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Christian Religious Education Paper 1 Marking Scheme Question Paper

Christian Religious Education Paper 1 Marking Scheme 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2016


Paper 1
July/August 2016

1 a) How teaching of CRE help achieve national unity.
i) Helps students to develop a sense of belonging and thus can fight tribalism and nepotism.
ii) Students learn to appreciate each others culture.
iii) Students look at one another as brothers and sisters hence promoting unity.
iv) Students learn of their common origin thus accepting responsibility and love one another.
v) Students learn that they are all made in the likeness and image of God and thus shun all racial, creed or religious differences.
vi) It teaches students to live in love peace and unity.
vii) Help students to make responsible/moral choices. 6x1=6mks

b) Deutero-Cannonical books.
i) The book of wisdom
ii) Barruch
iii) Judith
iv) Ecclesiasticus
v) I Maccabees
vi) II maccabees.
vii) Tobit 7x1 =7mks

c) Why Christians fail to read the Bible.
i) Lack of enough faith in God
ii) Lack of Bible reading skills
iii) Unavailability of the Bible
iv) Negative attitude when reading the Bible.
v) Lack of time/Busy with other things
vi) Lack of interest
vii) Find it difficult to interpret it.
viii) The Bible condemns their evils.
7 x 1 = 7mks

2 a) Demonstration of God’s power in deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt to promised land.
i) Through nine plagues
ii) Killing the 1st born sons of the Egyptians
iii) The crossing of the Red Sea
iv) Drowning the Egyptians soldiers in Red Sea.
v) Provision of food (manna and Quails)
vi) Provision of water (from the rock)
vii) The crossing of river Jordan
viii) Israelites victory over their enemies.
ix) Miraculous healing from snake bites
x) The pillar of fire/cloud/thunder/Earthquake
xi) Empowering Moses to perform miracles.
7x1 =7mks

b) Conditions of the renewal of the Sinai covenant.
i) To obey God’s commandments.
ii) Not to make treaties with the people living in the land they were going
iii) They were to destroy altars, sacred stones and false gods of the Canaanites
iv) They were not to worship any other gods
v) They were to keep the three annual feasts.
vi) They were to dedicate their firstborn male children and those of animals.
vii) They were not to make any idols
viii) They were to rest on the Sabbath Day.
ix) They were not to intermarry with foreigners.
7x1 =7mks

c) Reasons why Christians fall from their faith.
i) Lack of faith in God
ii) Unanswered prayers
iii) Poor role models
iv) Negative peer pressure
v) Permissiveness in the society / moral decadence
vi) Lack of follow up by Church leaders/discipleship
vii) Negative mass media influence
viii) Too much commitment to their work
ix) Temptations by devil
x) Persecution/rejection by their families.

3 a) Practices of Idolatry in Israel during the time of prophet Elijah.
i) Worshipping of many foreign gods
ii) Making graven images/idols to represent the gods.
iii) Building high places/altars in the hilltops/temples
iv) Cultic/temple prostitution
v) Human sacrifices.
vi) Naming children after Baals
vii) Presence of false prophets/prophetesses
viii) Worshipping Yahweh alongside other gods/syncretism
ix) Performing elaborate rituals for the false gods
x) Celebrating festivals in honour of the gods/goddesses 7x1 =7mks

b) Conditions that made it hard for Prophet Elijah to fight idolatry.
i) The altars of Yahweh had been destroyed.
ii) Prophet Elijah was only prophet against many Baal prophets.
iii) Existence of false prophets who gave false promises to Israelites
iv) The prophets of Yahweh were being persecuted by Queen Jezebel.
v) King Ahab allowed the building of high places for the worship of Baal.
vi) Strong widespread influence of the Canaanite religion / Baalism had been made a state religion
vii) The Baals looked real unlike the invisible Yahweh
viii) Jezebel had imported foreign gods/goddess in Israel.
ix) King Ahab participated in the idol worship.
7x1 =7mks

c) Factors hindering the church leaders from performing their duties effectively.
i) Inability to live up to the expectations of their congregation/members
ii) When women leaders are discriminated/looked down upon.
iii) Lack of training/leadership skills/poor public relations.
iv) Division and conflict between various departments
v) Lack of forums to meet and discuss/solve with their distractors
vi) Insecurity/harassment/threats
vii) Inadequate resources /infrastructure to implement their plans.
viii) Personal differences among Church leaders
ix) Corruption
x) Cultural/religious/racism/tribal/Ethical/barriers 6x1=6mks

