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Alliance High School Agriculture Paper 2 Trial Examinations 2016 Question Paper

Alliance High School Agriculture Paper 2 Trial Examinations 2016 


Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2016

Agriculture Paper 2

1. State four differences between landrace and large white breed of pigs. (2 marks)
2. State the difference between a marking gauge and a mortise gauge. (1 mark)
3. Give four prophylactic measures carried out in livestock. (2 marks)
4. Name the four components of the transmission system. (2 marks)
5. What are the three conditions considered during tupping.
,6. List three chemicals used to treat wood. (11/2 mks)
7. a) What is a feed additive. (1 mark)
b) Give three examples of feed additives (1 1/2 rnks)
8. State three disadvantages of a fold system in rearing of poultry,
9. What are the possible reasons of culling a breeding boar? Give four answers. (2 marks)
10. Mention four possible routes of transmission of anthrax. (2 marks)
11. How can a farmer ensure maximum depth of ploughing when using tractor drawn mouldboard plough? Give three methods.
12. Give four reasons of weighing lambs after birth. (2 marks)
13. Give five undesirable characteristics of indigenous cattle that make them unpopular today with Kenyan farmers.
14. State four practices of maintaining a tractor battery,
15. a) Give five undesirable characteristics of indigenous cattle that make them unpopular today with Kenyan farmers.
b) State four methods of controlling fowl typhoid in poultry. (2 marks)

Answer all questions
16. a) Describe the procedure of establishing a fish pond.
b) Outline three advantages of seine nets over hook and line.
17. The diagram below shows the cooling system of a tractor engine. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.


a) Name the parts labelled, F.
b) State the functions of parts labelled C

18. Diagrams G, H and J illustrate some livestock parasites.


a) Identify parasites G, H and J.
b) State the category of parasites.
Name the parts of the hosts body where G and H are found.
Name the intermediate hosts of parasite G and H.

19. The diagram below illustrates the aerial view of a livestock handling structure. Study the diagram and carefully answer the questions that follow.


a) Identify the structure
b) State the functions of parts labelled S,T,U,V,W,X and Y.
c) State two maintenance practices of the structure.
Answer two questions only
20. a) Outline 10 short term services activities in a tractor (10 marks)
b) Write short notes on trypanosomiasis under the following
i) Causal organism (1 mark)
ii) Symptoms of attack (5 marks)
iii) Control measures (4 marks)
21. a) Describe the essentials of clean milk production in dairy farming. (10 marks)
b) Describe how late weaning programme is conducted in a dairy calf (10 marks)
22. a) Describe upgrading as a method of improving indigenous cattle for milk production. (8 marks)
b) Explain the various uses of hand tools for construction in the farm. (32 marks)

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