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Islamic Religious Education Paper - 314/1 Marking Scheme Question Paper

Islamic Religious Education Paper - 314/1 Marking Scheme 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2016

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
Paper - 314/1
July/August 2016
Marking Scheme
Answer ANY FIVE questions.

1. a) Explain the teachings of Surah Hujurat on Socio-moral issues. (8 marks)
Believers should avoid making hasty decisions disregarding Allah (S.W) and prophet (P.b.u.h) . We should always refer to the Qur''an and Hadith on any matters concerning religion since they don''t contradict the rule of Shariah.
While speaking to the prophet (P.b.u.h), believers should not raise their voices above that of the prophet (p.b.u.h). They should speak with respect and honour. Likewise, while speaking to the leader or seeking guidance, believers should not show disrespect or raise their voices.
Muslims should consider the privacy of their leaders and seek for attention when they have time to attend to them. We should avoid shouting form outside their places of abode, but patiently wait for them to come to our service. It''s advised that they call them by the main door and in low voices.
Muslims should be gentle, polite and courteous whenever they are asking for something or talking to those in authority.
Believers should speak in low tones when in places of worship or during acts of Ibadah.
Believers should not rely on rumours, reports or any information brought to them before verifying its source and truth, especially if such information is from someone whom they know is wicked and untrustworthy.
The prophet (p.b.u.h) is not led by the advice of his people nor is he swayed by his own personal feelings and desires but by what which Allah (S.W) guides him.
Islam encourages virtues such as discipline obedience and righteousness and dislikes vices such as unfaithfulness, wickedness and rebellion.
All believers are brothers - It is therefore, the responsibility of the Muslims to foster unity, brotherhood or sisterhood. In case of any conflicts, they should settle them amicably and help the warring parties to reconcile. Justice should be observed during the reconciliation process because Allah (S.W) loves those who are fair and just in their dealings.
Believers should not mock, scoff, ridicule or call each other by offensive nicknames. Such disrespectful nicknames may defame their character, cause harm amongst them or even disunite the entire Muslim ummah.
Believers should avoid suspicion, spying or prying into other people''s privacy.
Backbiting and speaking ill of others in their absence in prohibited. Allah (S.W) refers to t as a distasteful habit and compares it to the backbiter eating the flesh of the person he or she is backbiting.
Declares the universal brotherhood of all mankind. The Surah explains that all human beings came from a single pair i.e. Adam and Hawa.)
Every believers is, therefore, equal before th eyes of Allah (S.W) but Allah (S.W) honours the one who is most righteous.
Allah (S.W) has created humankind in different nations, races and tribes so that they may know, understand and appreciate each other. Allah (S.W) didn''t intend such differences for disunity, segregation, bias or despise amongst His people.
Allah has full knowledge about his creation and is the All-seer of all human deeds.
Muslims should have strong belief in Tawheed (Islamic monotheism) and show complete submission to the will of Allah (S.W) should not be doubtful in their faith and show sincere devotion to Islam.

1.b) Why is it important to memorise the holy Quran.
To keep it safe from any additions and subtraction as it''s the word of Allah. (S.W)
To protect it from any fabrications.
The prophet encouraged it''s memorisation.
Memorisation of the Quran is rewarded by Allah. (S.W)
Those who memorise the Quran are held in high esteem in the Umah.
It improves literally skills
Improves knowledge and command and Arabic language
Helps in remembering and understanding the content of the Quran.
Maintain accuracy of the message of the Holy Qur''an
Those who memorised the holy Quran are highly sought after and valued by the Islamic learning institutions and universities and the world of scholarship.

1.c) Describe the characteristics of the language of the holy Qur''an. (5 marks)
The language of the Quran is rhythmatic and harmonious e.g. Surah Nas, lahab, Ikhlas.
The language of the Quran combines both poetic and prose from e.g. Surah Nas, Lahab, Baqarah.
The verses of the holy Quran are in classical Arabic and in the dialect of the Quraish of Makkah.
The language is precise and to the point, doesn''t contain extra words that do not add value.
The verses that express the fear of Allah are fiery and those that express the mercy of Allah are soft language.
The Qur''an contains vocabularies that are difficult to understand and interpret which Allah (S.W) uses as a challenge to Muslims e.g. Alif-Iam-mim.
The language of the Quran is easy to comprehend.
There''s repetition of words and sentences in various Surah for affirmation.

2.a) Preservation of the Holy Quran during the time of the prophet.
The prophet used to recite the Quran aloud in prayers. This gave the companions the opportunity to learn, remember and record the Quran.
Availability of teachers. Teachers were sent to various areas outside Arabia to teach the Quran.
The prophet gave preference to those who committed the Quran in memory. This made people to compete and memorize the Quran; hence its preservation.
Scribes of the prophet used to write down the newly revealed portions.
The strict warning of forgetting the Quran after memorizing it. The prophet had advised people against forgetting the Quran.
The Quran was written on leaves, bones, skin and other locally available materials.
Allah assured of the protection and preservation of the Quran.
Memorization was mainly employed at this time.
7 × 1 = 7 marks

b) Four differences between compilation and standardization of the Holy Quran.
(8 marks)
Compilation of Quran was done during the rule of Khalifa AbuBakr while standardization was done during the rule of Khalif Uthman.
Compilation of Quran involved collection of the different portions of written Quran into one single volume while standardization involved the unification of the pronunciation o the Quran.
Compilation of Quran resulted into one official copy while standardization resulted into six official copies distributed to the six provinces.
In compilation of Quran there was only one scribe, Zaid bin Thabit but in the standarazation there were four scribes, Zaid bin Thabit, Abdullahi Ibn Zubeir, Saad ibn As and Abdulrahman Ibn Harith.
Compilation of the Quran was for fear of the loss of the Quran and reason for standardization was for fear of disunity of the Ummah.
Compilation of the Quran was done at the advice of Umar-al-Khattab while standardization was done at the advice of Hudhaifa bin Al-Yaman.
any 4 × 2 = 8 marks

c) The teachings of Surah An-Nasr (5 marks)
Victory comes from Allah (SW)
Allah is all forgiving.
Believers should glorify Allah
Believers should seek for forgiveness form Allah (Repentance)
Allah will always help the believers.
Emphasizes Allah''s mercy to the prophet (p.b.u.h)
Believers should seek for Allah''s grace and attribute any success to Allah''s goodness and mercy.
any 5 × 1

