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Islamic Religious Education Paper 2 2016 Marking Scheme Question Paper

Islamic Religious Education Paper 2 2016 Marking Scheme 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2016


Paper 2
July/August 2016

1. a) How to discourage the vice of gambling in the society

- muslims should preach on the evils of gambling
- muslims should follow the Islamic teachings on the proper use of wealth
- by creating job opportunities to the youth
- parents should play their role of training their children on the Islamic teachings
- muslims should be given free interest loans to uplift their standard of living
- gambling as a vice is taught in high school in the IRE subject
- by banning gambling sites e.g. casinos
- imposition of heavy taxes and heavy punishments to those engaged in gambling business
- proper utilization of time especially leisure time in constructive halal activities
any 8 x 1 = 8mks

b) Situations which may lead to rape and defilement

- use of drugs e.g. marijuana
- uncontrolled mixing of sexes especially in discos and the like
- moral laxity especially parents not minding what their children do
- indecent dressing i.e. ladies dressing in a manner that entices men wanting to have sex with them
- absence of strong laws that can punish the rapists and defilers
- poverty which leads to extended family problems hence unrestricted relatives kept at home
- westernization particularly over emphasizing the children’s rights which make them to think that they are right in what they do and should do it
- some soap operas in television, print media that entice men to have sex with women
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

c) Islamic manners of walking

- walk in a manner that is moderate, not too fast nor too slow
- walk with humility without pride or arrogance
- lower your gaze and occassionally look on sideways
- greet the people you meet
- avoiding throwing anything on the way or spitting all over
- avoid standing in the middle of the way
- recite dua before you start walking (Bismillahi Tawakkaltu alallahi)
- avoid walking in between members of the opposite sex
- remove any harmful objects from the way as you are walking
- avoid dragging or stamping your shoes or feet
- it is encouraged to walk on the right hand side
any 5 x 1 = 5mks

2. a) Rights of non-muslims in an Islamic state

i) The right to political choice
ii) Right to own property
iii) Right to protect their identity
iv) Right to profess their own religion
v) Right to education
vi) Right to freedom of expression
vii) Right to be treated with fairness and justice
viii) Right to sign treaties and honour them
any 6 x 1 = 6mks

b) Privileges accorded to a muslim woman in Islam

i) Not to work for the family so long as the husband is working
ii) Exemption from fasting in the state of monthly period
iii) Exemption from prayers in her monthly period
iv) They are exempted from attending Jamaa prayers
v) They are exempted from attending Jum’a prayers
vi) They are exempted to go for wars
vii) While in her postnatal blood she cannot pray nor fast
viii) She is not killed if in war unless she is a threat
ix) They are awarded dowry during marriage
any 7 x 1 = 7mks
c) Significance of Wasiya to muslims

i) It eradicates favouritism among the heirs
ii) It gives the deceased an apportunity to help the poor and needy and other deserving people in the society
iii) Inculcates discipline among the heirs while handling the property
iv) It prevents quarrels, wrangles and fights among family members
v) It accords the rights of business partners, workers and third parties
vi) It encourages individual members in the society to be dutiful and responsible
vii) It gives the heirs a chance to better their economic status after receiving their shares
viii) It cements love and friendship among family members
ix) Protects the property against corruption
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

3. a) Seven reasons that can lead to Khulu

- insanity or madness of the husband
- cruelty or mistreatment by the husband
- in the event that the man is impotent
- prolonged disappearance of the husband and his whereabouts are unknown
- if the husband is suffering from terminal or infectious diseases such as leprosy, HIV
- in the event that the husband permanently changes his domicile and he refuses the wife to follow him
- intentional negligence of the husband to provide for the needs of the wife and children
7 x 1 = 7mks

b) Impediments to polygamy in Islam

- if the husband is unable to take care of the wives financially
- if the husband cannot be fair to all his wives in relation to daily needs and also an emotional needs
- if the first wife will not be comfortable to accept sharing the other wives with the husband
- laws enacted in certain countries that limit marriage to one wife
- if the husband cannot be able to satisfy the wives conjugally
- if the husband is terminally ill e.g. HIV-AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections
6 x 1 = 6mks

c) Importance of dowry in Islam

- it signifies man’s readiness for the wife under all circumstances
- it is a gift therefore signifies love between the couple
- dowry legalizes sexual intercourse between the wife and husband
- the acceptance of dowry by the bride expresses her readiness to sacrifice herself in obedience of her husband
- dowry empowers the woman economically
- it bonds a good relationship between the two families
- it is a condition of marriage when oen fulfils if he earns thawab
7 x 1 = 7mks

4. a) Problems encountered by the prophet (SAW) immediately after Hijra

i) The problem of settling the Muhajirun
ii) Hostility from the Jewish tribes of Madina
iii) Threats from Makkans who wanted to attack them
iv) Defending muslims against external attack
v) There were no places of worship in Madina
vi) Lack of enough weapon for muslims to defend themselves
vii) Unable to cope with psychological problems as many had left their family members in Makka
viii) The emergency of hypocrites which he had to deal with them in a very sensitive manner
ix) Supporting muslims financially as many had migrated without their properties
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

b) Challenges faced by Caliph Uthman during his caliphate

i) He accused of appointing incompetent officials from his kinsmen to replace competent ones (nepotism)
ii) Accused of using property from Baitul Maal to benefit his relatives
iii) Accused of burning copies of the Quran
iv) It was alleged that he exiled some great companions such as Abdullah bin Masoud
v) He was accused of bringing back his exiled uncle Al-Hakam
vi) Accused of denying public land for grazing and made them for government
any 6 x 1 = 6mks

c) Reasons for the non-spread of Islam in the interior of East Africa

i) Their main reason for teh coming of Arabs to the coast was trade and not the spread of Islam
ii) The muslim missionaries lacked support from their home government
iii) The Arabs did not come to seek territorial control and therefore they did not force the locals to become muslims
iv) The Arabs did not have an organised missionary groups. They were doing it at an individual level
v) The language barrier limited the Arabs from communicating with the locals
vi) Illiteracy among the locals hindered appropriate communication
vii) Portuguese engaged Arabs in war thus affecting missionary work
viii) Christian missionary had gained popularity
ix) The unfavourable weather condition hindered the Arab from travelling
x) Lack of resources
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