4 a) Reasons why God called Prophets in Israel.
i) To speak and act on behalf of God.
ii) To carry out special/specific tasks/duties
iii) To remind the Israelites of the covenant way of life.
iv) To reveal God’s nature to the people
v) To teach people the will of God.
vi) To pronounce judgement and punishment to Israel/nations for evil committed.
vii) To call people to repentance/forgiveness
ix) To restore true worship of Yahweh /True monotheism.
x) To warn the people of the impending danger
xi) To give hope to the people.
7x1 =7mks

b) Why prophets Amos was against the way Israelites worshipped God.
i) They gave empty sacrifices which did not reflect holy lives.
ii) They practiced syncretism
iii) There was insecurity in worship/hypocrisy
iv) They made idols/worshipped idols.
v) They built many high places of worship for idols
vi) They misused the temple by feasting/drinking
vii) They refused to listen to the prophets of God/ listened to false prophets.
viii) They misused the Sabbath
ix) They practiced Temple prostitution.
7x1 =7mks

c) Ways the Church discipline errant members.
i) Suspension
ii) They are denied privileges/sacraments
iii) Dropped from their positions/denied leadership positions
iv) Reprimanded /told to repent/confess in public
v) Given a stern warning
vi) Charged a fine
vii) Church workers are transferred
viii) If grievous mistakes they are taken to jail

5 a) Nehemiah''s problems when rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem.
i) The officials of Tekoa did not co-operate with him.
ii) He was ridiculed by Sanbalat and Tobiah
iii) He received threats of violence from the enemies
iv) A trap was laid to derail his mission
v) There was a plot to kill him
vi) There was insecurity from the enemies.
vii) False prophets tried to discourage him
viii) He was opposed by Jewish nobles
ix) False accusations from his enemies
7x1 =7mks

b) Role of Christians in national elections.
i) Praying for fair /free/just/peaceful elections
ii) Being employed to facilitate the elections
iii) Being honest /not fearing intimidation/ persecution
iv) Casting ones vote
v) Educating the masses on their civil/rights/obligations.
vi) Financing/assisting the government in facilitating smooth and fair elections
vii) Avoiding situations of confrontations with the government of the day.
viii) Preaching peace and unity throughout the campaign and election period.
7 x 1 = 7mks

6 a) Rituals associated with the birth of a child in Traditional African communities.
i) Bathing of the baby
ii) Shaving of the baby''s and mother''s hair
iii) Feeding the baby
iv) Holding the baby by members of the community
v) Saying prayers/words of blessing
vi) Slaughtering of animals /sacrificing
vii) Feasting/celebrating
viii) Wearing of protective charms
ix) Seclusion of both the mother and the baby
x) Giving of gifts to the mother
xi) Giving the baby sweet/bitter substance.
7 x 1 = 7mks

b) Moral values inculcated in marriage in traditional African community.
i) Respect
ii) Loyalty /faithfulness
iii) Obedience
iv) Caring
v) Responsibility
vi) Hard work/
vii) Hospitality
viii) Honesty
ix) Tolerance/perseverance
x) Chastity
xi) Love 7x1 =7mks

c) Importance of Bride price in Traditional African Societies.
i) It was a way of thanking the brides family for taking good care of her.
ii) Form of compensation to the bride’s parents for her absence.
iii) A sign of contract /commitment that a man would marry the girl and live with her.
iv) It showed grooms ability to take care of the wife and the family.
v) It was a sign of generosity on the side of the man.
vi) It cemented the marriage
vii) It was a symbol of marriage contract/represented the present day marriage certificate.
any 6 x 1 = 6mks