3.a) Differences between hadith Qudsi and hadith Nabiwi. (6 marks)
The meaning of hadith Qudsi originates from Allah while in hadith Nabawi, both the meaning and the wording are from the prophet.
In hadith Qudsi the chain or transmission ends with Allah while in hadith Nabawi, the chain of transmission ends with the prophet.
The subject matter of hadith Qudsi is restricted to specific matters, while in hadith Nabawi the subject matter is general.
When quoting hadith Qudsi one says. "The said ; “that Allah said” while in Nabawi one says: "The prophet said only."
Hadith Qudsi are few in numbers compared to hadith Nabawi which are many in numbers.
Hadith Qudsi is recorded in direct speech while hadith Nabawi is recorded both in speeches, actions and approvals of the prophet.
any 6 × 1 = 6 marks

b) Reasons for invention of hadith(7 marks)
Some invented hadith to encourage people in religion
Some invented hadith to gain fame.
Some invented hadith to please the rulers.
Others invented to spoil the name of Islam
Others invented so as to gain political power.
Other had ill motive towards scholars of hadith.
Some were doing it out of ignorance.
any 7 × 1 = 7 marks

3.c) Teachings of hadith on Niyyah. (6 marks)
Allah is aware of what is in our hearts, minds and thoughts.
Muslims should made their worship proceeded by intention.
That deeds are judged by the intention.
Allah does not accept deeds without good intention.
Our looks and appearance are of no value without good intention.
Muslims should be faithful in their duties to Allah.
It warns Muslims against innovation in religion
A Muslim should strive hard to do everything for the sake of Allah.

4.a) The differences between Eid prayers and Friday prayers. (7 marks)
Friday prayers is compulsory while Eid is Sunnah (optional)
Friday prayer is performed during dhuhr time(noon) while Eid prayer is performed before noon (dhuhr)
Friday prayers has Adhan and Iqamah while Eid prayer has no Adhan or Iqamah.
Friday prayer is perfromed every Friday of the week while Eid prayer is performed once every year.
Friday prayer has Khutba before swalat while Eid has Khutba after Swalah
Eid Swalat has (7) seven takbiir after takbiratul ihram while Friday prayer has no takbir except takbiratul Ihraam.
Friday prayer is done in a mosque while Eid is done in an open field.
Eid prayer can be performed even after the Imam has finished while Friday cannot be performed after imam has finished.

4.b) Describe Acts in the mouth of Ramadan
(8 marks)
Increasing the recitation of Qur''an
Indulging in propagating Islam.
Performing I''tikaf during the last ten nights.
Increasing Dhikr and dua
Breaking of fast immediately after sunset.
Breaking of fast with odd numbers of dates.
Sharing food with other Muslims
Controlling one''s tongue (speaking good words)
Eating and sleeping less.

c) Actions forbidden for a person wearing Ihram.
Proposing for marriage.
Chipping nails.
Applying perfumes
Covering of head for men
Covering of face for women
Sexual intercourse.
Kissing with desire
Destroying vegetation.
Killing of animals except harmful e.g. scorpion.

5.a) Five contributions of Imam Ahmad bin Hambal as a jurist. (5 marks)
He was the founder of the Hanbal school of thought.
He wrote several books e.g. Kitaabu Swalah. His most outstanding work is his hadith collection, Musnad Ahmad.
He had several students such as Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim and others.
He emphasized the practising of Sunnah and preached against innovation
He followed the Holy Quran, Hadith and accepted the Sahaba''s opinions. He preferred the use of Hadith Dhaif to Qiyas.
5 × 1 = 5 marks

b) Qualities of a Mujtahid (8 marks)
Mastery of Arabic language.
Mastery of ulumul-Hadith (Science of Hadith)
Good mastery of the Quran and Sunnah.
Should be logical and have sound reasoning.
Should have vast knowledge on the views of the Sahaba''s (prophet''s companions)
Should have knowledge of one''s own society and of public interest.
He should understand the fundamental principles of Fiqh.
Know the general objectives of sharia.
He should be of good moral character.
any 8 × 1 = 8 marks

c) Common punishments under Taazir
(7 marks)
Kind admonition and giving advice.
By threatening the criminal
Harsh reprimand
Imposing of fines.
Seizure of property.
Public exposure (tash-hir)
any 7 × 1 = 7 marks

6.a) State the duties and significance of an Imam in the Muslim society. (8 marks)
An Imam leads Muslims during prayers.
The imam may also serve as a member of the large leadership team in Muslim community
The Imam may be involved in community and social services like visiting the sick, raising funds for the needy members of the community.
As a respected member of the community, the Imam may be consulted for personal or religious issues.
The imam is involved in ensuring peace, harmony and social cohesion in the society e.g. engaging in inter-faith service programmes.
He gives spiritual advice and is consulted in family issues, or in other times of needs.
Officiating Muslim marriages and organizing educational gatherings in the mosque.
Conducts Islamic religious ceremonies.
The Imam is a teacher of Islamic religion, lectures and Friday sermons.

6.b) Reasons why Qur''an condemns shirk.
(7 marks)
Shirk is the highest of the wrong-doing according to the instructions given by Laqman to his son, "O my son, Join not in worship (other) with Allah (S.W) for its indeed the highest wrong doing."]
When one attaches Allah (S.W)''s attributes to any of his creations he /she undermines Allah (S.W)''s sovereignty yet He is supposed to be sovereign.
It''s of all the sins, Allah (S.W) vows to not forgive anyone who commits it knowingly.
Belief in shirk creates enmity in the society, since people will always be suspicious of each other and they will not devote themselves with the belief in Allah (S.W) as the predeterminer of people''s destiny.
Shirk makes man to have little or no confidence in God but in other things most especially in times of danger.
Shirk makes people distance themselves from Allah (S.W) yet man is supposed to always be near to Him and praise Him.
Shirk makes an individual not to be dutiful and upright as it makes one not carry his/her duties wholeheartedly and this takes her / him near to sinning all the time.
Shirk makes a person behave like a coward as he or she will always be thinking of even objects which have no life and cannot protect her / him form any danger or misfortunes e.g. wearing of amulets.
Shirk puts one into poverty as Allah (S.W) will not bless any wealth acquired for one who practices it as one will use his /her wealth to benefit the witchdoctors.

c) Outline the situations where justice (Adl) should be applied.
Justice with God: to worship as he commanded.
Justice before people; serve them equally especially when you are in authority.
Justice among wives for a husband, children for a parent and students for a teacher.
Justice in speech: Allah says. "And whenever you give your word i.e. judge between people / give evidence say the truth even if ti is a close relative is involved." Q(6 : 152)
While distributing inheritance to heirs.
Distribution of the property for Zakaat should be done fairly.
Keeping property of someone. Do not squander or misuse the property under your care.
A Muslim should be just in business transactions.
Answer ANY FIVE questions.