5. a) Factors that led to the establishment of the Fatimids

- the shia who claimed they were the legitimate of the caliphate always confronted muslim leadership
- North African hatred for the Abbasids was also a factor that introduced the emergency of the fatimids
- economic drawbacks - the abbasids were economically stranded. Later on, famine struck the area and people moved draining the treasury
- in 969A.D the Fatimid founded their capital in Egypt. That was the present day Cairo. They used it as a base and arranged their revolt against the Abbasids
- an Ismailil shia called Muhammad Al-Habib claimed discordance of Ali and Fatma and he rejected the Abbasids rule
- Abu Abdullah, a shia, a native from Yemen came out openly in propagating for the establishment of the Fatimid dynasty in Tunisia
- Al-Muiz, the Fatimid fourth Khalifa was able to conquer and capture Egypt thus bringing the Fatimid Khalifate into the Islamic heartland of the middle East
7 x 1 = 7mks

b) Factors for rapid growth of Islam in Tanzania

- muslims traders established in land, trading posts
- many of the tribal chiefs embraced Islam
- the chiefs ordered the subjects to embrace Islam and hence were instrumental in the spread of Islam
- the natives admired the culture of the Arabs (muslims)
- mosques and madrassas were built
- intermarriages between the muslims and the natives
- the Arabs set up settlements in the interior of East Africa
any 6 x 1 = 6mks

c) Why the battle of Uhud important to muslims

- it showed the importance of the muslims to follow their leader’s commands, the archers left the entrance unguarded disregarding the prophet’s instruction not to leave the passage
- it taught muslims to bear hardships in their mission
- the muslims learnt that they should not be greedy for wealth
- they learnt never to underestimate an enemy
- muslims learnt to be patient and a verse was revealed telling the prophet (p.b.u.h) to show patience to the murderers of his uncle Hamza
- muslims learnt the importance of consultations
- women are allowed to participate in battle as long as their presence does not cause an alarm such as Ummu Ammarah who was injure while protecting the prophet (p.b.u.h)
- it clearly differentiated the hypocrites like Abdullah ibn ubayy from the true muslims
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

6. a) Challenges faced by muslims in practising Islam in Kenya

i) Infringement of freedom to practice Islam among students in some schools. For example some schools ban the wearing of hijab by muslim girls. Other schools, student don’t pray in time
ii) Muslims denied full rights as citizens of the country e.g. denial of ID cards, passport and birth certificates to genuine Kenyan citizen who are muslims
iii) Discrimination on employment opportunities both in the public and private sectors
iv) Lack of education institution to promote muslim educational needs such as muslim schools, colleges and universities
v) Harassment by state organs such as police on suspected muslims
vi) Scarcity of muslim-owned mass media to cater for publicity and propagation needs e.g. newspapers, radios and T.V stations
vii) Scarcity of muslim professionals and trained man power in all disciplines including I.R.E teachers
viii) Closure of muslim international charity and NGO’s by the government which left a vacuum in meeting the needs of muslims in education and social welfare
ix) False accusation of muslims as terrorists by virtue of their dress code or appearance
x) Muslims being arrested without the due process of law being followed e.g. being confined in police custody without charge in court or legal representation
xi) Illegal rendition to foreign countries without due process of law
8 x 1 = 8mks

b) Reforms brought by the Sokoto caliphate under Uthman don Fodio

i) He challenged the scholars of the time over extremism by writing a book showing that extremism was a wrong concept
ii) He taught that all madh-habs are correct and should be respected
iii) He reconciled Islamic scholarship with Sufism and emphasised that Tassawuf should be for the knowledge of the heart
iv) He declared custom duties as a source of public revenue
v) He forbade revenue officers to accept gifts from their subjects
vi) He advocated for women’s education and spoke against the cultures that were undermining the rights of women such as being locked in their houses and female circumcision
vii) He warned the society against Bidaa, innovation which is contrary to Islamic belief
viii) He wrote a book called (Nurul-Al-Baab) “The light of men of understanding
ix) He was the founder of Sokoto caliphate which secured firm roots for spread of Islam in Hausaland
x) He set up government provisions to establis roads, bridges, mosques and city walls to ensure comfort for citizens
xi) Fought the concept of Hausa king, ended oppression of the defeated and the powerless people
xii) He emphasised revival of the Hisbah institutions whose functions included checking the prices, quality of goods, correct weights and measures, prevention of fraud and earning interest
xiii) Zakat should be administered according to the shariah and be spent in the same region from where its collected
7 x 1 = 7mks

c) Contributions of Ibn Sina to medicine

i) He wrote several articles on medicine. He famous books Qanun-fi-Tibb and Kitab al-shifa. (The canon of medicine and the book of cure respectively)
ii) He was a medical practitioner and teacher of Asfahan
iii) He advised other doctors who consulted him on various matters in the field of medicine
iv) He prescribed over 800 drugs to cure different diseases including meningitis
v) He was a psychologist and explained the close interaction between psychology and health
vi) He recognised the nature of most of the contagious diseases such as tuberculosis and discovered that some were transmitted by water and soil
vii) He studied the human anatomy, gynaecology and child health and made great contributions on the subjects
viii) His books and articles on medicine were used as reference materials in the European universities
5 x 1 = 5mks
1. a) How to discourage the vice of gambling in the society

- muslims should preach on the evils of gambling
- muslims should follow the Islamic teachings on the proper use of wealth
- by creating job opportunities to the youth
- parents should play their role of training their children on the Islamic teachings
- muslims should be given free interest loans to uplift their standard of living
- gambling as a vice is taught in high school in the IRE subject
- by banning gambling sites e.g. casinos
- imposition of heavy taxes and heavy punishments to those engaged in gambling business
- proper utilization of time especially leisure time in constructive halal activities
any 8 x 1 = 8mks

b) Situations which may lead to rape and defilement

- use of drugs e.g. marijuana
- uncontrolled mixing of sexes especially in discos and the like
- moral laxity especially parents not minding what their children do
- indecent dressing i.e. ladies dressing in a manner that entices men wanting to have sex with them
- absence of strong laws that can punish the rapists and defilers
- poverty which leads to extended family problems hence unrestricted relatives kept at home
- westernization particularly over emphasizing the children’s rights which make them to think that they are right in what they do and should do it
- some soap operas in television, print media that entice men to have sex with women
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

c) Islamic manners of walking

- walk in a manner that is moderate, not too fast nor too slow
- walk with humility without pride or arrogance
- lower your gaze and occassionally look on sideways
- greet the people you meet
- avoiding throwing anything on the way or spitting all over
- avoid standing in the middle of the way
- recite dua before you start walking (Bismillahi Tawakkaltu alallahi)
- avoid walking in between members of the opposite sex
- remove any harmful objects from the way as you are walking
- avoid dragging or stamping your shoes or feet
- it is encouraged to walk on the right hand side
any 5 x 1 = 5mks

2. a) Rights of non-muslims in an Islamic state

i) The right to political choice
ii) Right to own property
iii) Right to protect their identity
iv) Right to profess their own religion
v) Right to education
vi) Right to freedom of expression
vii) Right to be treated with fairness and justice
viii) Right to sign treaties and honour them
any 6 x 1 = 6mks

b) Privileges accorded to a muslim woman in Islam

i) Not to work for the family so long as the husband is working
ii) Exemption from fasting in the state of monthly period
iii) Exemption from prayers in her monthly period
iv) They are exempted from attending Jamaa prayers
v) They are exempted from attending Jum’a prayers
vi) They are exempted to go for wars
vii) While in her postnatal blood she cannot pray nor fast
viii) She is not killed if in war unless she is a threat
ix) They are awarded dowry during marriage
any 7 x 1 = 7mks
c) Significance of Wasiya to muslims

i) It eradicates favouritism among the heirs
ii) It gives the deceased an apportunity to help the poor and needy and other deserving people in the society
iii) Inculcates discipline among the heirs while handling the property
iv) It prevents quarrels, wrangles and fights among family members
v) It accords the rights of business partners, workers and third parties
vi) It encourages individual members in the society to be dutiful and responsible
vii) It gives the heirs a chance to better their economic status after receiving their shares
viii) It cements love and friendship among family members
ix) Protects the property against corruption
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

