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Mugiko Secondary School Form 3 Business Studies Paper Two Question Paper

Mugiko Secondary School Form 3 Business Studies Paper Two 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2015

Mugiko secondary school.

Midterm exam

Term one 2015

business studies paper two

. Answer any five questions.

1)a) Discuss five types of business activities (10mrks)

b)What benefits does an individual get by involving in business (10mrks)

2)Explain five characteristics of an entrepreneur (10mrks)

b)Discuss any five benefits of drawing a business plan to a business (10mrks)

3)a)Explain five advantages of consumer cooperatives(10mrks)

b) Explain the content of article of association(10mrks)

4)a)Discuss five duties of commercial attachees(10mrks)

b)Explain five disadvantages of government methods of consumers protection (10mrks)

5)a)Discuss the advantages of publicity as a method of product promotion (10mrks)

b)Illustrate using diagrams how the increase in consumer income would affect the demand and supply of a commodity (10mrks)

6)a)Discuss any four diseconomies of scale(8mrks)
b)Explain six characteristics of a perfect market (12mrks)

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