1. a) Explain the teachings of Surah Hujurat on Socio-moral issues. (8 marks)
Believers should avoid making hasty decisions disregarding Allah (S.W) and prophet (P.b.u.h) . We should always refer to the Qur''an and Hadith on any matters concerning religion since they don''t contradict the rule of Shariah.
While speaking to the prophet (P.b.u.h), believers should not raise their voices above that of the prophet (p.b.u.h). They should speak with respect and honour. Likewise, while speaking to the leader or seeking guidance, believers should not show disrespect or raise their voices.
Muslims should consider the privacy of their leaders and seek for attention when they have time to attend to them. We should avoid shouting form outside their places of abode, but patiently wait for them to come to our service. It''s advised that they call them by the main door and in low voices.
Muslims should be gentle, polite and courteous whenever they are asking for something or talking to those in authority.
Believers should speak in low tones when in places of worship or during acts of Ibadah.
Believers should not rely on rumours, reports or any information brought to them before verifying its source and truth, especially if such information is from someone whom they know is wicked and untrustworthy.
The prophet (p.b.u.h) is not led by the advice of his people nor is he swayed by his own personal feelings and desires but by what which Allah (S.W) guides him.
Islam encourages virtues such as discipline obedience and righteousness and dislikes vices such as unfaithfulness, wickedness and rebellion.
All believers are brothers - It is therefore, the responsibility of the Muslims to foster unity, brotherhood or sisterhood. In case of any conflicts, they should settle them amicably and help the warring parties to reconcile. Justice should be observed during the reconciliation process because Allah (S.W) loves those who are fair and just in their dealings.
Believers should not mock, scoff, ridicule or call each other by offensive nicknames. Such disrespectful nicknames may defame their character, cause harm amongst them or even disunite the entire Muslim ummah.
Believers should avoid suspicion, spying or prying into other people''s privacy.
Backbiting and speaking ill of others in their absence in prohibited. Allah (S.W) refers to t as a distasteful habit and compares it to the backbiter eating the flesh of the person he or she is backbiting.
Declares the universal brotherhood of all mankind. The Surah explains that all human beings came from a single pair i.e. Adam and Hawa.)
Every believers is, therefore, equal before th eyes of Allah (S.W) but Allah (S.W) honours the one who is most righteous.
Allah (S.W) has created humankind in different nations, races and tribes so that they may know, understand and appreciate each other. Allah (S.W) didn''t intend such differences for disunity, segregation, bias or despise amongst His people.
Allah has full knowledge about his creation and is the All-seer of all human deeds.
Muslims should have strong belief in Tawheed (Islamic monotheism) and show complete submission to the will of Allah (S.W) should not be doubtful in their faith and show sincere devotion to Islam.

1.b) Why is it important to memorise the holy Quran.
To keep it safe from any additions and subtraction as it''s the word of Allah. (S.W)
To protect it from any fabrications.
The prophet encouraged it''s memorisation.
Memorisation of the Quran is rewarded by Allah. (S.W)
Those who memorise the Quran are held in high esteem in the Umah.
It improves literally skills
Improves knowledge and command and Arabic language
Helps in remembering and understanding the content of the Quran.
Maintain accuracy of the message of the Holy Qur''an
Those who memorised the holy Quran are highly sought after and valued by the Islamic learning institutions and universities and the world of scholarship.

1.c) Describe the characteristics of the language of the holy Qur''an. (5 marks)
The language of the Quran is rhythmatic and harmonious e.g. Surah Nas, lahab, Ikhlas.
The language of the Quran combines both poetic and prose from e.g. Surah Nas, Lahab, Baqarah.
The verses of the holy Quran are in classical Arabic and in the dialect of the Quraish of Makkah.
The language is precise and to the point, doesn''t contain extra words that do not add value.
The verses that express the fear of Allah are fiery and those that express the mercy of Allah are soft language.
The Qur''an contains vocabularies that are difficult to understand and interpret which Allah (S.W) uses as a challenge to Muslims e.g. Alif-Iam-mim.
The language of the Quran is easy to comprehend.
There''s repetition of words and sentences in various Surah for affirmation.

2.a) Preservation of the Holy Quran during the time of the prophet.
The prophet used to recite the Quran aloud in prayers. This gave the companions the opportunity to learn, remember and record the Quran.
Availability of teachers. Teachers were sent to various areas outside Arabia to teach the Quran.
The prophet gave preference to those who committed the Quran in memory. This made people to compete and memorize the Quran; hence its preservation.
Scribes of the prophet used to write down the newly revealed portions.
The strict warning of forgetting the Quran after memorizing it. The prophet had advised people against forgetting the Quran.
The Quran was written on leaves, bones, skin and other locally available materials.
Allah assured of the protection and preservation of the Quran.
Memorization was mainly employed at this time.
7 × 1 = 7 marks

b) Four differences between compilation and standardization of the Holy Quran.
(8 marks)
Compilation of Quran was done during the rule of Khalifa AbuBakr while standardization was done during the rule of Khalif Uthman.
Compilation of Quran involved collection of the different portions of written Quran into one single volume while standardization involved the unification of the pronunciation o the Quran.
Compilation of Quran resulted into one official copy while standardization resulted into six official copies distributed to the six provinces.
In compilation of Quran there was only one scribe, Zaid bin Thabit but in the standarazation there were four scribes, Zaid bin Thabit, Abdullahi Ibn Zubeir, Saad ibn As and Abdulrahman Ibn Harith.
Compilation of the Quran was for fear of the loss of the Quran and reason for standardization was for fear of disunity of the Ummah.
Compilation of the Quran was done at the advice of Umar-al-Khattab while standardization was done at the advice of Hudhaifa bin Al-Yaman.
any 4 × 2 = 8 marks

c) The teachings of Surah An-Nasr (5 marks)
Victory comes from Allah (SW)
Allah is all forgiving.
Believers should glorify Allah
Believers should seek for forgiveness form Allah (Repentance)
Allah will always help the believers.
Emphasizes Allah''s mercy to the prophet (p.b.u.h)
Believers should seek for Allah''s grace and attribute any success to Allah''s goodness and mercy.
any 5 × 1

