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Alliance High School Business Studies Paper 1 Trial Examinations 2016 Question Paper

Alliance High School Business Studies Paper 1 Trial Examinations 2016 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2016

Business Studies Paper 1

1. State 4 types of ledgers. (4 marks)
2. Given the following items of Mbaka Njeru Traders
Stock on 1st July 2013 60,670
Stock on 30 June 2012 50,150
Purchases 240,000
Return inwards 4,000
Carriage outwards 8,000

NB: (i) Carriage outwards was twice as much as carriage inwards.
(ii) Return inwards was a Yz of return outwards. Prepare Mbaka Njeru
Trading A/c. (4 marks)
3. State the type of document described below as used in international trade (4 marks)
Description------------------ Type of document
(a) Sent to an agent to order for specific goods------------
(b) It is a document of title and it is issued by a shipping company---------
(c) Indicate from which country goods are coming from--------------
(d) Shows goods are certified by importing country''''s officials abroad--------
4. Highlight 4 disadvantages of progressive tax. (4 marks)
5. Outline 4 implications of having a very high average stock than normal in a business. (4 marks)
6. A country has over population, state 4 advantages the country may have. (4 marks)
7. Outline 4 main features of a endowment policy in life assurance. (4 marks )
8. Indicate the type of business described below. (4 marks)
Description----------------------Type of business
(a) Have branches in different countries-----
(b) Can be quoted in the stock exchange-----
(c) Formed by maximum of 50 but have unlimited liabilities------
(d) Mainly formed to uplift the welfare of members--------
9. Given the following items of Wacu Traders.
5 year loan----------300,000
2 year loan----------130,500
Motor vehicle-------435,000
(a) Owner’s equity.
(b) Working capital ratio.
(c) Quick ratio.
(d) Capital employed.
(e) Working capital.
10. Give Juma 4 reasons why he should promote his goods through the internet. (4 marks)
11. Describe four conditions that should be fulfilled by a good warehouse. (4 maks)
12. Identify 4 situations that may make it ideal to use gestures in communication.( mks)
13. State 4 characteristics of good office worker falling under office etiquette.( 4 marks)
14. Indicate in which level of production the following occupations fall.
Occupation--------------level of production
(a) Milking a camel-------------
(b) Tanning leather-----------
(c) Providing insurance-----------
(d) Smoking fish-----------
(e) Hunting----------
(f) Painting someone''''s house-----------
15. Illustrate in two well labelled diagrams the differences between a shift in the demand curve and a movement along the demand curve.
16. The following equation and initials indicate equilibrium national income.
Write their meaning. (3 marks)
S+T+M = I+X+G
17. State 4 factors that influence holding money for precautionary motive. ( 4 marks)
18. Record the following transactions in a cash payment Journal. (4 marks)
August 1st Paid Bakari a creditor by cash 7,600 after deducting 5% cash discount
August 2nd Bought stock paying by cheque 13,400.
August 3rd Bought stationery paying by cash 2,000.
August 4th Paid the following creditors by cheque after deducting 10% discount. Wamaiwa 12,000, Francis 16,000.
August 5th Paid the following expenses by cash. Insurance 11,000, Postage 1,400
19. Indicate the type of retailer described below. (4 marks)
Description-------------Type of Retail

(a) Open on specific days and run by local authorities----------
(b) Sell their products from place to place carrying them on bicycles or carts.----------
(c) Are coins or notes operates.
(d) Sell goods from one particular manufacturer--------
20. Highlight 4 external economic factors that affect a business either positively or negatively. (4 marks)
21. Outline 4 features of a good transport system. (4 marks)
22. State 4 reasons why the government issues out licenses to traders. (4 marks)
23. You have been provided with the following prices of goods and their weight for two different years.


Calculate the C.P.I and show by how much the purchasing power has fallen. (4 marks)
24. Outline 4 negative implications of production activities on the environment and health. (4 marks).

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