3. a) Seven reasons that can lead to Khulu

- insanity or madness of the husband
- cruelty or mistreatment by the husband
- in the event that the man is impotent
- prolonged disappearance of the husband and his whereabouts are unknown
- if the husband is suffering from terminal or infectious diseases such as leprosy, HIV
- in the event that the husband permanently changes his domicile and he refuses the wife to follow him
- intentional negligence of the husband to provide for the needs of the wife and children
7 x 1 = 7mks

b) Impediments to polygamy in Islam

- if the husband is unable to take care of the wives financially
- if the husband cannot be fair to all his wives in relation to daily needs and also an emotional needs
- if the first wife will not be comfortable to accept sharing the other wives with the husband
- laws enacted in certain countries that limit marriage to one wife
- if the husband cannot be able to satisfy the wives conjugally
- if the husband is terminally ill e.g. HIV-AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections
6 x 1 = 6mks

c) Importance of dowry in Islam

- it signifies man’s readiness for the wife under all circumstances
- it is a gift therefore signifies love between the couple
- dowry legalizes sexual intercourse between the wife and husband
- the acceptance of dowry by the bride expresses her readiness to sacrifice herself in obedience of her husband
- dowry empowers the woman economically
- it bonds a good relationship between the two families
- it is a condition of marriage when oen fulfils if he earns thawab
7 x 1 = 7mks

4. a) Problems encountered by the prophet (SAW) immediately after Hijra

i) The problem of settling the Muhajirun
ii) Hostility from the Jewish tribes of Madina
iii) Threats from Makkans who wanted to attack them
iv) Defending muslims against external attack
v) There were no places of worship in Madina
vi) Lack of enough weapon for muslims to defend themselves
vii) Unable to cope with psychological problems as many had left their family members in Makka
viii) The emergency of hypocrites which he had to deal with them in a very sensitive manner
ix) Supporting muslims financially as many had migrated without their properties
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

b) Challenges faced by Caliph Uthman during his caliphate

i) He accused of appointing incompetent officials from his kinsmen to replace competent ones (nepotism)
ii) Accused of using property from Baitul Maal to benefit his relatives
iii) Accused of burning copies of the Quran
iv) It was alleged that he exiled some great companions such as Abdullah bin Masoud
v) He was accused of bringing back his exiled uncle Al-Hakam
vi) Accused of denying public land for grazing and made them for government
any 6 x 1 = 6mks

c) Reasons for the non-spread of Islam in the interior of East Africa

i) Their main reason for teh coming of Arabs to the coast was trade and not the spread of Islam
ii) The muslim missionaries lacked support from their home government
iii) The Arabs did not come to seek territorial control and therefore they did not force the locals to become muslims
iv) The Arabs did not have an organised missionary groups. They were doing it at an individual level
v) The language barrier limited the Arabs from communicating with the locals
vi) Illiteracy among the locals hindered appropriate communication
vii) Portuguese engaged Arabs in war thus affecting missionary work
viii) Christian missionary had gained popularity
ix) The unfavourable weather condition hindered the Arab from travelling
x) Lack of resources
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

5. a) Factors that led to the establishment of the Fatimids

- the shia who claimed they were the legitimate of the caliphate always confronted muslim leadership
- North African hatred for the Abbasids was also a factor that introduced the emergency of the fatimids
- economic drawbacks - the abbasids were economically stranded. Later on, famine struck the area and people moved draining the treasury
- in 969A.D the Fatimid founded their capital in Egypt. That was the present day Cairo. They used it as a base and arranged their revolt against the Abbasids
- an Ismailil shia called Muhammad Al-Habib claimed discordance of Ali and Fatma and he rejected the Abbasids rule
- Abu Abdullah, a shia, a native from Yemen came out openly in propagating for the establishment of the Fatimid dynasty in Tunisia
- Al-Muiz, the Fatimid fourth Khalifa was able to conquer and capture Egypt thus bringing the Fatimid Khalifate into the Islamic heartland of the middle East
7 x 1 = 7mks

b) Factors for rapid growth of Islam in Tanzania

- muslims traders established in land, trading posts
- many of the tribal chiefs embraced Islam
- the chiefs ordered the subjects to embrace Islam and hence were instrumental in the spread of Islam
- the natives admired the culture of the Arabs (muslims)
- mosques and madrassas were built
- intermarriages between the muslims and the natives
- the Arabs set up settlements in the interior of East Africa
any 6 x 1 = 6mks

c) Why the battle of Uhud important to muslims

- it showed the importance of the muslims to follow their leader’s commands, the archers left the entrance unguarded disregarding the prophet’s instruction not to leave the passage
- it taught muslims to bear hardships in their mission
- the muslims learnt that they should not be greedy for wealth
- they learnt never to underestimate an enemy
- muslims learnt to be patient and a verse was revealed telling the prophet (p.b.u.h) to show patience to the murderers of his uncle Hamza
- muslims learnt the importance of consultations
- women are allowed to participate in battle as long as their presence does not cause an alarm such as Ummu Ammarah who was injure while protecting the prophet (p.b.u.h)
- it clearly differentiated the hypocrites like Abdullah ibn ubayy from the true muslims
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

6. a) Challenges faced by muslims in practising Islam in Kenya

i) Infringement of freedom to practice Islam among students in some schools. For example some schools ban the wearing of hijab by muslim girls. Other schools, student don’t pray in time
ii) Muslims denied full rights as citizens of the country e.g. denial of ID cards, passport and birth certificates to genuine Kenyan citizen who are muslims
iii) Discrimination on employment opportunities both in the public and private sectors
iv) Lack of education institution to promote muslim educational needs such as muslim schools, colleges and universities
v) Harassment by state organs such as police on suspected muslims
vi) Scarcity of muslim-owned mass media to cater for publicity and propagation needs e.g. newspapers, radios and T.V stations
vii) Scarcity of muslim professionals and trained man power in all disciplines including I.R.E teachers
viii) Closure of muslim international charity and NGO’s by the government which left a vacuum in meeting the needs of muslims in education and social welfare
ix) False accusation of muslims as terrorists by virtue of their dress code or appearance
x) Muslims being arrested without the due process of law being followed e.g. being confined in police custody without charge in court or legal representation
xi) Illegal rendition to foreign countries without due process of law
8 x 1 = 8mks