3.a) Differences between hadith Qudsi and hadith Nabiwi. (6 marks)
The meaning of hadith Qudsi originates from Allah while in hadith Nabawi, both the meaning and the wording are from the prophet.
In hadith Qudsi the chain or transmission ends with Allah while in hadith Nabawi, the chain of transmission ends with the prophet.
The subject matter of hadith Qudsi is restricted to specific matters, while in hadith Nabawi the subject matter is general.
When quoting hadith Qudsi one says. "The said ; “that Allah said” while in Nabawi one says: "The prophet said only."
Hadith Qudsi are few in numbers compared to hadith Nabawi which are many in numbers.
Hadith Qudsi is recorded in direct speech while hadith Nabawi is recorded both in speeches, actions and approvals of the prophet.
any 6 × 1 = 6 marks

b) Reasons for invention of hadith(7 marks)
Some invented hadith to encourage people in religion
Some invented hadith to gain fame.
Some invented hadith to please the rulers.
Others invented to spoil the name of Islam
Others invented so as to gain political power.
Other had ill motive towards scholars of hadith.
Some were doing it out of ignorance.
any 7 × 1 = 7 marks

3.c) Teachings of hadith on Niyyah. (6 marks)
Allah is aware of what is in our hearts, minds and thoughts.
Muslims should made their worship proceeded by intention.
That deeds are judged by the intention.
Allah does not accept deeds without good intention.
Our looks and appearance are of no value without good intention.
Muslims should be faithful in their duties to Allah.
It warns Muslims against innovation in religion
A Muslim should strive hard to do everything for the sake of Allah.

4.a) The differences between Eid prayers and Friday prayers. (7 marks)
Friday prayers is compulsory while Eid is Sunnah (optional)
Friday prayer is performed during dhuhr time(noon) while Eid prayer is performed before noon (dhuhr)
Friday prayers has Adhan and Iqamah while Eid prayer has no Adhan or Iqamah.
Friday prayer is perfromed every Friday of the week while Eid prayer is performed once every year.
Friday prayer has Khutba before swalat while Eid has Khutba after Swalah
Eid Swalat has (7) seven takbiir after takbiratul ihram while Friday prayer has no takbir except takbiratul Ihraam.
Friday prayer is done in a mosque while Eid is done in an open field.
Eid prayer can be performed even after the Imam has finished while Friday cannot be performed after imam has finished.

4.b) Describe Acts in the mouth of Ramadan
(8 marks)
Increasing the recitation of Qur''an
Indulging in propagating Islam.
Performing I''tikaf during the last ten nights.
Increasing Dhikr and dua
Breaking of fast immediately after sunset.
Breaking of fast with odd numbers of dates.
Sharing food with other Muslims
Controlling one''s tongue (speaking good words)
Eating and sleeping less.

c) Actions forbidden for a person wearing Ihram.
Proposing for marriage.
Chipping nails.
Applying perfumes
Covering of head for men
Covering of face for women
Sexual intercourse.
Kissing with desire
Destroying vegetation.
Killing of animals except harmful e.g. scorpion.

5.a) Five contributions of Imam Ahmad bin Hambal as a jurist. (5 marks)
He was the founder of the Hanbal school of thought.
He wrote several books e.g. Kitaabu Swalah. His most outstanding work is his hadith collection, Musnad Ahmad.
He had several students such as Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim and others.
He emphasized the practising of Sunnah and preached against innovation
He followed the Holy Quran, Hadith and accepted the Sahaba''s opinions. He preferred the use of Hadith Dhaif to Qiyas.
5 × 1 = 5 marks

b) Qualities of a Mujtahid (8 marks)
Mastery of Arabic language.
Mastery of ulumul-Hadith (Science of Hadith)
Good mastery of the Quran and Sunnah.
Should be logical and have sound reasoning.
Should have vast knowledge on the views of the Sahaba''s (prophet''s companions)
Should have knowledge of one''s own society and of public interest.
He should understand the fundamental principles of Fiqh.
Know the general objectives of sharia.
He should be of good moral character.
any 8 × 1 = 8 marks

c) Common punishments under Taazir
(7 marks)
Kind admonition and giving advice.
By threatening the criminal
Harsh reprimand
Imposing of fines.
Seizure of property.
Public exposure (tash-hir)
any 7 × 1 = 7 marks

6.a) State the duties and significance of an Imam in the Muslim society. (8 marks)
An Imam leads Muslims during prayers.
The imam may also serve as a member of the large leadership team in Muslim community
The Imam may be involved in community and social services like visiting the sick, raising funds for the needy members of the community.
As a respected member of the community, the Imam may be consulted for personal or religious issues.
The imam is involved in ensuring peace, harmony and social cohesion in the society e.g. engaging in inter-faith service programmes.
He gives spiritual advice and is consulted in family issues, or in other times of needs.
Officiating Muslim marriages and organizing educational gatherings in the mosque.
Conducts Islamic religious ceremonies.
The Imam is a teacher of Islamic religion, lectures and Friday sermons.

6.b) Reasons why Qur''an condemns shirk.
(7 marks)
Shirk is the highest of the wrong-doing according to the instructions given by Laqman to his son, "O my son, Join not in worship (other) with Allah (S.W) for its indeed the highest wrong doing."]
When one attaches Allah (S.W)''s attributes to any of his creations he /she undermines Allah (S.W)''s sovereignty yet He is supposed to be sovereign.
It''s of all the sins, Allah (S.W) vows to not forgive anyone who commits it knowingly.
Belief in shirk creates enmity in the society, since people will always be suspicious of each other and they will not devote themselves with the belief in Allah (S.W) as the predeterminer of people''s destiny.
Shirk makes man to have little or no confidence in God but in other things most especially in times of danger.
Shirk makes people distance themselves from Allah (S.W) yet man is supposed to always be near to Him and praise Him.
Shirk makes an individual not to be dutiful and upright as it makes one not carry his/her duties wholeheartedly and this takes her / him near to sinning all the time.
Shirk makes a person behave like a coward as he or she will always be thinking of even objects which have no life and cannot protect her / him form any danger or misfortunes e.g. wearing of amulets.
Shirk puts one into poverty as Allah (S.W) will not bless any wealth acquired for one who practices it as one will use his /her wealth to benefit the witchdoctors.

c) Outline the situations where justice (Adl) should be applied.
Justice with God: to worship as he commanded.
Justice before people; serve them equally especially when you are in authority.
Justice among wives for a husband, children for a parent and students for a teacher.
Justice in speech: Allah says. "And whenever you give your word i.e. judge between people / give evidence say the truth even if ti is a close relative is involved." Q(6 : 152)
While distributing inheritance to heirs.
Distribution of the property for Zakaat should be done fairly.
Keeping property of someone. Do not squander or misuse the property under your care.
A Muslim should be just in business transactions.

