Agbm 101:Introduction To Agribusiness Management Question Paper

Agbm 101:Introduction To Agribusiness Management 

Course:Agribusiness Management

Institution: Chuka University question papers

Exam Year:2016

Answer all questions.
1. Because of the changing tastes and fashions of the consumers, and the introduction of substitute and/or cheaper goods, today’s business has become very competitive and complex. The old dictum “produce and sells has changed overtime into “produce only what customers want”.
(i) Giving proper thought to this consideration discuss the above statement in view of the requisites for success in modern business. [15 marks]
(ii) Discuss the major roles that help managers carry out their functions in “produce only what the customers want”. [15 marks]
2. Today’s successful companies at all levels including service companies are heavily committed to marketing. Show your understanding of this concept and why it arises, clearly describe the activities involved in a marketing. [15 marks]
3. (i) Differentiate between
(a) Product concept and production concept [3 marks]
(b) Product width, product length, product depth and product consistency. [4 marks]
(c) Job Design and job analysis and the activities involved in each. [3 marks]
(ii) Performance appraisal is a process. Discuss. [5 marks]
4. Explain the meaning of the following ratios, giving an examples of each and what it measures, [10 marks]
(a) Profitability Ratios
(b) Efficiency Ratios
(c) Liquidity Ratios
(d) Stability Ratios
(e) Investor Ratios

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