1 a) How teaching of CRE help achieve national unity.
i) Helps students to develop a sense of belonging and thus can fight tribalism and nepotism.
ii) Students learn to appreciate each others culture.
iii) Students look at one another as brothers and sisters hence promoting unity.
iv) Students learn of their common origin thus accepting responsibility and love one another.
v) Students learn that they are all made in the likeness and image of God and thus shun all racial, creed or religious differences.
vi) It teaches students to live in love peace and unity.
vii) Help students to make responsible/moral choices. 6x1=6mks

b) Deutero-Cannonical books.
i) The book of wisdom
ii) Barruch
iii) Judith
iv) Ecclesiasticus
v) I Maccabees
vi) II maccabees.
vii) Tobit 7x1 =7mks

c) Why Christians fail to read the Bible.
i) Lack of enough faith in God
ii) Lack of Bible reading skills
iii) Unavailability of the Bible
iv) Negative attitude when reading the Bible.
v) Lack of time/Busy with other things
vi) Lack of interest
vii) Find it difficult to interpret it.
viii) The Bible condemns their evils.
7 x 1 = 7mks

2 a) Demonstration of God’s power in deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt to promised land.
i) Through nine plagues
ii) Killing the 1st born sons of the Egyptians
iii) The crossing of the Red Sea
iv) Drowning the Egyptians soldiers in Red Sea.
v) Provision of food (manna and Quails)
vi) Provision of water (from the rock)
vii) The crossing of river Jordan
viii) Israelites victory over their enemies.
ix) Miraculous healing from snake bites
x) The pillar of fire/cloud/thunder/Earthquake
xi) Empowering Moses to perform miracles.
7x1 =7mks

b) Conditions of the renewal of the Sinai covenant.
i) To obey God’s commandments.
ii) Not to make treaties with the people living in the land they were going
iii) They were to destroy altars, sacred stones and false gods of the Canaanites
iv) They were not to worship any other gods
v) They were to keep the three annual feasts.
vi) They were to dedicate their firstborn male children and those of animals.
vii) They were not to make any idols
viii) They were to rest on the Sabbath Day.
ix) They were not to intermarry with foreigners.
7x1 =7mks

c) Reasons why Christians fall from their faith.
i) Lack of faith in God
ii) Unanswered prayers
iii) Poor role models
iv) Negative peer pressure
v) Permissiveness in the society / moral decadence
vi) Lack of follow up by Church leaders/discipleship
vii) Negative mass media influence
viii) Too much commitment to their work
ix) Temptations by devil
x) Persecution/rejection by their families.

3 a) Practices of Idolatry in Israel during the time of prophet Elijah.
i) Worshipping of many foreign gods
ii) Making graven images/idols to represent the gods.
iii) Building high places/altars in the hilltops/temples
iv) Cultic/temple prostitution
v) Human sacrifices.
vi) Naming children after Baals
vii) Presence of false prophets/prophetesses
viii) Worshipping Yahweh alongside other gods/syncretism
ix) Performing elaborate rituals for the false gods
x) Celebrating festivals in honour of the gods/goddesses 7x1 =7mks

b) Conditions that made it hard for Prophet Elijah to fight idolatry.
i) The altars of Yahweh had been destroyed.
ii) Prophet Elijah was only prophet against many Baal prophets.
iii) Existence of false prophets who gave false promises to Israelites
iv) The prophets of Yahweh were being persecuted by Queen Jezebel.
v) King Ahab allowed the building of high places for the worship of Baal.
vi) Strong widespread influence of the Canaanite religion / Baalism had been made a state religion
vii) The Baals looked real unlike the invisible Yahweh
viii) Jezebel had imported foreign gods/goddess in Israel.
ix) King Ahab participated in the idol worship.
7x1 =7mks

c) Factors hindering the church leaders from performing their duties effectively.
i) Inability to live up to the expectations of their congregation/members
ii) When women leaders are discriminated/looked down upon.
iii) Lack of training/leadership skills/poor public relations.
iv) Division and conflict between various departments
v) Lack of forums to meet and discuss/solve with their distractors
vi) Insecurity/harassment/threats
vii) Inadequate resources /infrastructure to implement their plans.
viii) Personal differences among Church leaders
ix) Corruption
x) Cultural/religious/racism/tribal/Ethical/barriers 6x1=6mks