Answer ANY FIVE questions.

1. a) Explain the teachings of Surah Hujurat on Socio-moral issues. (8 marks)
Believers should avoid making hasty decisions disregarding Allah (S.W) and prophet (P.b.u.h) . We should always refer to the Qur''an and Hadith on any matters concerning religion since they don''t contradict the rule of Shariah.
While speaking to the prophet (P.b.u.h), believers should not raise their voices above that of the prophet (p.b.u.h). They should speak with respect and honour. Likewise, while speaking to the leader or seeking guidance, believers should not show disrespect or raise their voices.
Muslims should consider the privacy of their leaders and seek for attention when they have time to attend to them. We should avoid shouting form outside their places of abode, but patiently wait for them to come to our service. It''s advised that they call them by the main door and in low voices.
Muslims should be gentle, polite and courteous whenever they are asking for something or talking to those in authority.
Believers should speak in low tones when in places of worship or during acts of Ibadah.
Believers should not rely on rumours, reports or any information brought to them before verifying its source and truth, especially if such information is from someone whom they know is wicked and untrustworthy.
The prophet (p.b.u.h) is not led by the advice of his people nor is he swayed by his own personal feelings and desires but by what which Allah (S.W) guides him.
Islam encourages virtues such as discipline obedience and righteousness and dislikes vices such as unfaithfulness, wickedness and rebellion.
All believers are brothers - It is therefore, the responsibility of the Muslims to foster unity, brotherhood or sisterhood. In case of any conflicts, they should settle them amicably and help the warring parties to reconcile. Justice should be observed during the reconciliation process because Allah (S.W) loves those who are fair and just in their dealings.
Believers should not mock, scoff, ridicule or call each other by offensive nicknames. Such disrespectful nicknames may defame their character, cause harm amongst them or even disunite the entire Muslim ummah.
Believers should avoid suspicion, spying or prying into other people''s privacy.
Backbiting and speaking ill of others in their absence in prohibited. Allah (S.W) refers to t as a distasteful habit and compares it to the backbiter eating the flesh of the person he or she is backbiting.
Declares the universal brotherhood of all mankind. The Surah explains that all human beings came from a single pair i.e. Adam and Hawa.)
Every believers is, therefore, equal before th eyes of Allah (S.W) but Allah (S.W) honours the one who is most righteous.
Allah (S.W) has created humankind in different nations, races and tribes so that they may know, understand and appreciate each other. Allah (S.W) didn''t intend such differences for disunity, segregation, bias or despise amongst His people.
Allah has full knowledge about his creation and is the All-seer of all human deeds.
Muslims should have strong belief in Tawheed (Islamic monotheism) and show complete submission to the will of Allah (S.W) should not be doubtful in their faith and show sincere devotion to Islam.

1.b) Why is it important to memorise the holy Quran.
To keep it safe from any additions and subtraction as it''s the word of Allah. (S.W)
To protect it from any fabrications.
The prophet encouraged it''s memorisation.
Memorisation of the Quran is rewarded by Allah. (S.W)
Those who memorise the Quran are held in high esteem in the Umah.
It improves literally skills
Improves knowledge and command and Arabic language
Helps in remembering and understanding the content of the Quran.
Maintain accuracy of the message of the Holy Qur''an
Those who memorised the holy Quran are highly sought after and valued by the Islamic learning institutions and universities and the world of scholarship.

1.c) Describe the characteristics of the language of the holy Qur''an. (5 marks)
The language of the Quran is rhythmatic and harmonious e.g. Surah Nas, lahab, Ikhlas.
The language of the Quran combines both poetic and prose from e.g. Surah Nas, Lahab, Baqarah.
The verses of the holy Quran are in classical Arabic and in the dialect of the Quraish of Makkah.
The language is precise and to the point, doesn''t contain extra words that do not add value.
The verses that express the fear of Allah are fiery and those that express the mercy of Allah are soft language.
The Qur''an contains vocabularies that are difficult to understand and interpret which Allah (S.W) uses as a challenge to Muslims e.g. Alif-Iam-mim.
The language of the Quran is easy to comprehend.
There''s repetition of words and sentences in various Surah for affirmation.

2.a) Preservation of the Holy Quran during the time of the prophet.
The prophet used to recite the Quran aloud in prayers. This gave the companions the opportunity to learn, remember and record the Quran.
Availability of teachers. Teachers were sent to various areas outside Arabia to teach the Quran.
The prophet gave preference to those who committed the Quran in memory. This made people to compete and memorize the Quran; hence its preservation.
Scribes of the prophet used to write down the newly revealed portions.
The strict warning of forgetting the Quran after memorizing it. The prophet had advised people against forgetting the Quran.
The Quran was written on leaves, bones, skin and other locally available materials.
Allah assured of the protection and preservation of the Quran.
Memorization was mainly employed at this time.
7 × 1 = 7 marks

b) Four differences between compilation and standardization of the Holy Quran.
(8 marks)
Compilation of Quran was done during the rule of Khalifa AbuBakr while standardization was done during the rule of Khalif Uthman.
Compilation of Quran involved collection of the different portions of written Quran into one single volume while standardization involved the unification of the pronunciation o the Quran.
Compilation of Quran resulted into one official copy while standardization resulted into six official copies distributed to the six provinces.
In compilation of Quran there was only one scribe, Zaid bin Thabit but in the standarazation there were four scribes, Zaid bin Thabit, Abdullahi Ibn Zubeir, Saad ibn As and Abdulrahman Ibn Harith.
Compilation of the Quran was for fear of the loss of the Quran and reason for standardization was for fear of disunity of the Ummah.
Compilation of the Quran was done at the advice of Umar-al-Khattab while standardization was done at the advice of Hudhaifa bin Al-Yaman.
any 4 × 2 = 8 marks

c) The teachings of Surah An-Nasr (5 marks)
Victory comes from Allah (SW)
Allah is all forgiving.
Believers should glorify Allah
Believers should seek for forgiveness form Allah (Repentance)
Allah will always help the believers.
Emphasizes Allah''s mercy to the prophet (p.b.u.h)
Believers should seek for Allah''s grace and attribute any success to Allah''s goodness and mercy.
any 5 × 1

