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Biology Form 1 Question Paper

Biology Form 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2006




Answer ALL questions in the spaces provided below each question on the question paper.

1(a) Name any three parts of a flower that make up the pistil (3mks)

b. Differentiate between self pollination and cross pollination (2mks)

c. State five characteristics of insect pollinated flowers (5mks)

2(a) Define Biology (1mk)

b. State four reasons to explain the importance of studying Biology (4mks)

c. State the eight main characteristics by which living things are distinguished from non living things (8mks)

d. State six main differences between plants and animals (6mks)

3(a) What is classification? (2mks)

b. State five reasons to explain the necessity for and significance of classification of living things (5mks)

c (i) State any three external features that show that plants vary significantly and therefore need to be classified (3mks)

ii. Name any two types of leaf venation (2mks)

4(a) State the principles of Binomial nomenclature (3mks)

b. From the largest and most inclusive group to the smallest and most exclusive group state the seven main taxonomic units (7mks)

c. Define the term species (2mks)

d. Giving an example of an organism in each case, give the five major kingdoms in which living things are classified (10mks)

5 (a) Define a cell (1mk)

b. Between x400 and x800, where would one see a large field of view while using a microscope? Give a reason for your answer (2mks)

c. State the functions of each of the following parts of a light microscope.

i. Objective lens (1mk)
ii. Condensor (1mk)
iii. Diaphragm (1mk)

d. State the functions of each of the following cell organelles:-

i. Plasma membrane (2mks)
ii. Secretory vesicles (2mks)
iii. Endoplasmic reticular (2mks)

e. Name any one structure present in animal cell but lacks in plant cells (1mk)

6 (a) Define osmosis (1mk)

b. Describe an experiment that you would set up to demonstrate the physiological process of osmosis (5mks)

c. Outline the importance of osmosis in plants (4mks)

7. Giving an example in each case, state any four ways by which some animals are adapted for defence and protection against their enemies (4mks)

8. Give reasons as to why each of the following is done when preparing a temporary slide of a plant cell:-

i. A very sharp razor/scalpel is used (1mk)
ii. Very thin sections are made (2mks)
iii. Sections are placed in water (2mks)
iv. Staining is done (1mk)

9. State four factors that affect the rate of diffusion (4mks)

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