4 a) Reasons why God called Prophets in Israel.
i) To speak and act on behalf of God.
ii) To carry out special/specific tasks/duties
iii) To remind the Israelites of the covenant way of life.
iv) To reveal God’s nature to the people
v) To teach people the will of God.
vi) To pronounce judgement and punishment to Israel/nations for evil committed.
vii) To call people to repentance/forgiveness
ix) To restore true worship of Yahweh /True monotheism.
x) To warn the people of the impending danger
xi) To give hope to the people.
7x1 =7mks

b) Why prophets Amos was against the way Israelites worshipped God.
i) They gave empty sacrifices which did not reflect holy lives.
ii) They practiced syncretism
iii) There was insecurity in worship/hypocrisy
iv) They made idols/worshipped idols.
v) They built many high places of worship for idols
vi) They misused the temple by feasting/drinking
vii) They refused to listen to the prophets of God/ listened to false prophets.
viii) They misused the Sabbath
ix) They practiced Temple prostitution.
7x1 =7mks

c) Ways the Church discipline errant members.
i) Suspension
ii) They are denied privileges/sacraments
iii) Dropped from their positions/denied leadership positions
iv) Reprimanded /told to repent/confess in public
v) Given a stern warning
vi) Charged a fine
vii) Church workers are transferred
viii) If grievous mistakes they are taken to jail

5 a) Nehemiah''s problems when rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem.
i) The officials of Tekoa did not co-operate with him.
ii) He was ridiculed by Sanbalat and Tobiah
iii) He received threats of violence from the enemies
iv) A trap was laid to derail his mission
v) There was a plot to kill him
vi) There was insecurity from the enemies.
vii) False prophets tried to discourage him
viii) He was opposed by Jewish nobles
ix) False accusations from his enemies
7x1 =7mks

b) Role of Christians in national elections.
i) Praying for fair /free/just/peaceful elections
ii) Being employed to facilitate the elections
iii) Being honest /not fearing intimidation/ persecution
iv) Casting ones vote
v) Educating the masses on their civil/rights/obligations.
vi) Financing/assisting the government in facilitating smooth and fair elections
vii) Avoiding situations of confrontations with the government of the day.
viii) Preaching peace and unity throughout the campaign and election period.
7 x 1 = 7mks

6 a) Rituals associated with the birth of a child in Traditional African communities.
i) Bathing of the baby
ii) Shaving of the baby''s and mother''s hair
iii) Feeding the baby
iv) Holding the baby by members of the community
v) Saying prayers/words of blessing
vi) Slaughtering of animals /sacrificing
vii) Feasting/celebrating
viii) Wearing of protective charms
ix) Seclusion of both the mother and the baby
x) Giving of gifts to the mother
xi) Giving the baby sweet/bitter substance.
7 x 1 = 7mks

b) Moral values inculcated in marriage in traditional African community.
i) Respect
ii) Loyalty /faithfulness
iii) Obedience
iv) Caring
v) Responsibility
vi) Hard work/
vii) Hospitality
viii) Honesty
ix) Tolerance/perseverance
x) Chastity
xi) Love 7x1 =7mks

c) Importance of Bride price in Traditional African Societies.
i) It was a way of thanking the brides family for taking good care of her.
ii) Form of compensation to the bride’s parents for her absence.
iii) A sign of contract /commitment that a man would marry the girl and live with her.
iv) It showed grooms ability to take care of the wife and the family.
v) It was a sign of generosity on the side of the man.
vi) It cemented the marriage
vii) It was a symbol of marriage contract/represented the present day marriage certificate.
any 6 x 1 = 6mks