3.a) Differences between hadith Qudsi and hadith Nabiwi. (6 marks)
The meaning of hadith Qudsi originates from Allah while in hadith Nabawi, both the meaning and the wording are from the prophet.
In hadith Qudsi the chain or transmission ends with Allah while in hadith Nabawi, the chain of transmission ends with the prophet.
The subject matter of hadith Qudsi is restricted to specific matters, while in hadith Nabawi the subject matter is general.
When quoting hadith Qudsi one says. "The said ; “that Allah said” while in Nabawi one says: "The prophet said only."
Hadith Qudsi are few in numbers compared to hadith Nabawi which are many in numbers.
Hadith Qudsi is recorded in direct speech while hadith Nabawi is recorded both in speeches, actions and approvals of the prophet.
any 6 × 1 = 6 marks

b) Reasons for invention of hadith(7 marks)
Some invented hadith to encourage people in religion
Some invented hadith to gain fame.
Some invented hadith to please the rulers.
Others invented to spoil the name of Islam
Others invented so as to gain political power.
Other had ill motive towards scholars of hadith.
Some were doing it out of ignorance.
any 7 × 1 = 7 marks

3.c) Teachings of hadith on Niyyah. (6 marks)
Allah is aware of what is in our hearts, minds and thoughts.
Muslims should made their worship proceeded by intention.
That deeds are judged by the intention.
Allah does not accept deeds without good intention.
Our looks and appearance are of no value without good intention.
Muslims should be faithful in their duties to Allah.
It warns Muslims against innovation in religion
A Muslim should strive hard to do everything for the sake of Allah.

4.a) The differences between Eid prayers and Friday prayers. (7 marks)
Friday prayers is compulsory while Eid is Sunnah (optional)
Friday prayer is performed during dhuhr time(noon) while Eid prayer is performed before noon (dhuhr)
Friday prayers has Adhan and Iqamah while Eid prayer has no Adhan or Iqamah.
Friday prayer is perfromed every Friday of the week while Eid prayer is performed once every year.
Friday prayer has Khutba before swalat while Eid has Khutba after Swalah
Eid Swalat has (7) seven takbiir after takbiratul ihram while Friday prayer has no takbir except takbiratul Ihraam.
Friday prayer is done in a mosque while Eid is done in an open field.
Eid prayer can be performed even after the Imam has finished while Friday cannot be performed after imam has finished.

4.b) Describe Acts in the mouth of Ramadan
(8 marks)
Increasing the recitation of Qur''an
Indulging in propagating Islam.
Performing I''tikaf during the last ten nights.
Increasing Dhikr and dua
Breaking of fast immediately after sunset.
Breaking of fast with odd numbers of dates.
Sharing food with other Muslims
Controlling one''s tongue (speaking good words)
Eating and sleeping less.

c) Actions forbidden for a person wearing Ihram.
Proposing for marriage.
Chipping nails.
Applying perfumes
Covering of head for men
Covering of face for women
Sexual intercourse.
Kissing with desire
Destroying vegetation.
Killing of animals except harmful e.g. scorpion.

5.a) Five contributions of Imam Ahmad bin Hambal as a jurist. (5 marks)
He was the founder of the Hanbal school of thought.
He wrote several books e.g. Kitaabu Swalah. His most outstanding work is his hadith collection, Musnad Ahmad.
He had several students such as Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim and others.
He emphasized the practising of Sunnah and preached against innovation
He followed the Holy Quran, Hadith and accepted the Sahaba''s opinions. He preferred the use of Hadith Dhaif to Qiyas.
5 × 1 = 5 marks

b) Qualities of a Mujtahid (8 marks)
Mastery of Arabic language.
Mastery of ulumul-Hadith (Science of Hadith)
Good mastery of the Quran and Sunnah.
Should be logical and have sound reasoning.
Should have vast knowledge on the views of the Sahaba''s (prophet''s companions)
Should have knowledge of one''s own society and of public interest.
He should understand the fundamental principles of Fiqh.
Know the general objectives of sharia.
He should be of good moral character.
any 8 × 1 = 8 marks

c) Common punishments under Taazir
(7 marks)
Kind admonition and giving advice.
By threatening the criminal
Harsh reprimand
Imposing of fines.
Seizure of property.
Public exposure (tash-hir)
any 7 × 1 = 7 marks

6.a) State the duties and significance of an Imam in the Muslim society. (8 marks)
An Imam leads Muslims during prayers.
The imam may also serve as a member of the large leadership team in Muslim community
The Imam may be involved in community and social services like visiting the sick, raising funds for the needy members of the community.
As a respected member of the community, the Imam may be consulted for personal or religious issues.
The imam is involved in ensuring peace, harmony and social cohesion in the society e.g. engaging in inter-faith service programmes.
He gives spiritual advice and is consulted in family issues, or in other times of needs.
Officiating Muslim marriages and organizing educational gatherings in the mosque.
Conducts Islamic religious ceremonies.
The Imam is a teacher of Islamic religion, lectures and Friday sermons.

6.b) Reasons why Qur''an condemns shirk.
(7 marks)
Shirk is the highest of the wrong-doing according to the instructions given by Laqman to his son, "O my son, Join not in worship (other) with Allah (S.W) for its indeed the highest wrong doing."]
When one attaches Allah (S.W)''s attributes to any of his creations he /she undermines Allah (S.W)''s sovereignty yet He is supposed to be sovereign.
It''s of all the sins, Allah (S.W) vows to not forgive anyone who commits it knowingly.
Belief in shirk creates enmity in the society, since people will always be suspicious of each other and they will not devote themselves with the belief in Allah (S.W) as the predeterminer of people''s destiny.
Shirk makes man to have little or no confidence in God but in other things most especially in times of danger.
Shirk makes people distance themselves from Allah (S.W) yet man is supposed to always be near to Him and praise Him.
Shirk makes an individual not to be dutiful and upright as it makes one not carry his/her duties wholeheartedly and this takes her / him near to sinning all the time.
Shirk makes a person behave like a coward as he or she will always be thinking of even objects which have no life and cannot protect her / him form any danger or misfortunes e.g. wearing of amulets.
Shirk puts one into poverty as Allah (S.W) will not bless any wealth acquired for one who practices it as one will use his /her wealth to benefit the witchdoctors.

c) Outline the situations where justice (Adl) should be applied.
Justice with God: to worship as he commanded.
Justice before people; serve them equally especially when you are in authority.
Justice among wives for a husband, children for a parent and students for a teacher.
Justice in speech: Allah says. "And whenever you give your word i.e. judge between people / give evidence say the truth even if ti is a close relative is involved." Q(6 : 152)
While distributing inheritance to heirs.
Distribution of the property for Zakaat should be done fairly.
Keeping property of someone. Do not squander or misuse the property under your care.
A Muslim should be just in business transactions.

