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Alliance High School Biology Paper 1 Trial Examinations 2016 Question Paper

Alliance High School Biology Paper 1 Trial Examinations 2016 


Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2016

Biology Paper 1

1. (a) Name the organelle where Kreb''s/ citric cycle take place in a cell.
(b) Where are lysosomes synthesized
2. Explain why unicellular organisms such as paramecium lack complex organs for gaseous exchange. (2
3. The diagram below represents a transverse section of a plant part. Study it and answer the questions that follow.


a) Name the class in which the plant belongs.
b) Give a reason for answer in (a) above
c) State one adaptation for the structures labelled X to their functions.
4.'' State the function of the following structures in the human hear.
(a) Semi-circular canals.
(b) Eustachian tube (1 mark)
5. The diagram below shows the internal structure of a broad bean seed. Study it and answer the questions that follow.


(a)Name the part labelled B. (1 mark)
(b) Why is it important that the part labelled A develops first during germination? (2 marks)
6. Give an example of the sex linked trait in humans on
(i) Y - Chromosomes (1 mark)
(ii) X - Chromosomes (1 mark)
7. State two structural differences between skeletal and smooth muscles.(2 mark)
8. Outline two roles of active transport in human beings. (2 marks)
9. (a) State the most suitable biological tool for collecting the following organisms:-
i) A moth from a coffee farm. (1 mark)
ii) Ants from a tree trunk.
b) State two distinguishing characteristics of the kingdom protoctisa.
10. (a) Name the hormone that stimulate the maturation of the graafian follicles to release a mature ovum in female reproductive cycle. (1 mark)
b) Explain why menstruation does not take place after fertilization in human beings. (2 marks)
11. The diagram below shows a phenomenon which occurs during cell division.


a) Identify the stage of cell division in which this phenomenon occurs. (1mark)
b) State the importance of the phenomenon taking place in the part labelled B. (2marks)
12 (a) Name a growth hormone that has inhibitory effects in plants growth. (1 mark)
b) State two characteristics of meristematic cells. (2 marks)
13 Write down two functions of exoskeleton in the phylum Arthropoda. (2 marks)
14 Insects'' blood is noted to lack a respiratory pigment. Explain (1 mark)
15 Give two destinations of food translocated from the leaves of plants, (2 marks)
16 Name the organelle that is likely to be found in abundance in (3 marks)
(a) An enzyme secreting cell.
(b) Cells producing lipid related secretions.
(c) Areas where the cells have ruptured
17. A small boy remarked that his dog looks larger on cold days than on hot days. Give a biological explanation for this. (2 marks)
18 The diagram below represents a pyramid of biomass derived from a certain ecosystem.


(a) Suggest the type of ecosystem from which the pyramid was derived.
(b) State the significance of short food chains in an ecosystem.
19. Name the excretory products eliminated by the following animals.
(i) Tilapia
(ii) Chicken
20. Name the causative organism of the following diseases,
i) Malaria
(ii) Bilharzia
21 The figure below is a structural diagram of apportion from nucleic acid strand
a) Giving a reason, name the nucleic acid to which the strand belongs.
b) Write down the sequence of bases of a complimentary strand to that shown above. (1 mark)
22. The diagram below illustrates part of a nephron from a mammalian kidney.


(a) Name the fluid found in the part labelled Q.
(b) Identify the process responsible for the formation of the fluid named in (a) above
c) Which two hormones exert their effect in the nephron?
23. (a) Explain why Lamarck''s theory of evolution is not accepted by Biologists today.
(b) Distinguish between homologous and analogous structures.
24. Name the hormone responsible for apical
a) Dominance
Euglena is positively phototactic, of what biological significance is this characteristic
25 Name the type of muscle in human being found in the;
(a) Artrium
(c) Oviduct
26 Explain the importance of the following in fish;
(a) Myotomes on either side ofthe body
(b) Scales overlapping backwards
(c) Paired fins

27. The illustration below shows a part of the ovary of an angiosperm ..


(a) Identify the structure.
c) Name the parts labelled S, T, U and w. S
28 What is the role of the following hormones,
(a) Ethylene.
(b) Florigen.
29. The diagram below shows a neuron.


(a) Identify the type of neuron above.
(b) Name the parts labelled: A and B
30. List down three differences between endocrine system and nervous system. (3 marks)
3l. State the products of the light reaction stage of photosynthesis
32. The diagram below shows a human tooth


a) Identify the tooth
b) How is the tooth adapted to its function?

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