b) Reforms brought by the Sokoto caliphate under Uthman don Fodio

i) He challenged the scholars of the time over extremism by writing a book showing that extremism was a wrong concept
ii) He taught that all madh-habs are correct and should be respected
iii) He reconciled Islamic scholarship with Sufism and emphasised that Tassawuf should be for the knowledge of the heart
iv) He declared custom duties as a source of public revenue
v) He forbade revenue officers to accept gifts from their subjects
vi) He advocated for women’s education and spoke against the cultures that were undermining the rights of women such as being locked in their houses and female circumcision
vii) He warned the society against Bidaa, innovation which is contrary to Islamic belief
viii) He wrote a book called (Nurul-Al-Baab) “The light of men of understanding
ix) He was the founder of Sokoto caliphate which secured firm roots for spread of Islam in Hausaland
x) He set up government provisions to establis roads, bridges, mosques and city walls to ensure comfort for citizens
xi) Fought the concept of Hausa king, ended oppression of the defeated and the powerless people
xii) He emphasised revival of the Hisbah institutions whose functions included checking the prices, quality of goods, correct weights and measures, prevention of fraud and earning interest
xiii) Zakat should be administered according to the shariah and be spent in the same region from where its collected
7 x 1 = 7mks

c) Contributions of Ibn Sina to medicine

i) He wrote several articles on medicine. He famous books Qanun-fi-Tibb and Kitab al-shifa. (The canon of medicine and the book of cure respectively)
ii) He was a medical practitioner and teacher of Asfahan
iii) He advised other doctors who consulted him on various matters in the field of medicine
iv) He prescribed over 800 drugs to cure different diseases including meningitis
v) He was a psychologist and explained the close interaction between psychology and health
vi) He recognised the nature of most of the contagious diseases such as tuberculosis and discovered that some were transmitted by water and soil
vii) He studied the human anatomy, gynaecology and child health and made great contributions on the subjects
viii) His books and articles on medicine were used as reference materials in the European universities
5 x 1 = 5mks
1. a) How to discourage the vice of gambling in the society

- muslims should preach on the evils of gambling
- muslims should follow the Islamic teachings on the proper use of wealth
- by creating job opportunities to the youth
- parents should play their role of training their children on the Islamic teachings
- muslims should be given free interest loans to uplift their standard of living
- gambling as a vice is taught in high school in the IRE subject
- by banning gambling sites e.g. casinos
- imposition of heavy taxes and heavy punishments to those engaged in gambling business
- proper utilization of time especially leisure time in constructive halal activities
any 8 x 1 = 8mks

b) Situations which may lead to rape and defilement

- use of drugs e.g. marijuana
- uncontrolled mixing of sexes especially in discos and the like
- moral laxity especially parents not minding what their children do
- indecent dressing i.e. ladies dressing in a manner that entices men wanting to have sex with them
- absence of strong laws that can punish the rapists and defilers
- poverty which leads to extended family problems hence unrestricted relatives kept at home
- westernization particularly over emphasizing the children’s rights which make them to think that they are right in what they do and should do it
- some soap operas in television, print media that entice men to have sex with women
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

c) Islamic manners of walking

- walk in a manner that is moderate, not too fast nor too slow
- walk with humility without pride or arrogance
- lower your gaze and occassionally look on sideways
- greet the people you meet
- avoiding throwing anything on the way or spitting all over
- avoid standing in the middle of the way
- recite dua before you start walking (Bismillahi Tawakkaltu alallahi)
- avoid walking in between members of the opposite sex
- remove any harmful objects from the way as you are walking
- avoid dragging or stamping your shoes or feet
- it is encouraged to walk on the right hand side
any 5 x 1 = 5mks

2. a) Rights of non-muslims in an Islamic state

i) The right to political choice
ii) Right to own property
iii) Right to protect their identity
iv) Right to profess their own religion
v) Right to education
vi) Right to freedom of expression
vii) Right to be treated with fairness and justice
viii) Right to sign treaties and honour them
any 6 x 1 = 6mks

b) Privileges accorded to a muslim woman in Islam

i) Not to work for the family so long as the husband is working
ii) Exemption from fasting in the state of monthly period
iii) Exemption from prayers in her monthly period
iv) They are exempted from attending Jamaa prayers
v) They are exempted from attending Jum’a prayers
vi) They are exempted to go for wars
vii) While in her postnatal blood she cannot pray nor fast
viii) She is not killed if in war unless she is a threat
ix) They are awarded dowry during marriage
any 7 x 1 = 7mks
c) Significance of Wasiya to muslims

i) It eradicates favouritism among the heirs
ii) It gives the deceased an apportunity to help the poor and needy and other deserving people in the society
iii) Inculcates discipline among the heirs while handling the property
iv) It prevents quarrels, wrangles and fights among family members
v) It accords the rights of business partners, workers and third parties
vi) It encourages individual members in the society to be dutiful and responsible
vii) It gives the heirs a chance to better their economic status after receiving their shares
viii) It cements love and friendship among family members
ix) Protects the property against corruption
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

3. a) Seven reasons that can lead to Khulu

- insanity or madness of the husband
- cruelty or mistreatment by the husband
- in the event that the man is impotent
- prolonged disappearance of the husband and his whereabouts are unknown
- if the husband is suffering from terminal or infectious diseases such as leprosy, HIV
- in the event that the husband permanently changes his domicile and he refuses the wife to follow him
- intentional negligence of the husband to provide for the needs of the wife and children
7 x 1 = 7mks

b) Impediments to polygamy in Islam

- if the husband is unable to take care of the wives financially
- if the husband cannot be fair to all his wives in relation to daily needs and also an emotional needs
- if the first wife will not be comfortable to accept sharing the other wives with the husband
- laws enacted in certain countries that limit marriage to one wife
- if the husband cannot be able to satisfy the wives conjugally
- if the husband is terminally ill e.g. HIV-AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections
6 x 1 = 6mks

c) Importance of dowry in Islam

- it signifies man’s readiness for the wife under all circumstances
- it is a gift therefore signifies love between the couple
- dowry legalizes sexual intercourse between the wife and husband
- the acceptance of dowry by the bride expresses her readiness to sacrifice herself in obedience of her husband
- dowry empowers the woman economically
- it bonds a good relationship between the two families
- it is a condition of marriage when oen fulfils if he earns thawab
7 x 1 = 7mks

4. a) Problems encountered by the prophet (SAW) immediately after Hijra

i) The problem of settling the Muhajirun
ii) Hostility from the Jewish tribes of Madina
iii) Threats from Makkans who wanted to attack them
iv) Defending muslims against external attack
v) There were no places of worship in Madina
vi) Lack of enough weapon for muslims to defend themselves
vii) Unable to cope with psychological problems as many had left their family members in Makka
viii) The emergency of hypocrites which he had to deal with them in a very sensitive manner
ix) Supporting muslims financially as many had migrated without their properties
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

b) Challenges faced by Caliph Uthman during his caliphate

i) He accused of appointing incompetent officials from his kinsmen to replace competent ones (nepotism)
ii) Accused of using property from Baitul Maal to benefit his relatives
iii) Accused of burning copies of the Quran
iv) It was alleged that he exiled some great companions such as Abdullah bin Masoud
v) He was accused of bringing back his exiled uncle Al-Hakam
vi) Accused of denying public land for grazing and made them for government
any 6 x 1 = 6mks

c) Reasons for the non-spread of Islam in the interior of East Africa

i) Their main reason for teh coming of Arabs to the coast was trade and not the spread of Islam
ii) The muslim missionaries lacked support from their home government
iii) The Arabs did not come to seek territorial control and therefore they did not force the locals to become muslims
iv) The Arabs did not have an organised missionary groups. They were doing it at an individual level
v) The language barrier limited the Arabs from communicating with the locals
vi) Illiteracy among the locals hindered appropriate communication
vii) Portuguese engaged Arabs in war thus affecting missionary work
viii) Christian missionary had gained popularity
ix) The unfavourable weather condition hindered the Arab from travelling
x) Lack of resources
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