Answer ANY FIVE questions.

1. a) Explain the teachings of Surah Hujurat on Socio-moral issues. (8 marks)
Believers should avoid making hasty decisions disregarding Allah (S.W) and prophet (P.b.u.h) . We should always refer to the Qur''an and Hadith on any matters concerning religion since they don''t contradict the rule of Shariah.
While speaking to the prophet (P.b.u.h), believers should not raise their voices above that of the prophet (p.b.u.h). They should speak with respect and honour. Likewise, while speaking to the leader or seeking guidance, believers should not show disrespect or raise their voices.
Muslims should consider the privacy of their leaders and seek for attention when they have time to attend to them. We should avoid shouting form outside their places of abode, but patiently wait for them to come to our service. It''s advised that they call them by the main door and in low voices.
Muslims should be gentle, polite and courteous whenever they are asking for something or talking to those in authority.
Believers should speak in low tones when in places of worship or during acts of Ibadah.
Believers should not rely on rumours, reports or any information brought to them before verifying its source and truth, especially if such information is from someone whom they know is wicked and untrustworthy.
The prophet (p.b.u.h) is not led by the advice of his people nor is he swayed by his own personal feelings and desires but by what which Allah (S.W) guides him.
Islam encourages virtues such as discipline obedience and righteousness and dislikes vices such as unfaithfulness, wickedness and rebellion.
All believers are brothers - It is therefore, the responsibility of the Muslims to foster unity, brotherhood or sisterhood. In case of any conflicts, they should settle them amicably and help the warring parties to reconcile. Justice should be observed during the reconciliation process because Allah (S.W) loves those who are fair and just in their dealings.
Believers should not mock, scoff, ridicule or call each other by offensive nicknames. Such disrespectful nicknames may defame their character, cause harm amongst them or even disunite the entire Muslim ummah.
Believers should avoid suspicion, spying or prying into other people''s privacy.
Backbiting and speaking ill of others in their absence in prohibited. Allah (S.W) refers to t as a distasteful habit and compares it to the backbiter eating the flesh of the person he or she is backbiting.
Declares the universal brotherhood of all mankind. The Surah explains that all human beings came from a single pair i.e. Adam and Hawa.)
Every believers is, therefore, equal before th eyes of Allah (S.W) but Allah (S.W) honours the one who is most righteous.
Allah (S.W) has created humankind in different nations, races and tribes so that they may know, understand and appreciate each other. Allah (S.W) didn''t intend such differences for disunity, segregation, bias or despise amongst His people.
Allah has full knowledge about his creation and is the All-seer of all human deeds.
Muslims should have strong belief in Tawheed (Islamic monotheism) and show complete submission to the will of Allah (S.W) should not be doubtful in their faith and show sincere devotion to Islam.

1.b) Why is it important to memorise the holy Quran.
To keep it safe from any additions and subtraction as it''s the word of Allah. (S.W)
To protect it from any fabrications.
The prophet encouraged it''s memorisation.
Memorisation of the Quran is rewarded by Allah. (S.W)
Those who memorise the Quran are held in high esteem in the Umah.
It improves literally skills
Improves knowledge and command and Arabic language
Helps in remembering and understanding the content of the Quran.
Maintain accuracy of the message of the Holy Qur''an
Those who memorised the holy Quran are highly sought after and valued by the Islamic learning institutions and universities and the world of scholarship.

1.c) Describe the characteristics of the language of the holy Qur''an. (5 marks)
The language of the Quran is rhythmatic and harmonious e.g. Surah Nas, lahab, Ikhlas.
The language of the Quran combines both poetic and prose from e.g. Surah Nas, Lahab, Baqarah.
The verses of the holy Quran are in classical Arabic and in the dialect of the Quraish of Makkah.
The language is precise and to the point, doesn''t contain extra words that do not add value.
The verses that express the fear of Allah are fiery and those that express the mercy of Allah are soft language.
The Qur''an contains vocabularies that are difficult to understand and interpret which Allah (S.W) uses as a challenge to Muslims e.g. Alif-Iam-mim.
The language of the Quran is easy to comprehend.
There''s repetition of words and sentences in various Surah for affirmation.

2.a) Preservation of the Holy Quran during the time of the prophet.
The prophet used to recite the Quran aloud in prayers. This gave the companions the opportunity to learn, remember and record the Quran.
Availability of teachers. Teachers were sent to various areas outside Arabia to teach the Quran.
The prophet gave preference to those who committed the Quran in memory. This made people to compete and memorize the Quran; hence its preservation.
Scribes of the prophet used to write down the newly revealed portions.
The strict warning of forgetting the Quran after memorizing it. The prophet had advised people against forgetting the Quran.
The Quran was written on leaves, bones, skin and other locally available materials.
Allah assured of the protection and preservation of the Quran.
Memorization was mainly employed at this time.
7 × 1 = 7 marks

b) Four differences between compilation and standardization of the Holy Quran.
(8 marks)
Compilation of Quran was done during the rule of Khalifa AbuBakr while standardization was done during the rule of Khalif Uthman.
Compilation of Quran involved collection of the different portions of written Quran into one single volume while standardization involved the unification of the pronunciation o the Quran.
Compilation of Quran resulted into one official copy while standardization resulted into six official copies distributed to the six provinces.
In compilation of Quran there was only one scribe, Zaid bin Thabit but in the standarazation there were four scribes, Zaid bin Thabit, Abdullahi Ibn Zubeir, Saad ibn As and Abdulrahman Ibn Harith.
Compilation of the Quran was for fear of the loss of the Quran and reason for standardization was for fear of disunity of the Ummah.
Compilation of the Quran was done at the advice of Umar-al-Khattab while standardization was done at the advice of Hudhaifa bin Al-Yaman.
any 4 × 2 = 8 marks

c) The teachings of Surah An-Nasr (5 marks)
Victory comes from Allah (SW)
Allah is all forgiving.
Believers should glorify Allah
Believers should seek for forgiveness form Allah (Repentance)
Allah will always help the believers.
Emphasizes Allah''s mercy to the prophet (p.b.u.h)
Believers should seek for Allah''s grace and attribute any success to Allah''s goodness and mercy.
any 5 × 1

