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Mugiko Secondary School Form 3 Business Studies Paper One Question Paper

Mugiko Secondary School Form 3 Business Studies Paper One 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2016

Mugiko secondary school.

Mid term exam.

Term one 2015

Business studies paper one

Form three.

1)answer all the questions.

1)Highlight four advantages of business studies to a society (4mrks)

2)Give four examples of internal business environment(4mrks)

3)Outline four characteristics of human wants(4mrks)

4)Highlight four reasons why it is difficult to satisfy human wants (4mrks)

5)list down four types of business resources (4mrks)

6)state four types of goods(4mrks)

7)Give four differences between goods and services (4mrks)

8)list down four types of small scale retailers with shops (4mrks)

9)list four disadvantages of using cash as a means of payment(4mrks)

10)Under which four circumstances can a cheque be dishonoured(4mrks)

11)list down four forms of business units (4mrks)

12)state four types of partners(4mrks)

13)Highlight four disadvantages of using air as a means of transport (4mrks)

14)what four factors should one consider when choosing a means of transport.(4mrks)

15)outline four disadvantages of open office layout (4mrks)

16)outline five current trends in communication (4mrks)

17)outline five advantages of personal selling (4mrks)

18)list down four duties of advertising agencies (4mrks)

19)List down four ways in which government is involved in business (4mrks)

20)state four factors that affect demand (4mrks)

21)Illustrate using a diagram how prices move towards equilibrium (4mrks)

22)Other than demand and supply list down four factors that determined the price of a product(4mrks)

23)State the difference between a firm and an industry giving two examples of each(4mrks)

24)Outline four sources of monopoly powers(4mrks)

25)State the features of a monopolistic competition(4mrks)

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