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Alliance High School Biology Paper 3 Trial Examinations 2016 Question Paper

Alliance High School Biology Paper 3 Trial Examinations 2016 


Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2016

Biology Paper 3

1. You are provide with olive oil, liquid PI and P2, two test tubes A and an an Irish potato.
Place 2cm2 of water into each test tube. Add 8 drops of olive oil into each test tube.
To test tube A, add 8 drops of liquid PI. Shake both test tubes and allow them to stand for two minutes.
a) i) Record your observations, (3 marks)
Test tube A
Test tube B
ii) Name the process that has taken place in test tube A. (1 mark)
iii) State the significance of the process named in a) ii) above.- (2marks)
iv) Name the:
Digestive juice in man that has the same effect on oil as liquid PI.
Region along the gut into which the juice is secreted. (1 mark)
b) Label two test tubes C and D.
Place 2cm2 of liquid P2 into each test tube. Add a drop of Iodine solution into each test tube.
i) Record your observations. (1 mark)
ii) Suggest the identity of P2. (1 mark)
Cut out a cube whose sides are 1cm from the Irish potato provided. Crush the cube to obtain a paste. Add the paste into the contents of the test tube labelled C. Leave the set up for at least 30 minutes.
iii) Record your observations. (1 mark)
iv) Account for the results in b) (iii) above. (4 marks)
c) Cut another cube from the Irish potato and crush it into a paste. Place the crushed paste into a test tube and carry out food test using Benedict''s reagent. Record the procedure and results
Procedure: (l mark)
ii) Account for the results in (c) above. (3 marks)
2. You are provided with specimen W.
a) Describe the following floral parts:
i) Corolla (3 marks)
ii) Audroeeium (3mks)
b. i)Remove a single stamen from the specimen. Draw and label any two parts (3 marks)
ii) Calculate the magnification of your drawing. (2 marks)
c i) Obtain another stamen from specimen W, Tap the pollen grains from the lower half onto a microscope slide. Add a drop of Iodine solution and place a cover slip gently to spread out the pollen grains
Observe under the medium power.
Draw one pollen grain and state your magnification. (2 marks)
ii) Describe the pollen grain.
3. Study the photomicrograph below that shows of part of a cell and answer the questions that follow.


a) Name the parts labelled ;
b) State the function of parts labelled:
c) Using the scale given in the photomicrograph, calculate the actual width (X-Y) of structure M.

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