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Heights Secondary School: Physics Form 2 Term 2 Question Paper

Heights Secondary School: Physics Form 2 Term 2 


Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2016

(100 MARKS)

Name………………………………………… Admission No…………………………………………..Answer all the questions in space provided
Section A (50mks)
1. Identify the measuring instrument you would use to measure the following. (4mks)
a) Thickness of a manila paper

b) The width of the teachers table

c)Diameter of a pendulum bob

d) Length of the football field

2. Give the reading indicated by the figure below (3mks)

b)Give the name of the instrument represented by the figure above (1mk)

3. (a) Define the term force and give the SI unit (2mks)

b) Give any 3 effects of force on a body (3mks)

c)Give a reason why water wets the glass while mercury does not (2mks)

4. (a) Define the term pressure (1mks)

b) Give the 3 factors that affects pressure in liquids

c) The density of water is 1000kg/m3, determine the liquid pressure at point 10M below the surface of the water. (take g= 10m/s2)

5. The figure below shows a device for measuring atmospheric pressure.

a) Name the instruments (1mk)

b) Name the liquid x (1mk)

c) Indicate on the diagram the height ‘h’ that can be supported by the atmosphere. (1mk)
6. Define the term ‘reflection of light’. (1mk)

b) Calculate the number of images produced by two plane mirrors inclined at (4mks)
(i) 300

(ii) 900

7. (a) Explain why feet fell colder when a person stands o a cemented floor than when on a wooden floor (2mks)

b) A wooden bench and a metal bench are both left in the sun for a long time. Explain why the metal bench feels hotter to touch (2mks)

8. (a) Explain what is meant by the following;
(i) Local action

(ii) Polarization

b) State the ways in which the following effects are minimized;
(i) Polarization

(ii) Local action

9. (a) Define the following terms as used in magnetism (4mks)
(i) Magnetic field

(ii)Magnetic field line

(iii) Magnetic flux

(iv) Magnetic shielding

b) State the basic low of magnetism (1mk)

c) List down the 4 main methods of magnetizing materials (2mks)

10. (a)State the principle of moments

b) A girl sits on the right hand side of a seesaw 3m from the pivot. On the left hand side, a boy weighing 500N and sitting 2.4m from the pivot balances the seesaw. What is the weight of the girl?

section B (50mks)
11. A uniform meter rule is balanced at the 30cm mark when a mass of 50g is hanging from its zero cm mark. Calculate the weight of the rule. (3mks)

12. (a) Define the term center of gravity (1mk)

b)What type of equilibrium has the following (5mks)
(i) A tight rope walker

(ii) A ball on a glass tube top

(iii) A cylinder sitting on its base

(iv) A cone resting on its tip

(v) A Bunsen burner sitting on its base

c) state 2 ways in which the stability of a body can be increased (2mks)

d) State 2 practical applications of stability (2mks)

e) Explain why bus body builders build luggage compartments under the seats rather than on roof racks (2mks)

13. (a) State any 2 applications of each of the following;
(i) Convex mirror

(ii) Concave mirror

b) Name the type of mirror used in the following;
(i) Solar concentrators

(ii) Dentist mirror

(iii) Telescope

14. (a) T he figure below shows a ray of light incident on a convex mirror

Using suitable construction determine the principal focus and the radius of curvature of the mirror. (2mks)
(b) An object is placed 30cm from a concave mirror of focal length 20cm. calculate
(i) The image distance

(ii) Magnification

15. (a) List down 4 factors that affect the strength of an electromagnet (4mks)

b) State the strength of an electromagnet by (2mks)
(i) Replacing the iron core with a steel core

(ii) Replacing a straight core with a U-shaped core

16. (a) State the hooks’ law (2mk)

(b) List down any 4 characteristics which are used to describe the materials (2mks)

c) A spring stretches by 1.2cm when a 600g mass is suspended on it. What is the spring constant? (3mks)

17. A helical spring is fitted with a scale pan. The pointer on the spring is at 40cm mark on the scare when the pan is empty. When a packet of salt is place in the pan, the pointer moves on top of the packet of salt, the pointer indicates 10cm
(a) Determine the extension produced by the packet of salt (1mk)

b) Calculate the extension produced by the 20g mass (2mks)

c) What is the mass of the salt? (3mks)

18. Distinguish between electromagnetic wave and a mechanical wave (2mks)

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