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Alliance High School Chemistry Paper 1 Trial Examinations 2016 Question Paper

Alliance High School Chemistry Paper 1 Trial Examinations 2016 


Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2016

Alliance High School
Chemistry Paper 1
2016 Trial Examination Form 4
1. (a) Define solubility. (1 mark)
b. In an experiment, 72 grams of a saturated solution of a salt at 50oC had 24 grams of solid when evaporated to dryness. Determine the solubility of the salt at 50oC.
2. When excess chlorine is bubbled through cold dilute sodium hydroxide solution; the resulting solution acts as a bleaching agent
(a) Write a chemical equation for the reaction that produces the bleaching agent. (1 mark)
(b) Name the bleaching compound and show how it bleaches using an equation. (2 marks)
3. (a) Both sodium and aluminium are metals in period 3. Sodium has a melting point of 98oC while aluminium has a melting point of 1083oC. Explain. (2 marks)
(b) Explain why the electrical conductivity of metals decreases with an increase in temperature. (2 marks)
4. (a) Determine the oxidation state of sulphur in sodium thiosulphate, Na2S203 (l mark)
(b) Write the equation for the reaction of sodium thiosulphate and dilute hydrochloric acid ( 1 mark)
(c ) Of what use is the reaction in (b) above in our school laboratory ( 1 mark)
5. Two elements R and Q have their ionic configuration 2.8 and 2.8.8. They are found in group VI and group I respectively in the periodic table. Write down the electronic configuration of their neutral atoms.
(ii) Give the formula of the compound formed when Rand Q combine. ( 1 mark)
(iii) The compound in (ii) above was dissolved in water. What would be the effect on a blue litmus paper dipped into resulting solution? Explain. ( 1 mark)
6. (a) A student electroplated a spoon with copper metal. Write an equation for the reaction that took place at the cathode. (1 mark)
(b) Calculate the time in minutes required to deposit 1.184g of copper if a current of 2 amperes was used (1 Faraday= 96500 coulombs, Cu - 63.5) (2 marks)

7. Hydrazine gas, hydrazine03102016.png
burns in oxygen to form nitrogen gas and steam.
(a) Write an equation for the reaction.
(b) Using the bond energies given below, calculate the enthalpy change for the reaction in (a) above. (2 marks)


8. (a) What is meant by the terms:
(i) Atom
(ii) Mass number
(b) The formula of element T is TC13.What is the formula of its sulphate? ( 1 mark)
9. Distinguish between neutralization and esterification.
10. The pressure of oxygen gas in 2dm3 cylinder at -183oC was 107 pascals. Calculate the
(a) Volume of the gas at 25oC and 10 pascal.
(b) Mass of oxygen gas ( molar gas volume is 24dm3 0 = 16)
11. The diagram below shows an iron bar which supports a bridge the iron bar is connected to a piece of magnesium metal.


Explain why it is necessary to connect the piece of magnesium to the iron bar.(3 marks)
12. Hydrogen sulphide is highly toxic and flammable gas. It is normally prepared in a fume chamber.
(a) Name two reagents that can be used to prepare hydrogen sulphide gas. (2 marks)
(b) State the method used to collect the gas. (1 mark)
13. When solid magnesium carbonate was added to a solution of hydrogen chloride in methyl benzene there was no effervescence. On addition of water to the resulting mixture there was vigorous effervescence. Explain these observations. (2 marks)
14. Iron is manufactured from iron ore in the blast furnace.
(a) Explain how carbon (ll) oxide is formed in the blast during the manufacture of iron. (2 marks)
(b) Write the equation for the reaction in which iron is formed. (1 mark)
15. Describe how a pure solid sample of zinc (II) carbonate can be prepared starting with zinc powder
16. (a) State the Le Chatelier''s principle. (1 mark)
(b) Carbon (II) oxide gas reacts with steam according to the equation.


What would be the effect of increasing the pressure of the system at equilibrium? Explain
17. (a) 200g of radioactive 233Pa disintegrated to 25g after 81 days.
Determine the half life of Pa (2 marks)
(b) State one application of radioisotopes in paper industry. (l mark)
18. (a) State Gay Lussac''s law. (1 mark) .
(b) 10 cm of methane (CH*) gas is exploded with 150 cm of air containing 20% oxygen. The products were allowed to cool to room temperature.
Calculate the total volume of the gases at the end of the reaction. (2 marks)
19. Study the energy level diagram below and answer the questions that follow.


(i) Which letters (A B C D) represents hydration energy for magnesium chloride?
(ii) According to the diagram, is the heat of solution for magnesium chloride exothermic or endothermic process?
(iii) Suppose the lattice energy for magnesium chloride is -2493 kj/mol, hydration energy for mg2+ and Cl ions are -1891 and -840kJ /mol respectively.
Calculate the heat of solution for MgCh2. (2 marks)
20. State one difference between a dropping funnel and a thistle funnel. (1 mark)

21. A student reduced 20g of a certain oxide of iron as shown below


(i) Identify liquid X
(ii) If she collected 6.75g of liquid X, obtain the empirical formula of the oxide.
(Fe - 56, 0 = 16, H = 1 ) (3 marks)

22. The table below show some elements of the periodic table and their atomic numbers, atomic masses and melting points. The letters are not the actual symbols of the elements.


(a) Select two elements with oxidation state -3
(b) Which element represents the most powerful reducing agent? Explain. (1 mark)
(c) How does the atomic radii of G compare with that H.
23. The diagram below shows the catalytic oxidation of ammonia gas. Use it to answer the question that follow.


(a) What metal could rod M made of?
(b) State and explain two observations made inside the flask. (2 marks)
24. (a) Name a suitable drying agent to be used to dry chlorine gas. (1 mark)
(b) Chlorine reacts with red hot iron powder to give iron (III) chloride but not iron (II) chloride. Explain. (1 mark)
(c) What is the effect of high concentration of chlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere? (1 mark)
25. The set up below is used to obtain a sample of iron


(a)Identify the gas collected
(b) What observation is made on the excess iron (lII) oxide?
(c)Write equations for the two reactions that take place in the combustion tube. (2 marks)
26. Bromine and Krypton are put on opposite sides of a dry tube and allowed to diffuse under same conditions.
(a) Find the relative rate of diffusion for the gases Krypton and Bromine
(Br=79.9, Kr = 83.8) (2 marks)
(b) If bromine gas moves 10 cm in the dry tube what distance will Krypton move? (l mark)
27. The structure of a detergent is:


a) Write the molecular formula of the detergent
b) What type of detergent is represented by the formula?

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