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Comp 211 Question Paper

Comp 211 

Course:Basic Circuit Design

Institution: Egerton University question papers

Exam Year:2015

Egerton University

Comp211 Basic Circuit Design
April 2015
Answer question one and any other two
Question One (30 marks) Compulsory
With the aid of a diagram distinguish between digital and analog signals? [2 marks]
Differentiate between combinational and sequential digital circuits. [3 marks]
Explain the Truth Table and Karnaugh Map techniques as used with digital
circuits. State the area of application in each case. [4 marks]
With examples differentiate between Weighted and Unweighted codes. [4 marks]
Discuss any two reasons for minimizing logic gates in digital circuits. [4 marks]
Define a Shift Register, and with aid of a diagram explain the operation of a Serial-In-Parallel-Out Shift register. [5 marks]
Implement a simplified expression for X = ¯A ¯BC + ¯A ¯B ¯C + ¯A B ¯C by using NOR gates only. Discuss any two disadvantages for using Universal logic gates for implementing Combinational Logic Circuits. [8 marks]
Question Two (20 marks)
Discuss any two advantages of digital signal transmission over its analog
counterpart. [4 marks]
With the aid of diagrams, illustrate how troubleshooting a digital circuit containing XOR and OR gates can be carried out. Name the tools used and their function. [6 marks]
Carry out the following conversions;
119610 to Binary
409610 to Octal
[4 marks]
Carry out the following arithmetic operations;
1810 - 3210 using two’s compliment
FF16 + F216 using binary
458 + 748
[6 marks]

Question Three (20 marks)
Define a ripple counter and state any two areas for its application. [4 marks]
With the aid of a circuit diagram and waveforms, explain a mod-5 ripple counter. [6 marks]
Describe how you can design a system for counting objects on a conveyor belt in a production line. State any assumptions made. [10 marks]

Question Four (20 marks)
State how text, numbers and images are represented in digital systems [4 marks]
Differentiate between S-R and J-K flip flops. [3 marks]
With the aid of a diagram explain the operation of a gated S-R flip flop. [5 marks]
A circuit with three inputs A1, B1, and Cin gives the following truth table with two independent outputs S and Cout. Implement the simplified expressions for S and Cout.
A1 B1 Cin S Cout
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1

What is the function of the circuit?
[8 marks]

Question Five (20 marks)
With the aid of a block diagram explain the operation of a 1 to 4 multiplexer. [4 marks]
Differentiate between BCD and Gray codes. State one area of application for each code. [3 marks]
With the aid of a block diagram, explain how multiplexers and demultiplexers
are used in digital signal transmission. [5 marks]
With the aid of block diagrams describe the layout for a system consisting of a set of sensing elements for reading temperatures in incubators and store the readings in a computer. State the assumptions made if any. [8 marks]

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