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Alliance High School English Paper 1 Trial Examinations 2016 Question Paper

Alliance High School English Paper 1 Trial Examinations 2016 


Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2016

JULY 2016

Imagine that you are employed by an NGO that works with the youth in the fight against drug abuse.
You are asked to chair a committee that is to investigate the causes and effects of the vice in your neighbourhood. Write a report.
(20 marks)
Fill each of the blanks in the passage below with the most appropriate word.
In fact, you cannot prevent your children from having some kind of relationship with drugs; you cannot avoid their________ something about them or having ___________ to some of them.
Drugs are everywhere: in the streets, in schools ... and even in the medicine cabinet at home.
__________ your children from consuming drugs, however, is not _________. The first defence lie in making sure that they___________ the nature of such substances. To achieve that goal, keep an open line of_________ with them. Learn about drugs and do not make too much them.
If your son or daughter ___________ a personality prone to drug consumption , or even to drug addiction, do not despair. But do see to the problem.
Scientific research has shown that immediate _________ provided to a child that has _______ some trauma or severe disappointment significantly reduces the risk of taking drugs at that time or when he or she becomes an adult. Paying immediate attention to a child or teenager who is hurting is crucial!
(a) This is just to say
I have eaten
The plums
That were in
The icebox

And which
You were probably
For breakfast

Forgive me
They were delicious
So sweet
And so cold

1. Identify words used in the poem that have silent letters.
2. Identify and illustrate use of two sound devices in one poem.
3. How would you say
(a) Line 7?
(b) Last “two lines of the poem”?
4. For each of the following words, write another that is pronounced the same way.
(b) heart
.(c) heard
(d) tear (noun)
(b) Would you use the rising or falling intonation in each of the sentence in the conversation below? (5 marks)
Mother :(From the kitchen). Is there someone at the door?
Son : (From the living room) I don''t know.
Mother : Would you mind checking? (No response from Son who is engrossed in his music)
Are you listening? (Now at the living room door) This is amazing!
(c) Comment on the turn taking skills of the speakers in the conversation below.
Pauline: The one child per couple policy is good for our country. Kenyan''s are getting too many children. On the average there are fifteen children .....
Aggrey: Don''t be ridiculous! How many couples do you know that have so many children? In fact, most couples have either one child or none at all.
(d) Indicate the stressed words in the following sentence, (5 marks)
Yesterday i went to town and brought some books.
(e) Underline the stressed syllable in each of the following words.
(a) Approach
(b) Attire
(c) Advice
(d) Comment

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