5. a) Factors that led to the establishment of the Fatimids

- the shia who claimed they were the legitimate of the caliphate always confronted muslim leadership
- North African hatred for the Abbasids was also a factor that introduced the emergency of the fatimids
- economic drawbacks - the abbasids were economically stranded. Later on, famine struck the area and people moved draining the treasury
- in 969A.D the Fatimid founded their capital in Egypt. That was the present day Cairo. They used it as a base and arranged their revolt against the Abbasids
- an Ismailil shia called Muhammad Al-Habib claimed discordance of Ali and Fatma and he rejected the Abbasids rule
- Abu Abdullah, a shia, a native from Yemen came out openly in propagating for the establishment of the Fatimid dynasty in Tunisia
- Al-Muiz, the Fatimid fourth Khalifa was able to conquer and capture Egypt thus bringing the Fatimid Khalifate into the Islamic heartland of the middle East
7 x 1 = 7mks

b) Factors for rapid growth of Islam in Tanzania

- muslims traders established in land, trading posts
- many of the tribal chiefs embraced Islam
- the chiefs ordered the subjects to embrace Islam and hence were instrumental in the spread of Islam
- the natives admired the culture of the Arabs (muslims)
- mosques and madrassas were built
- intermarriages between the muslims and the natives
- the Arabs set up settlements in the interior of East Africa
any 6 x 1 = 6mks

c) Why the battle of Uhud important to muslims

- it showed the importance of the muslims to follow their leader’s commands, the archers left the entrance unguarded disregarding the prophet’s instruction not to leave the passage
- it taught muslims to bear hardships in their mission
- the muslims learnt that they should not be greedy for wealth
- they learnt never to underestimate an enemy
- muslims learnt to be patient and a verse was revealed telling the prophet (p.b.u.h) to show patience to the murderers of his uncle Hamza
- muslims learnt the importance of consultations
- women are allowed to participate in battle as long as their presence does not cause an alarm such as Ummu Ammarah who was injure while protecting the prophet (p.b.u.h)
- it clearly differentiated the hypocrites like Abdullah ibn ubayy from the true muslims
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

6. a) Challenges faced by muslims in practising Islam in Kenya

i) Infringement of freedom to practice Islam among students in some schools. For example some schools ban the wearing of hijab by muslim girls. Other schools, student don’t pray in time
ii) Muslims denied full rights as citizens of the country e.g. denial of ID cards, passport and birth certificates to genuine Kenyan citizen who are muslims
iii) Discrimination on employment opportunities both in the public and private sectors
iv) Lack of education institution to promote muslim educational needs such as muslim schools, colleges and universities
v) Harassment by state organs such as police on suspected muslims
vi) Scarcity of muslim-owned mass media to cater for publicity and propagation needs e.g. newspapers, radios and T.V stations
vii) Scarcity of muslim professionals and trained man power in all disciplines including I.R.E teachers
viii) Closure of muslim international charity and NGO’s by the government which left a vacuum in meeting the needs of muslims in education and social welfare
ix) False accusation of muslims as terrorists by virtue of their dress code or appearance
x) Muslims being arrested without the due process of law being followed e.g. being confined in police custody without charge in court or legal representation
xi) Illegal rendition to foreign countries without due process of law
8 x 1 = 8mks

b) Reforms brought by the Sokoto caliphate under Uthman don Fodio

i) He challenged the scholars of the time over extremism by writing a book showing that extremism was a wrong concept
ii) He taught that all madh-habs are correct and should be respected
iii) He reconciled Islamic scholarship with Sufism and emphasised that Tassawuf should be for the knowledge of the heart
iv) He declared custom duties as a source of public revenue
v) He forbade revenue officers to accept gifts from their subjects
vi) He advocated for women’s education and spoke against the cultures that were undermining the rights of women such as being locked in their houses and female circumcision
vii) He warned the society against Bidaa, innovation which is contrary to Islamic belief
viii) He wrote a book called (Nurul-Al-Baab) “The light of men of understanding
ix) He was the founder of Sokoto caliphate which secured firm roots for spread of Islam in Hausaland
x) He set up government provisions to establis roads, bridges, mosques and city walls to ensure comfort for citizens
xi) Fought the concept of Hausa king, ended oppression of the defeated and the powerless people
xii) He emphasised revival of the Hisbah institutions whose functions included checking the prices, quality of goods, correct weights and measures, prevention of fraud and earning interest
xiii) Zakat should be administered according to the shariah and be spent in the same region from where its collected
7 x 1 = 7mks

c) Contributions of Ibn Sina to medicine

i) He wrote several articles on medicine. He famous books Qanun-fi-Tibb and Kitab al-shifa. (The canon of medicine and the book of cure respectively)
ii) He was a medical practitioner and teacher of Asfahan
iii) He advised other doctors who consulted him on various matters in the field of medicine
iv) He prescribed over 800 drugs to cure different diseases including meningitis
v) He was a psychologist and explained the close interaction between psychology and health
vi) He recognised the nature of most of the contagious diseases such as tuberculosis and discovered that some were transmitted by water and soil
vii) He studied the human anatomy, gynaecology and child health and made great contributions on the subjects
viii) His books and articles on medicine were used as reference materials in the European universities
5 x 1 = 5mks
1. a) How to discourage the vice of gambling in the society

- muslims should preach on the evils of gambling
- muslims should follow the Islamic teachings on the proper use of wealth
- by creating job opportunities to the youth
- parents should play their role of training their children on the Islamic teachings
- muslims should be given free interest loans to uplift their standard of living
- gambling as a vice is taught in high school in the IRE subject
- by banning gambling sites e.g. casinos
- imposition of heavy taxes and heavy punishments to those engaged in gambling business
- proper utilization of time especially leisure time in constructive halal activities
any 8 x 1 = 8mks

b) Situations which may lead to rape and defilement

- use of drugs e.g. marijuana
- uncontrolled mixing of sexes especially in discos and the like
- moral laxity especially parents not minding what their children do
- indecent dressing i.e. ladies dressing in a manner that entices men wanting to have sex with them
- absence of strong laws that can punish the rapists and defilers
- poverty which leads to extended family problems hence unrestricted relatives kept at home
- westernization particularly over emphasizing the children’s rights which make them to think that they are right in what they do and should do it
- some soap operas in television, print media that entice men to have sex with women
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

c) Islamic manners of walking

- walk in a manner that is moderate, not too fast nor too slow
- walk with humility without pride or arrogance
- lower your gaze and occassionally look on sideways
- greet the people you meet
- avoiding throwing anything on the way or spitting all over
- avoid standing in the middle of the way
- recite dua before you start walking (Bismillahi Tawakkaltu alallahi)
- avoid walking in between members of the opposite sex
- remove any harmful objects from the way as you are walking
- avoid dragging or stamping your shoes or feet
- it is encouraged to walk on the right hand side
any 5 x 1 = 5mks