1 a) How teaching of CRE help achieve national unity.
i) Helps students to develop a sense of belonging and thus can fight tribalism and nepotism.
ii) Students learn to appreciate each others culture.
iii) Students look at one another as brothers and sisters hence promoting unity.
iv) Students learn of their common origin thus accepting responsibility and love one another.
v) Students learn that they are all made in the likeness and image of God and thus shun all racial, creed or religious differences.
vi) It teaches students to live in love peace and unity.
vii) Help students to make responsible/moral choices. 6x1=6mks

b) Deutero-Cannonical books.
i) The book of wisdom
ii) Barruch
iii) Judith
iv) Ecclesiasticus
v) I Maccabees
vi) II maccabees.
vii) Tobit 7x1 =7mks

c) Why Christians fail to read the Bible.
i) Lack of enough faith in God
ii) Lack of Bible reading skills
iii) Unavailability of the Bible
iv) Negative attitude when reading the Bible.
v) Lack of time/Busy with other things
vi) Lack of interest
vii) Find it difficult to interpret it.
viii) The Bible condemns their evils.
7 x 1 = 7mks

2 a) Demonstration of God’s power in deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt to promised land.
i) Through nine plagues
ii) Killing the 1st born sons of the Egyptians
iii) The crossing of the Red Sea
iv) Drowning the Egyptians soldiers in Red Sea.
v) Provision of food (manna and Quails)
vi) Provision of water (from the rock)
vii) The crossing of river Jordan
viii) Israelites victory over their enemies.
ix) Miraculous healing from snake bites
x) The pillar of fire/cloud/thunder/Earthquake
xi) Empowering Moses to perform miracles.
7x1 =7mks

b) Conditions of the renewal of the Sinai covenant.
i) To obey God’s commandments.
ii) Not to make treaties with the people living in the land they were going
iii) They were to destroy altars, sacred stones and false gods of the Canaanites
iv) They were not to worship any other gods
v) They were to keep the three annual feasts.
vi) They were to dedicate their firstborn male children and those of animals.
vii) They were not to make any idols
viii) They were to rest on the Sabbath Day.
ix) They were not to intermarry with foreigners.
7x1 =7mks

c) Reasons why Christians fall from their faith.
i) Lack of faith in God
ii) Unanswered prayers
iii) Poor role models
iv) Negative peer pressure
v) Permissiveness in the society / moral decadence
vi) Lack of follow up by Church leaders/discipleship
vii) Negative mass media influence
viii) Too much commitment to their work
ix) Temptations by devil
x) Persecution/rejection by their families.

3 a) Practices of Idolatry in Israel during the time of prophet Elijah.
i) Worshipping of many foreign gods
ii) Making graven images/idols to represent the gods.
iii) Building high places/altars in the hilltops/temples
iv) Cultic/temple prostitution
v) Human sacrifices.
vi) Naming children after Baals
vii) Presence of false prophets/prophetesses
viii) Worshipping Yahweh alongside other gods/syncretism
ix) Performing elaborate rituals for the false gods
x) Celebrating festivals in honour of the gods/goddesses 7x1 =7mks

b) Conditions that made it hard for Prophet Elijah to fight idolatry.
i) The altars of Yahweh had been destroyed.
ii) Prophet Elijah was only prophet against many Baal prophets.
iii) Existence of false prophets who gave false promises to Israelites
iv) The prophets of Yahweh were being persecuted by Queen Jezebel.
v) King Ahab allowed the building of high places for the worship of Baal.
vi) Strong widespread influence of the Canaanite religion / Baalism had been made a state religion
vii) The Baals looked real unlike the invisible Yahweh
viii) Jezebel had imported foreign gods/goddess in Israel.
ix) King Ahab participated in the idol worship.
7x1 =7mks

c) Factors hindering the church leaders from performing their duties effectively.
i) Inability to live up to the expectations of their congregation/members
ii) When women leaders are discriminated/looked down upon.
iii) Lack of training/leadership skills/poor public relations.
iv) Division and conflict between various departments
v) Lack of forums to meet and discuss/solve with their distractors
vi) Insecurity/harassment/threats
vii) Inadequate resources /infrastructure to implement their plans.
viii) Personal differences among Church leaders
ix) Corruption
x) Cultural/religious/racism/tribal/Ethical/barriers 6x1=6mks

