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313/1 Christian Religious Education Paper 1 Question Paper

313/1 Christian Religious Education Paper 1 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2016

July/August 2016
Time: 2½ hours

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

Paper 313/1
July/August 2016
Time: 2½ hours


Answer any FIVE questions in the answer booklet provided.

1 a) Give six ways in which the teaching of Christian Religious Education promotes national unity in Kenya. (6 marks)

b) Identify seven books that are referred to as Deutro-Canonical books. (7 marks)

c) State reasons that make Christians fail to read the Bible. (7 marks)

2. a) State seven ways in which God’s power is demonstrated in the deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt to the promised land. (7 marks)

b) Outline the conditions that God gave the Israelites before renewing the Sinai covenant. (7 marks)

c) Identify six reasons why Christians fall from their faith. (6 marks)

3. a) Outline seven practices of Idolatry in Israel during the time of prophet Elijah. (7 marks)

b) Give seven conditions that made it difficult for prophet Elijah to stop idolatry in Israel. (7 marks)

c) State six factors that prevent leaders in Kenya from performing their duties effectively. (6 marks)

4. a) Give seven reasons why God called prophets in Israel. (7 marks)

b) Identify seven reasons Prophet Amos was against the way the Israelites worshipped God in Israel. (7 marks)

c) Outline ways in which the church in Kenya discipline errant members today. (6 marks)

5. a) Outline seven problems that Nehemiah encountered when he was rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem.
(7 marks)

b) Give seven reasons why Nehemiah carried out religious reforms in Judah. (7 marks)

c) State the roles that Christians can play in national elections in Kenya. (6 marks)

6. a) Outline seven rituals associated with the birth of a child in traditional African societies. (7 marks)

b) List down seven morals values inculcated during marriage in African traditional societies.
(7 marks)
c) What is the importance of the bride-price in traditional African societies . (6 marks)

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