2. a) Rights of non-muslims in an Islamic state

i) The right to political choice
ii) Right to own property
iii) Right to protect their identity
iv) Right to profess their own religion
v) Right to education
vi) Right to freedom of expression
vii) Right to be treated with fairness and justice
viii) Right to sign treaties and honour them
any 6 x 1 = 6mks

b) Privileges accorded to a muslim woman in Islam

i) Not to work for the family so long as the husband is working
ii) Exemption from fasting in the state of monthly period
iii) Exemption from prayers in her monthly period
iv) They are exempted from attending Jamaa prayers
v) They are exempted from attending Jum’a prayers
vi) They are exempted to go for wars
vii) While in her postnatal blood she cannot pray nor fast
viii) She is not killed if in war unless she is a threat
ix) They are awarded dowry during marriage
any 7 x 1 = 7mks
c) Significance of Wasiya to muslims

i) It eradicates favouritism among the heirs
ii) It gives the deceased an apportunity to help the poor and needy and other deserving people in the society
iii) Inculcates discipline among the heirs while handling the property
iv) It prevents quarrels, wrangles and fights among family members
v) It accords the rights of business partners, workers and third parties
vi) It encourages individual members in the society to be dutiful and responsible
vii) It gives the heirs a chance to better their economic status after receiving their shares
viii) It cements love and friendship among family members
ix) Protects the property against corruption
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

3. a) Seven reasons that can lead to Khulu

- insanity or madness of the husband
- cruelty or mistreatment by the husband
- in the event that the man is impotent
- prolonged disappearance of the husband and his whereabouts are unknown
- if the husband is suffering from terminal or infectious diseases such as leprosy, HIV
- in the event that the husband permanently changes his domicile and he refuses the wife to follow him
- intentional negligence of the husband to provide for the needs of the wife and children
7 x 1 = 7mks

b) Impediments to polygamy in Islam

- if the husband is unable to take care of the wives financially
- if the husband cannot be fair to all his wives in relation to daily needs and also an emotional needs
- if the first wife will not be comfortable to accept sharing the other wives with the husband
- laws enacted in certain countries that limit marriage to one wife
- if the husband cannot be able to satisfy the wives conjugally
- if the husband is terminally ill e.g. HIV-AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections
6 x 1 = 6mks

c) Importance of dowry in Islam

- it signifies man’s readiness for the wife under all circumstances
- it is a gift therefore signifies love between the couple
- dowry legalizes sexual intercourse between the wife and husband
- the acceptance of dowry by the bride expresses her readiness to sacrifice herself in obedience of her husband
- dowry empowers the woman economically
- it bonds a good relationship between the two families
- it is a condition of marriage when oen fulfils if he earns thawab
7 x 1 = 7mks

4. a) Problems encountered by the prophet (SAW) immediately after Hijra

i) The problem of settling the Muhajirun
ii) Hostility from the Jewish tribes of Madina
iii) Threats from Makkans who wanted to attack them
iv) Defending muslims against external attack
v) There were no places of worship in Madina
vi) Lack of enough weapon for muslims to defend themselves
vii) Unable to cope with psychological problems as many had left their family members in Makka
viii) The emergency of hypocrites which he had to deal with them in a very sensitive manner
ix) Supporting muslims financially as many had migrated without their properties
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

b) Challenges faced by Caliph Uthman during his caliphate

i) He accused of appointing incompetent officials from his kinsmen to replace competent ones (nepotism)
ii) Accused of using property from Baitul Maal to benefit his relatives
iii) Accused of burning copies of the Quran
iv) It was alleged that he exiled some great companions such as Abdullah bin Masoud
v) He was accused of bringing back his exiled uncle Al-Hakam
vi) Accused of denying public land for grazing and made them for government
any 6 x 1 = 6mks

c) Reasons for the non-spread of Islam in the interior of East Africa

i) Their main reason for teh coming of Arabs to the coast was trade and not the spread of Islam
ii) The muslim missionaries lacked support from their home government
iii) The Arabs did not come to seek territorial control and therefore they did not force the locals to become muslims
iv) The Arabs did not have an organised missionary groups. They were doing it at an individual level
v) The language barrier limited the Arabs from communicating with the locals
vi) Illiteracy among the locals hindered appropriate communication
vii) Portuguese engaged Arabs in war thus affecting missionary work
viii) Christian missionary had gained popularity
ix) The unfavourable weather condition hindered the Arab from travelling
x) Lack of resources
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

5. a) Factors that led to the establishment of the Fatimids

- the shia who claimed they were the legitimate of the caliphate always confronted muslim leadership
- North African hatred for the Abbasids was also a factor that introduced the emergency of the fatimids
- economic drawbacks - the abbasids were economically stranded. Later on, famine struck the area and people moved draining the treasury
- in 969A.D the Fatimid founded their capital in Egypt. That was the present day Cairo. They used it as a base and arranged their revolt against the Abbasids
- an Ismailil shia called Muhammad Al-Habib claimed discordance of Ali and Fatma and he rejected the Abbasids rule
- Abu Abdullah, a shia, a native from Yemen came out openly in propagating for the establishment of the Fatimid dynasty in Tunisia
- Al-Muiz, the Fatimid fourth Khalifa was able to conquer and capture Egypt thus bringing the Fatimid Khalifate into the Islamic heartland of the middle East
7 x 1 = 7mks

b) Factors for rapid growth of Islam in Tanzania

- muslims traders established in land, trading posts
- many of the tribal chiefs embraced Islam
- the chiefs ordered the subjects to embrace Islam and hence were instrumental in the spread of Islam
- the natives admired the culture of the Arabs (muslims)
- mosques and madrassas were built
- intermarriages between the muslims and the natives
- the Arabs set up settlements in the interior of East Africa
any 6 x 1 = 6mks

c) Why the battle of Uhud important to muslims

- it showed the importance of the muslims to follow their leader’s commands, the archers left the entrance unguarded disregarding the prophet’s instruction not to leave the passage
- it taught muslims to bear hardships in their mission
- the muslims learnt that they should not be greedy for wealth
- they learnt never to underestimate an enemy
- muslims learnt to be patient and a verse was revealed telling the prophet (p.b.u.h) to show patience to the murderers of his uncle Hamza
- muslims learnt the importance of consultations
- women are allowed to participate in battle as long as their presence does not cause an alarm such as Ummu Ammarah who was injure while protecting the prophet (p.b.u.h)
- it clearly differentiated the hypocrites like Abdullah ibn ubayy from the true muslims
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