4 a) Reasons why God called Prophets in Israel.
i) To speak and act on behalf of God.
ii) To carry out special/specific tasks/duties
iii) To remind the Israelites of the covenant way of life.
iv) To reveal God’s nature to the people
v) To teach people the will of God.
vi) To pronounce judgement and punishment to Israel/nations for evil committed.
vii) To call people to repentance/forgiveness
ix) To restore true worship of Yahweh /True monotheism.
x) To warn the people of the impending danger
xi) To give hope to the people.
7x1 =7mks

b) Why prophets Amos was against the way Israelites worshipped God.
i) They gave empty sacrifices which did not reflect holy lives.
ii) They practiced syncretism
iii) There was insecurity in worship/hypocrisy
iv) They made idols/worshipped idols.
v) They built many high places of worship for idols
vi) They misused the temple by feasting/drinking
vii) They refused to listen to the prophets of God/ listened to false prophets.
viii) They misused the Sabbath
ix) They practiced Temple prostitution.
7x1 =7mks

c) Ways the Church discipline errant members.
i) Suspension
ii) They are denied privileges/sacraments
iii) Dropped from their positions/denied leadership positions
iv) Reprimanded /told to repent/confess in public
v) Given a stern warning
vi) Charged a fine
vii) Church workers are transferred
viii) If grievous mistakes they are taken to jail

5 a) Nehemiah''s problems when rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem.
i) The officials of Tekoa did not co-operate with him.
ii) He was ridiculed by Sanbalat and Tobiah
iii) He received threats of violence from the enemies
iv) A trap was laid to derail his mission
v) There was a plot to kill him
vi) There was insecurity from the enemies.
vii) False prophets tried to discourage him
viii) He was opposed by Jewish nobles
ix) False accusations from his enemies
7x1 =7mks

b) Role of Christians in national elections.
i) Praying for fair /free/just/peaceful elections
ii) Being employed to facilitate the elections
iii) Being honest /not fearing intimidation/ persecution
iv) Casting ones vote
v) Educating the masses on their civil/rights/obligations.
vi) Financing/assisting the government in facilitating smooth and fair elections
vii) Avoiding situations of confrontations with the government of the day.
viii) Preaching peace and unity throughout the campaign and election period.
7 x 1 = 7mks

6 a) Rituals associated with the birth of a child in Traditional African communities.
i) Bathing of the baby
ii) Shaving of the baby''s and mother''s hair
iii) Feeding the baby
iv) Holding the baby by members of the community
v) Saying prayers/words of blessing
vi) Slaughtering of animals /sacrificing
vii) Feasting/celebrating
viii) Wearing of protective charms
ix) Seclusion of both the mother and the baby
x) Giving of gifts to the mother
xi) Giving the baby sweet/bitter substance.
7 x 1 = 7mks

b) Moral values inculcated in marriage in traditional African community.
i) Respect
ii) Loyalty /faithfulness
iii) Obedience
iv) Caring
v) Responsibility
vi) Hard work/
vii) Hospitality
viii) Honesty
ix) Tolerance/perseverance
x) Chastity
xi) Love 7x1 =7mks

c) Importance of Bride price in Traditional African Societies.
i) It was a way of thanking the brides family for taking good care of her.
ii) Form of compensation to the bride’s parents for her absence.
iii) A sign of contract /commitment that a man would marry the girl and live with her.
iv) It showed grooms ability to take care of the wife and the family.
v) It was a sign of generosity on the side of the man.
vi) It cemented the marriage
vii) It was a symbol of marriage contract/represented the present day marriage certificate.
any 6 x 1 = 6mks

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