Aph 202: Epistemoloy Question Paper
Aph 202: Epistemoloy
Course:Bachelor Of Arts
Institution: Kenyatta University question papers
Exam Year:2016
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies.
1st Semester-2016/2017
APH 202: Epistemology
Answer Any Three Questions
1. a)Outline the major difference between know-how and know-that 2 marks
b)What are the key concerns of epistemology? 3 marks
2.Outline and evaluate any three sources of knowledge 9 marks
3.Outline and evaluate three theories of justification 6 marks
4.Identify and explain the distinctive features of the correspondence, coherence and pragmatic theories of truth. 6 marks
5.Explain the following concepts:-
i. Empiricism 2 marks
ii. Rationalism 2 marks
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