6. a) Challenges faced by muslims in practising Islam in Kenya

i) Infringement of freedom to practice Islam among students in some schools. For example some schools ban the wearing of hijab by muslim girls. Other schools, student don’t pray in time
ii) Muslims denied full rights as citizens of the country e.g. denial of ID cards, passport and birth certificates to genuine Kenyan citizen who are muslims
iii) Discrimination on employment opportunities both in the public and private sectors
iv) Lack of education institution to promote muslim educational needs such as muslim schools, colleges and universities
v) Harassment by state organs such as police on suspected muslims
vi) Scarcity of muslim-owned mass media to cater for publicity and propagation needs e.g. newspapers, radios and T.V stations
vii) Scarcity of muslim professionals and trained man power in all disciplines including I.R.E teachers
viii) Closure of muslim international charity and NGO’s by the government which left a vacuum in meeting the needs of muslims in education and social welfare
ix) False accusation of muslims as terrorists by virtue of their dress code or appearance
x) Muslims being arrested without the due process of law being followed e.g. being confined in police custody without charge in court or legal representation
xi) Illegal rendition to foreign countries without due process of law
8 x 1 = 8mks

b) Reforms brought by the Sokoto caliphate under Uthman don Fodio

i) He challenged the scholars of the time over extremism by writing a book showing that extremism was a wrong concept
ii) He taught that all madh-habs are correct and should be respected
iii) He reconciled Islamic scholarship with Sufism and emphasised that Tassawuf should be for the knowledge of the heart
iv) He declared custom duties as a source of public revenue
v) He forbade revenue officers to accept gifts from their subjects
vi) He advocated for women’s education and spoke against the cultures that were undermining the rights of women such as being locked in their houses and female circumcision
vii) He warned the society against Bidaa, innovation which is contrary to Islamic belief
viii) He wrote a book called (Nurul-Al-Baab) “The light of men of understanding
ix) He was the founder of Sokoto caliphate which secured firm roots for spread of Islam in Hausaland
x) He set up government provisions to establis roads, bridges, mosques and city walls to ensure comfort for citizens
xi) Fought the concept of Hausa king, ended oppression of the defeated and the powerless people
xii) He emphasised revival of the Hisbah institutions whose functions included checking the prices, quality of goods, correct weights and measures, prevention of fraud and earning interest
xiii) Zakat should be administered according to the shariah and be spent in the same region from where its collected
7 x 1 = 7mks

c) Contributions of Ibn Sina to medicine

i) He wrote several articles on medicine. He famous books Qanun-fi-Tibb and Kitab al-shifa. (The canon of medicine and the book of cure respectively)
ii) He was a medical practitioner and teacher of Asfahan
iii) He advised other doctors who consulted him on various matters in the field of medicine
iv) He prescribed over 800 drugs to cure different diseases including meningitis
v) He was a psychologist and explained the close interaction between psychology and health
vi) He recognised the nature of most of the contagious diseases such as tuberculosis and discovered that some were transmitted by water and soil
vii) He studied the human anatomy, gynaecology and child health and made great contributions on the subjects
viii) His books and articles on medicine were used as reference materials in the European universities
5 x 1 = 5mks
1. a) How to discourage the vice of gambling in the society

- muslims should preach on the evils of gambling
- muslims should follow the Islamic teachings on the proper use of wealth
- by creating job opportunities to the youth
- parents should play their role of training their children on the Islamic teachings
- muslims should be given free interest loans to uplift their standard of living
- gambling as a vice is taught in high school in the IRE subject
- by banning gambling sites e.g. casinos
- imposition of heavy taxes and heavy punishments to those engaged in gambling business
- proper utilization of time especially leisure time in constructive halal activities
any 8 x 1 = 8mks

b) Situations which may lead to rape and defilement

- use of drugs e.g. marijuana
- uncontrolled mixing of sexes especially in discos and the like
- moral laxity especially parents not minding what their children do
- indecent dressing i.e. ladies dressing in a manner that entices men wanting to have sex with them
- absence of strong laws that can punish the rapists and defilers
- poverty which leads to extended family problems hence unrestricted relatives kept at home
- westernization particularly over emphasizing the children’s rights which make them to think that they are right in what they do and should do it
- some soap operas in television, print media that entice men to have sex with women
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

c) Islamic manners of walking

- walk in a manner that is moderate, not too fast nor too slow
- walk with humility without pride or arrogance
- lower your gaze and occassionally look on sideways
- greet the people you meet
- avoiding throwing anything on the way or spitting all over
- avoid standing in the middle of the way
- recite dua before you start walking (Bismillahi Tawakkaltu alallahi)
- avoid walking in between members of the opposite sex
- remove any harmful objects from the way as you are walking
- avoid dragging or stamping your shoes or feet
- it is encouraged to walk on the right hand side
any 5 x 1 = 5mks

2. a) Rights of non-muslims in an Islamic state

i) The right to political choice
ii) Right to own property
iii) Right to protect their identity
iv) Right to profess their own religion
v) Right to education
vi) Right to freedom of expression
vii) Right to be treated with fairness and justice
viii) Right to sign treaties and honour them
any 6 x 1 = 6mks

b) Privileges accorded to a muslim woman in Islam

i) Not to work for the family so long as the husband is working
ii) Exemption from fasting in the state of monthly period
iii) Exemption from prayers in her monthly period
iv) They are exempted from attending Jamaa prayers
v) They are exempted from attending Jum’a prayers
vi) They are exempted to go for wars
vii) While in her postnatal blood she cannot pray nor fast
viii) She is not killed if in war unless she is a threat
ix) They are awarded dowry during marriage
any 7 x 1 = 7mks
c) Significance of Wasiya to muslims

i) It eradicates favouritism among the heirs
ii) It gives the deceased an apportunity to help the poor and needy and other deserving people in the society
iii) Inculcates discipline among the heirs while handling the property
iv) It prevents quarrels, wrangles and fights among family members
v) It accords the rights of business partners, workers and third parties
vi) It encourages individual members in the society to be dutiful and responsible
vii) It gives the heirs a chance to better their economic status after receiving their shares
viii) It cements love and friendship among family members
ix) Protects the property against corruption
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

3. a) Seven reasons that can lead to Khulu

- insanity or madness of the husband
- cruelty or mistreatment by the husband
- in the event that the man is impotent
- prolonged disappearance of the husband and his whereabouts are unknown
- if the husband is suffering from terminal or infectious diseases such as leprosy, HIV
- in the event that the husband permanently changes his domicile and he refuses the wife to follow him
- intentional negligence of the husband to provide for the needs of the wife and children
7 x 1 = 7mks

b) Impediments to polygamy in Islam

- if the husband is unable to take care of the wives financially
- if the husband cannot be fair to all his wives in relation to daily needs and also an emotional needs
- if the first wife will not be comfortable to accept sharing the other wives with the husband
- laws enacted in certain countries that limit marriage to one wife
- if the husband cannot be able to satisfy the wives conjugally
- if the husband is terminally ill e.g. HIV-AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections
6 x 1 = 6mks

c) Importance of dowry in Islam

- it signifies man’s readiness for the wife under all circumstances
- it is a gift therefore signifies love between the couple
- dowry legalizes sexual intercourse between the wife and husband
- the acceptance of dowry by the bride expresses her readiness to sacrifice herself in obedience of her husband
- dowry empowers the woman economically
- it bonds a good relationship between the two families
- it is a condition of marriage when oen fulfils if he earns thawab
7 x 1 = 7mks

