car is so slow that it cannot reach Kericho before dark(Rewrite using too)

V)The poor man told us that he would rather die than go work as a slave.(use''prefer'')

d)Briefly explain the difference between the following pairs of sentences(4 marks)
1)i)They collected all the money needed
ii)They needed all the money they collected
11)i)Four of those students were admitted to the university
ii)Those four students were admitted to the university
e)Fill in the blank spaces with the correct preposition(2 marks)
i)Nyawira,get...................................the wet wall immediately.
ii)My sister and I will share this piece of land......................................ourselves.

The whiteman''s culture is a blessing to the female gender.To what extend is this statement true as depicted in the novel,The River and the Source by Margaret Ogola?(20 marks)

In the Caucasian chalk circle,Bertolt makes an extensive use of irony as a feature of style.Closely referring to the play,identify and discuss three instances where the style is used.(20 marks)

Marking Scheme/Answers

This is a memo
A memo should have the following
b)reference number
c)The name of the person sending out the memo
d)The names of the persons the memo is send to
e)the date
f)the subject
g)senders name or signature
ignore the reference number and award 1/2 mark for each of the above=3marks
tone-must be official because it is an official document=2 marks
content-candidate must mention at least 3 responsibilities.Award 2 marks for the first three and extra mark for any extra information given=7 marks
A=7-8 Marks
B=5-6 Mark
C=3-4 Marks
D=1-2 Marks
i)had ii)a iii)about iv)her v)and vi)except vii)by viii)even ix)of x)our
sound devices
ii)parallelism(repetition of certain similar structure)borrowing-a sorrowing
iii)assonance,internal rhyme
ci)social function-caution/warn against greed
ii)allusion-roasting meat-delicious food
broken leg-punishment for greed
effect of image-creates humor
iii)A feast/party to remind those present of the consequences of greed
a)The evidence is that consumption per capita is higher by nearly 70 percent,also,life expectancy,child mortality and educational attainment have improved significantly.
b)Although the author lauds the progress made,he is not overly impressed by it because more than one billion people in the developing world are living in poverty.There i no room for complacence
c)The author mentions Japan in order to show how far behind sub-saharan Africa is lagging in terms of life expectancy
d)What is odd is that the region accounts for less than a third of the worlds population and yet nearly half of the worlds poor people live there
e)The relationship between poverty and a high population is that the poor are more likely to have large families
Large families will exert too much pressure on the environment,leading to its degradation
such an environment cannot support the population and this leads to spiraling poverty
f)she is less educated,and has less access to a remunerative activity
g)Because as a woman,she has to do more work,also she get less education and fewer opportunities for gainful employment.As a child,she lacks adequate nutrition,healthcare and education
h)The author argues that although the developing world has significantly improved economically,it has a long way to go,ince many of its people live under absolute poverty.This is unevenly distributed geographically and mostly affects women and children
ii)compromised-adversely affected
Ai)regularly ii)existence iii)persuasion(3 marks)
Bi)went off/goes off/will go off ii)spell out iii)turned off(3 marks)
Ci)The beggar was thought to be blind by everybody
ii)i wish you would not talk to me like a child
iii)only after a protracted negotiation did the two team agree to replay the match
iv)This car is too slow to go to Kericho before dark
v)The poor man told us that he prefers dying to working as a slave(5 marks)

Di)Enough for the intended purpose
Not a cent went unused of the total amount collected
ii)Out of many students, four of them were admitted to the university
There are only four students and have been admitted to the university.(4 marks)
The river and the source
Transition refers to changing from an already existing order of doing things to doing them differently.Before the coming of the white man to this community,things were done according to traditions as dictated by the ancestors and were- god of the rising sun.This however,changes when the white man arrives bringing with him a new government-sirikal and a new religion Christianity
Akoko is robbed off her wealth by chief otieno her brother in-law,because she is a woman,a widow,and without a son.she seeks and gets justice from the new government in kisumu. The unjust practices of the traditions of these people are what motivated the changes
Wife inheritance as experienced by Nyabera brings her nothing but anguish and bitterness,she seeks an alternative which she finds in Christianity. The new God takes care of the poor,suffering,widows and the barren.If this new faith were not there,she would have suffered all through as there would have been no other life left for her
Education has brought a new approach to life.Elizabeth is able to choose her life partner as opposed to traditions where a husband would have been chosen for her.she also does not marry at an early age as her age mates because of education.The family need not investigate the in-laws ancestry and behavior. It is a relationship between the two in love.There is a church wedding in place of the mock fighting and stealing of bride.
The new religion seeks to maintain monogamy in a society that allows polygamy. Nyabera,a widow and with desire for children finds this rule rather challenging if not difficult to embrace on her part.
Marriage,that before the coming of the whitemen was more or less compulsory for the women,is no longer so.Marriage outide luoland was unheard of.Becky,however,marries a canandian and Aoro,A kikuyu. Inter-racial marriages have taken root.We also see vera remaining single when she joins opus Dei.

From the foregoing,it is clear that the society has undergone many positive changes on the changes on the part of women,and this is for the better since life is not static

In the Caucasian chalk circle by Bertolt Bretch makes an extensive use of irony as a feature of style. Closely referring to the play,identify three instances where the style is used.
In the play,the playwright makes use of irony to satirize human behavior
-Early on Easter Sunday,the Governor ignores the many petitions from his subject but claim to be rushing to church
-It is ironical that he takes time to supervise the extension of the palace he will not even spend in this night
-Natella escaping and leaving behind his son to be brought up by a house girl is ironical
-It is ironical that Natella accuse Grusha for stealing her son, Michael when she(Nattella)abandoned him at the most critical moment in his life
-(Award any relevant instances of irony)

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