3.a) Differences between hadith Qudsi and hadith Nabiwi. (6 marks)
The meaning of hadith Qudsi originates from Allah while in hadith Nabawi, both the meaning and the wording are from the prophet.
In hadith Qudsi the chain or transmission ends with Allah while in hadith Nabawi, the chain of transmission ends with the prophet.
The subject matter of hadith Qudsi is restricted to specific matters, while in hadith Nabawi the subject matter is general.
When quoting hadith Qudsi one says. "The said ; “that Allah said” while in Nabawi one says: "The prophet said only."
Hadith Qudsi are few in numbers compared to hadith Nabawi which are many in numbers.
Hadith Qudsi is recorded in direct speech while hadith Nabawi is recorded both in speeches, actions and approvals of the prophet.
any 6 × 1 = 6 marks

b) Reasons for invention of hadith(7 marks)
Some invented hadith to encourage people in religion
Some invented hadith to gain fame.
Some invented hadith to please the rulers.
Others invented to spoil the name of Islam
Others invented so as to gain political power.
Other had ill motive towards scholars of hadith.
Some were doing it out of ignorance.
any 7 × 1 = 7 marks

3.c) Teachings of hadith on Niyyah. (6 marks)
Allah is aware of what is in our hearts, minds and thoughts.
Muslims should made their worship proceeded by intention.
That deeds are judged by the intention.
Allah does not accept deeds without good intention.
Our looks and appearance are of no value without good intention.
Muslims should be faithful in their duties to Allah.
It warns Muslims against innovation in religion
A Muslim should strive hard to do everything for the sake of Allah.

4.a) The differences between Eid prayers and Friday prayers. (7 marks)
Friday prayers is compulsory while Eid is Sunnah (optional)
Friday prayer is performed during dhuhr time(noon) while Eid prayer is performed before noon (dhuhr)
Friday prayers has Adhan and Iqamah while Eid prayer has no Adhan or Iqamah.
Friday prayer is perfromed every Friday of the week while Eid prayer is performed once every year.
Friday prayer has Khutba before swalat while Eid has Khutba after Swalah
Eid Swalat has (7) seven takbiir after takbiratul ihram while Friday prayer has no takbir except takbiratul Ihraam.
Friday prayer is done in a mosque while Eid is done in an open field.
Eid prayer can be performed even after the Imam has finished while Friday cannot be performed after imam has finished.

4.b) Describe Acts in the mouth of Ramadan
(8 marks)
Increasing the recitation of Qur''an
Indulging in propagating Islam.
Performing I''tikaf during the last ten nights.
Increasing Dhikr and dua
Breaking of fast immediately after sunset.
Breaking of fast with odd numbers of dates.
Sharing food with other Muslims
Controlling one''s tongue (speaking good words)
Eating and sleeping less.

c) Actions forbidden for a person wearing Ihram.
Proposing for marriage.
Chipping nails.
Applying perfumes
Covering of head for men
Covering of face for women
Sexual intercourse.
Kissing with desire
Destroying vegetation.
Killing of animals except harmful e.g. scorpion.

5.a) Five contributions of Imam Ahmad bin Hambal as a jurist. (5 marks)
He was the founder of the Hanbal school of thought.
He wrote several books e.g. Kitaabu Swalah. His most outstanding work is his hadith collection, Musnad Ahmad.
He had several students such as Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim and others.
He emphasized the practising of Sunnah and preached against innovation
He followed the Holy Quran, Hadith and accepted the Sahaba''s opinions. He preferred the use of Hadith Dhaif to Qiyas.
5 × 1 = 5 marks

b) Qualities of a Mujtahid (8 marks)
Mastery of Arabic language.
Mastery of ulumul-Hadith (Science of Hadith)
Good mastery of the Quran and Sunnah.
Should be logical and have sound reasoning.
Should have vast knowledge on the views of the Sahaba''s (prophet''s companions)
Should have knowledge of one''s own society and of public interest.
He should understand the fundamental principles of Fiqh.
Know the general objectives of sharia.
He should be of good moral character.
any 8 × 1 = 8 marks

c) Common punishments under Taazir
(7 marks)
Kind admonition and giving advice.
By threatening the criminal
Harsh reprimand
Imposing of fines.
Seizure of property.
Public exposure (tash-hir)
any 7 × 1 = 7 marks

6.a) State the duties and significance of an Imam in the Muslim society. (8 marks)
An Imam leads Muslims during prayers.
The imam may also serve as a member of the large leadership team in Muslim community
The Imam may be involved in community and social services like visiting the sick, raising funds for the needy members of the community.
As a respected member of the community, the Imam may be consulted for personal or religious issues.
The imam is involved in ensuring peace, harmony and social cohesion in the society e.g. engaging in inter-faith service programmes.
He gives spiritual advice and is consulted in family issues, or in other times of needs.
Officiating Muslim marriages and organizing educational gatherings in the mosque.
Conducts Islamic religious ceremonies.
The Imam is a teacher of Islamic religion, lectures and Friday sermons.

6.b) Reasons why Qur''an condemns shirk.
(7 marks)
Shirk is the highest of the wrong-doing according to the instructions given by Laqman to his son, "O my son, Join not in worship (other) with Allah (S.W) for its indeed the highest wrong doing."]
When one attaches Allah (S.W)''s attributes to any of his creations he /she undermines Allah (S.W)''s sovereignty yet He is supposed to be sovereign.
It''s of all the sins, Allah (S.W) vows to not forgive anyone who commits it knowingly.
Belief in shirk creates enmity in the society, since people will always be suspicious of each other and they will not devote themselves with the belief in Allah (S.W) as the predeterminer of people''s destiny.
Shirk makes man to have little or no confidence in God but in other things most especially in times of danger.
Shirk makes people distance themselves from Allah (S.W) yet man is supposed to always be near to Him and praise Him.
Shirk makes an individual not to be dutiful and upright as it makes one not carry his/her duties wholeheartedly and this takes her / him near to sinning all the time.
Shirk makes a person behave like a coward as he or she will always be thinking of even objects which have no life and cannot protect her / him form any danger or misfortunes e.g. wearing of amulets.
Shirk puts one into poverty as Allah (S.W) will not bless any wealth acquired for one who practices it as one will use his /her wealth to benefit the witchdoctors.

c) Outline the situations where justice (Adl) should be applied.
Justice with God: to worship as he commanded.
Justice before people; serve them equally especially when you are in authority.
Justice among wives for a husband, children for a parent and students for a teacher.
Justice in speech: Allah says. "And whenever you give your word i.e. judge between people / give evidence say the truth even if ti is a close relative is involved." Q(6 : 152)
While distributing inheritance to heirs.
Distribution of the property for Zakaat should be done fairly.
Keeping property of someone. Do not squander or misuse the property under your care.
A Muslim should be just in business transactions.

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