4. a) Problems encountered by the prophet (SAW) immediately after Hijra

i) The problem of settling the Muhajirun
ii) Hostility from the Jewish tribes of Madina
iii) Threats from Makkans who wanted to attack them
iv) Defending muslims against external attack
v) There were no places of worship in Madina
vi) Lack of enough weapon for muslims to defend themselves
vii) Unable to cope with psychological problems as many had left their family members in Makka
viii) The emergency of hypocrites which he had to deal with them in a very sensitive manner
ix) Supporting muslims financially as many had migrated without their properties
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

b) Challenges faced by Caliph Uthman during his caliphate

i) He accused of appointing incompetent officials from his kinsmen to replace competent ones (nepotism)
ii) Accused of using property from Baitul Maal to benefit his relatives
iii) Accused of burning copies of the Quran
iv) It was alleged that he exiled some great companions such as Abdullah bin Masoud
v) He was accused of bringing back his exiled uncle Al-Hakam
vi) Accused of denying public land for grazing and made them for government
any 6 x 1 = 6mks

c) Reasons for the non-spread of Islam in the interior of East Africa

i) Their main reason for teh coming of Arabs to the coast was trade and not the spread of Islam
ii) The muslim missionaries lacked support from their home government
iii) The Arabs did not come to seek territorial control and therefore they did not force the locals to become muslims
iv) The Arabs did not have an organised missionary groups. They were doing it at an individual level
v) The language barrier limited the Arabs from communicating with the locals
vi) Illiteracy among the locals hindered appropriate communication
vii) Portuguese engaged Arabs in war thus affecting missionary work
viii) Christian missionary had gained popularity
ix) The unfavourable weather condition hindered the Arab from travelling
x) Lack of resources
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

5. a) Factors that led to the establishment of the Fatimids

- the shia who claimed they were the legitimate of the caliphate always confronted muslim leadership
- North African hatred for the Abbasids was also a factor that introduced the emergency of the fatimids
- economic drawbacks - the abbasids were economically stranded. Later on, famine struck the area and people moved draining the treasury
- in 969A.D the Fatimid founded their capital in Egypt. That was the present day Cairo. They used it as a base and arranged their revolt against the Abbasids
- an Ismailil shia called Muhammad Al-Habib claimed discordance of Ali and Fatma and he rejected the Abbasids rule
- Abu Abdullah, a shia, a native from Yemen came out openly in propagating for the establishment of the Fatimid dynasty in Tunisia
- Al-Muiz, the Fatimid fourth Khalifa was able to conquer and capture Egypt thus bringing the Fatimid Khalifate into the Islamic heartland of the middle East
7 x 1 = 7mks

b) Factors for rapid growth of Islam in Tanzania

- muslims traders established in land, trading posts
- many of the tribal chiefs embraced Islam
- the chiefs ordered the subjects to embrace Islam and hence were instrumental in the spread of Islam
- the natives admired the culture of the Arabs (muslims)
- mosques and madrassas were built
- intermarriages between the muslims and the natives
- the Arabs set up settlements in the interior of East Africa
any 6 x 1 = 6mks

c) Why the battle of Uhud important to muslims

- it showed the importance of the muslims to follow their leader’s commands, the archers left the entrance unguarded disregarding the prophet’s instruction not to leave the passage
- it taught muslims to bear hardships in their mission
- the muslims learnt that they should not be greedy for wealth
- they learnt never to underestimate an enemy
- muslims learnt to be patient and a verse was revealed telling the prophet (p.b.u.h) to show patience to the murderers of his uncle Hamza
- muslims learnt the importance of consultations
- women are allowed to participate in battle as long as their presence does not cause an alarm such as Ummu Ammarah who was injure while protecting the prophet (p.b.u.h)
- it clearly differentiated the hypocrites like Abdullah ibn ubayy from the true muslims
any 7 x 1 = 7mks

6. a) Challenges faced by muslims in practising Islam in Kenya

i) Infringement of freedom to practice Islam among students in some schools. For example some schools ban the wearing of hijab by muslim girls. Other schools, student don’t pray in time
ii) Muslims denied full rights as citizens of the country e.g. denial of ID cards, passport and birth certificates to genuine Kenyan citizen who are muslims
iii) Discrimination on employment opportunities both in the public and private sectors
iv) Lack of education institution to promote muslim educational needs such as muslim schools, colleges and universities
v) Harassment by state organs such as police on suspected muslims
vi) Scarcity of muslim-owned mass media to cater for publicity and propagation needs e.g. newspapers, radios and T.V stations
vii) Scarcity of muslim professionals and trained man power in all disciplines including I.R.E teachers
viii) Closure of muslim international charity and NGO’s by the government which left a vacuum in meeting the needs of muslims in education and social welfare
ix) False accusation of muslims as terrorists by virtue of their dress code or appearance
x) Muslims being arrested without the due process of law being followed e.g. being confined in police custody without charge in court or legal representation
xi) Illegal rendition to foreign countries without due process of law
8 x 1 = 8mks

b) Reforms brought by the Sokoto caliphate under Uthman don Fodio

i) He challenged the scholars of the time over extremism by writing a book showing that extremism was a wrong concept
ii) He taught that all madh-habs are correct and should be respected
iii) He reconciled Islamic scholarship with Sufism and emphasised that Tassawuf should be for the knowledge of the heart
iv) He declared custom duties as a source of public revenue
v) He forbade revenue officers to accept gifts from their subjects
vi) He advocated for women’s education and spoke against the cultures that were undermining the rights of women such as being locked in their houses and female circumcision
vii) He warned the society against Bidaa, innovation which is contrary to Islamic belief
viii) He wrote a book called (Nurul-Al-Baab) “The light of men of understanding
ix) He was the founder of Sokoto caliphate which secured firm roots for spread of Islam in Hausaland
x) He set up government provisions to establis roads, bridges, mosques and city walls to ensure comfort for citizens
xi) Fought the concept of Hausa king, ended oppression of the defeated and the powerless people
xii) He emphasised revival of the Hisbah institutions whose functions included checking the prices, quality of goods, correct weights and measures, prevention of fraud and earning interest
xiii) Zakat should be administered according to the shariah and be spent in the same region from where its collected
7 x 1 = 7mks

c) Contributions of Ibn Sina to medicine

i) He wrote several articles on medicine. He famous books Qanun-fi-Tibb and Kitab al-shifa. (The canon of medicine and the book of cure respectively)
ii) He was a medical practitioner and teacher of Asfahan
iii) He advised other doctors who consulted him on various matters in the field of medicine
iv) He prescribed over 800 drugs to cure different diseases including meningitis
v) He was a psychologist and explained the close interaction between psychology and health
vi) He recognised the nature of most of the contagious diseases such as tuberculosis and discovered that some were transmitted by water and soil
vii) He studied the human anatomy, gynaecology and child health and made great contributions on the subjects
viii) His books and articles on medicine were used as reference materials in the European universities
5 x 1 = 5mks

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